If you had a pennant signed by Andy Pettitte when he played for the Greensboro Hornets (1992), as well as minor league baseball cards of Jeter and Rivera (1992), how would you go about selling them? Don't say ebay.
My fiancee who lives in Germany needs to wire me some money to pay for part of the deposit on the place we're having our wedding next year. What's the most cost effective and quickest method of getting me the money without incurring too much in the way of handling fees?
I live in a 1500 sq ft apartment in a major city and I have a bunch of pets, a wife, and a baby on the way. I want to buy an air purifier to reduce dander and dust. My apartment is a stacked loft, with about 500 sq ft on our main living area, where we spend most of our time. Can anyone recommend an air purifier that would help clean the air of dander and dust when we have guests over?
I'm looking for a steel fabricating house in the Connecticut'ish area. I have a project that I need some help on and I need someone that can bend thin gauge galvanized steel (.024") 180 degrees back on itself with a very short beam (.100") - I need to make small run production quantities of approx. 2,000 pieces. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. If you would like a print of what I am trying to accomplish, pm me and I can email it to you.
For some reason, I keep getting emails from the Rudius site saying I have PMs from 2006 that I need to read. I have no idea how to stop these from invading my inbox - up to 100 at this point. Help! I don't know how to block emails from gmail from my Blackberry.
Bank to bank wire. Domestically it's like $15. Internationally shouldn't be much worse. Safest and most secure.
When I was in a similar situation last year I used PayPal. I believe I was able to do it free, but I don't know if they changed the way they do fees.
Yeah, PayPal doesn't allow for personal transfers from Germany to the US, apparently. We ended up going through her bank, and it cost us a whopping $45 on her end, and $16 on my end. Overall, not too bad for the amount of money that was being transferred.
I've looked around for answers to this, but I was hoping I could get some insights. I have an office job and so in order to keep my sanity I play pickup soccer during my lunch hour. It's great exercise and wakes me up for the second half of the day. Problem being that I live in Florida, so with the humidity and 90+ degree weather during the summer, my clothes look like I took a shower in them when I'm done, except its all sweat. So by the time I get home and throw it in the hamper, it's been in a plastic bag in my trunk in the heat, which makes it even worse. Does anyone have any tips for keeping a hamper smelling like a possum died in there two weeks ago? I've been spraying Febreeze in there liberally, and it helps, albeit slightly. It's not so bad though, I have a Glade plug in and some odor thing I picked up from Bed Bath and Beyond. And also, is there anything I can add to the wash so that the smell comes out completely? Thanks in advance.
I guess the most obvious answer would to just throw your clothes in the wash the moment you walk in the door. Now if that isn't an option, get a hamper that is a hanging cloth or mesh bag or get a hamper with a liner. That's what I have because it allows me to wash my hamper that my dirty clothes sit in all day. Try adding baking soda to your gym clothes wash as well.
Uhhhh... why don't you refrain from putting it in the trunk - and maybe take it up to the office with you so that it's not baking and rotting while you work?
Mesh bag, and put plastic down in your trunk and liberally sprinkle baking soda all over the sweaty clothes.
Regarding negotiating payments: I've recently started freelancing full time (sound mixing), as well as doing a lot of apartment hunting, so I've run into a lot of payment talks. It's been kind of hit or miss so far. With mixing, either somebody will call me and tell me it'll be $x/day, or they'll ask me what my day rate is. Obviously, it's a little easier when I can name my own price to start, but when they lowball me to start what's the best way to go about? The same also applies to the apartment searching, but in reverse. They go high, I want it lower. Any advice for either would be greatly appreciated.
I assume, after all of this, you shower? First of all, ditch any cotton you're using. Pick up some of the cheap polyester or poly blends that are sweat wicking. Nothing expensive unless you dig expensive workout gear. You can get inexpensive brands like Russell Athletic - I'm not advocating you spend $150 on Under Armor. Just cheap, functional synthetic workout gear. The synthetics don't hang onto odors as much. Including socks. Next, just walk into the shower with your clothes on or slung over your shoulder and let them get soaked as you shower. Wring them out once or twice while you shower. Boom, un-smelly clothes. This really only works if you get to them right after playing. I run during my lunch breaks so I look like I went swimming when I hit the shower. But this works well enough that I only have two workout outfits, and I switch them out midway through the week. Carefully soak and wring out the clothes, then I wrap them up in my towel for the rest of the day and hang it up at night to dry.
I was wondering if there was any consensus on the best online job-seeker site that's free - especially if theres one that caters to IT professionals? I find Monster is only okay but I really haven't seen much of the competition. Thanks