It's A Time to Kill.* *Normally this would be a PM, but if the person actually wants to use this, they need to be able to find it.
You will gain a couple of pounds initially because the creatine binds water. Creatine is found in meat and fish so it's not really dangerous itself however you have to buy clean creatine. Some studies show that it can contain some toxic biproducts from the manufacturing. When I use it I feel like I can do more reps without getting tired. I can't really say how much it helps for building but it's marginal. You should also take some time off it every now and then, I'm sure you can find some instructions on your box. And make sure you're not one of the 20% who's unresponsive to creatine, that would just be a waste of money.
I used Size-On from Gaspari Nutrition a few times and noticed some significant results. I recently bought some plain old Creatine Mono-hydrate in the local grocery store for only $15 I was going to try soon. What Creatine does in your body: Spoiler Your body uses a compound called ATP for energy. It is created by various methods, including converting fat and carbohydrates to it. However the quickest method your body uses to produce it is by converting PCr (Phosphocreatine) into ATP. This energy system causes minimal fatigue. However, because because your body doesn't store a large amount of PCr naturally, it can only use this method for about 10-12 seconds of all out exertion, before switching to your other systems, glycolitic(carbs) being the next. When you take a Creatine supplement, your body's natural stores are greatly increased, enabling you to use the ATP-PCr energy system for longer, meaning you'll be able to exercise for longer without fatiguing. Straight Creatine loading is reccomended to be done as so: 5 g, 4 times/day (total of 20 g/day) for 4 or 5 days , then 5 g a day for 23-24 days. At this point your muscles will most likely be completely saturated and you're supposed to stop supplementing for about 5 months, essentially making it a 6 month cycle (including the month you were on it.) Products like Size-On however are not simply Creatine-Monohydrate and have been processed, and mixed with other ingredients. I've read multiple sources and heard from people working at various fitness supplement stores that because of the other things in these types of Creatine, that cycling isn't necessary and you can stay on it for as long as you want. Within a week, I had noticeable strength gains, able to lift a lot more weight and for more sets. I also didn't get tired after the first set or two. I also gained about 10 lbs in the first two weeks, most likely due to water weight. I'd recommend at least trying it out once, since there hasn't been any evidence of negative long-term side effects and the benefits can be fairly good. **** All the information I'm posting is coming from personal experience and a first year Kinesiology class I recently took, so take my advice with a grain of salt.. My teacher was a trainer for the New York Rangers for a brief period and mentioned that he recommended Creatine loading to some of the players. Most benefited, some didn't. Mark Messier in particular said that (probably due to the water retention) he felt like his skin was a lot tighter.
I would say "Wall Street" w/ Douglas and Sheehan. That or "Runaway Jury" is full of ethic problems for all characters.
Very random, so I don't know if anyone has advice on this THRUSH (aka, yeast infection of the mouth) My baby has it, bad. I don't have the funds to spend $20 on a copay just for our pediatrician to tell me what I already know only to spend MORE money on a prescription, so i'm wondering if anyone knows any home remedies to get rid of this shit once and for all? We've already tried gentian violet for 4 days.. it got a little better on his tongue, but is still pretty nasty on the insides of his cheeks and lips. He's been on probiotics since birth, so that doesn't seem to be helping either. Anything else? He's only 7 weeks old so water isn't really a valid option. I'm assuming there are other parents here, if not.. kill me now- thrush is a horrid bitch and i'm sick of dealing with it.
Disclaimer: I've never used any of these before, but you could try: ... hrush.html The quickest and easiest way is probably to go to the doctor. He/she will likely prescribe an anti-fungal liquid with Nystatin that you apply to the spots. It shouldn't cost much, there are generics available which means it probably falls under Walmart's $4 prescriptions. It'll probably be cheaper than any of the home remedies.
I see you live in Virginia - have you tried the health department? I don't know what your insurance situation is like, but you can at least call them to find out if that district has pediatric services and whether you are qualified. PM me if you want more info, but here is their website: Click on Local Health Districts to find out the phone number to your district.
Don't mess around with home remedies. Nystatin is your answer and if home remedies worked it would never have been developed. Our son had thrush when he was a baby too, and Nystatin was the only thing that worked, finally. Will your Dr. call in a prescription for you without an office visit? Sometimes they will if a patient has been seen recently.
I'm not sure if this is the place to post this, but I need to give it a shot. I'm a recent J.D. looking for a job in the Baltimore/DC metro area. I've tried the traditional routes, I have my resume with a legal recruiter, and have tapped my own contacts, but so far I am coming up dry. I will be taking the February Maryland Bar Exam, and in school I specialized in civil litigation on the PI/WC side. If anyone knows anyone who has need for a clerk or paralegal until I pass the bar, I am available right away. My resume is always on hand, so PM me if you have anyone who would like to look at it. Thanks
I would recommend strongly that you go see a career counselor and see if you're able to find work as a non-lawyer. The legal industry has taken tremendous hits - and in fact, I know several friends practicing in DC whose firms are engaged in 'stealth' layoffs. If Maryland is anything like Jersey, PI will soon be dead. In addition, there's nothing out there, as you're finding out. I would recommend highly that you find a non-practicing career now. It's not going to get any better in the near future. And as a practicing attorney, I can tell you - you will be better off doing something non-legal if you have an opportunity to do so. Good luck.
I'm trying to find a novelty shot glass that says "Shots!". I've tried poking around online and can't find anything online, and anywhere that prints glasses seems to need a minimum of 72, when I only want one. Does anyone know any decent places to buy novelty glasses online, or perhaps a company that will print a single glass, and not several dozen?
I want to know if anyone has really good meal plan for weight lifting. I keep trying to stop eating shit, but without a guideline I just can't seem to do it right. I work out 4 days a week at minimum and take 2 days off. Just looking for a day to day meal plan to lose weight and buff up weight lifting
Doesn't need to be anything specific, just eat a shit ton, aim for about 4000-5000 calories a day. And make sure you're getting enough protein. I've heard a lot of weightlifters say that you should aim for 1.5 - 2 g per pound of body weight every day, but this seems a little high to me. Studies have shown that athletes (not resistance trainers though, just athletes in general) should aim for 2 g per kilogram of body weight per day, and anything in excess of this will simply be converted to energy, not used for muscle building. Excess protein intake, while it doesn't cause kidney probelms, is very hard on them and can exacerbate any pre-existing kidney problems, so be careful your protein levels are getting too high.
Im trying to find a live stream of fx so i can watch sons of anarchy tonight. Anyone know where I can get a link for that? Thanks
Can anyone recommend a good set of iPod speakers that are no more than $150? It's for an apartment, so they don't have to be loud, just nice sound quality. Thank you in advance. Happy Thanksgiving all you Americans.
I have 8 google wave invites if anyone is interested. If you want one, just send me a PM with your e-mail address.
Short answer is yes and no. Individual phones will not allow you too block specific numbers, which is a little ridiculous in this day and age. You can try phoning your service provider, who will determine if they will block that number from calling/texting you. I've had a few cases where someone was faxing my cell number, I called my provider and they sent the person faxing me a fax too stop, when they did not, I got the number blocked. In any case, you need too phone your provider and ask them too block the number. Some will do it for you and some will tell you to get a court order.
I guess I should have explained a little more. I sent a friend a text Sunday and got back "You have been blocked from originating messages to ......." I doubted that you can block a specific number but that leaves me asking, why'd I get that? Could it be that he doesn't receive any texts? I loathe talking on the phone and don't want (or have time) to call.
The answer is yes on both. Specific numbers can be blocked with certain carriers, or he may not be able to get texts at all. Do you know if he's an Alltel subscriber by chance?