For my birthday, I've been debating getting a new iphone over my current Droid. I've had Verizon for years now, but I've had some problems and the phones (from a shitty ENV touch to the now glitchy Droid) have been less stellar. I was wondering if you more informed folk would suggest getting the phone now on AT&T or waiting until the iphone comes out on Verizon. I'm leaning toward just going to AT&T, but I'm not sure if my experience with Verizon is still better than AT&T.
I am not sure what to do in this problem. We are supposed to solve with cylindrical coordinates but i think the only way to do that is with trigonometric substitution. Even when I do this I keep getting the wrong answer. It is supposed to equal {4pi(2^.5 -1)}/3 anyone know how to go about this?
Hey, I'm trying to buy a pool table at the moment and my Mum's friend is selling a nice looking one that seems to be in good condition going off the pictures she sent. The owner has told me though that it has a "dead pocket" and the husband will have this fixed prior to the sale. I have no idea what a dead pocket is and neither does the woman I am dealing with so hopefully somebody here can shed some light on this for me? Thanks in advance.
Are you sure he didn't mean a dead rail? Basically means the cushion iis not firmly bolted in to the frame or the elasticity is fucked. This stops the ball from rebounding firmly.
It means that when a ball goes into the pocket it stays there, and doesn't go back down to the ball return.
I'm a 20 year old male studying my first year in an undergraduate degree. I have some free time, and miss learning technical subjects like maths and physics etc. In the past I have fiddled around with Web Design as well as doing some work with C which I really enjoyed. My question is this, what would be a very helpful and marketable skill to teach myself in my free time. What may be the 'programming language of the future' or whatever. Should I teach myself C++? Flash? Python? Thanks in advance.
Fuck the interface or client-facing tech, go back end. Server side is where it's at. I'd suggest that you go learn how to make a web-based application using something like Ruby on Rails, using REST calls, and learn about data, and how data IS the application. The client interface will come and go in various technologies (flash, html, native code, web page, smart phone, browser), but they can ALL be fed from the same web-based app. You can even make a simple Hello World sample client app for each tech you want, all using the same back end app you wrote. That's just me... and I prefer to make shit that works and does the heavy lifting, not make something look all shiny and pretty.
C++ will be a valuable skill for the forseeable future. Ruby is also worth picking up at the moment. I personally wouldn't bother with flash - the returns on that skill set are going to be diminishing for the forseeable future - if you've got a hankering for doing pretty stuff - maybe Cocoa (Objective C for apple/iphone) and look into HTML5 compatible video stuff and CSS.
My nephew has always wanted to join the Air Force, but was told if you've ever had your ears pierced they won't accept you. They even go as far as to hold a post-it note behind your ears and shine a flashlight to see if you've ever had them pierced. I doubt this is the case for women, but this sounds like bullshit. He's having to go as far as to have his old piercing filled. Is this some sort of medical precaution or is this just a bunch of bullshit?
Don't ask Don't Tell has been suspended, actually. Article here. And do people honesty still think that blokes with pierced ears have to be gay? Seriously?
I don't have time right now to link you to the article, but it is basically science. Especially if it is in the right ear. I think this was the thesis from the study, it is also a catchy saying- If there is a whole in the ear, A distended anus may appear
Could someone shoot me a demonoid invite my way? Will give green dots and other specified favours if you do.
If you get bored and are creative, could you please jazz my little Metroid friend here up with some Christmas spirit? Maybe shrink him and slap on a Santa hat or change his little nuclei into red and green ornaments or whatever you can come up with (I can supply the full size image, I believe). I know there are are a few of you here with such talents and programs. I myself have neither. Thanks in advance!
I'm not sure if this should be posted here or in the tech section. I have a whole bunch of folders that contain ebooks. A LOT OF FOLDERS!!!! They are named similar to the following: /David Foster Wallace/ First Middle Last or just First Last. I want to batch change this to /Wallace, David Foster/ Last Name Comma First Name and then Middle if there is one. This is all on a Mac running OSX. Is there an applescript that can do this? A piece of software that can do it? It's a huge pain to go and rename each folder. I literally have hundreds of folders to change. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Something appeared in my local paper's police report stating that someone had been arrested for "Excessive Driving Under the Influence." What the fuck does that mean?
Muchos grassy ass! I especially dig how the green in the ornaments matches the green in his blobby exterior. Do they look like testicles though? I almost wished the lights blinked but with as small as it has to be, I understand why they don't. Unless anyone has other ideas, I'll start using this full-time after Thanksgiving! Thanks again!
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a> Thought I'd try it here. Trying to raise a little $ for the bros. Please donate a couple bucks if you can. Thanks TiB!