Free ebooks Not the Gutenberg free stuff, but any book. The next 2 months money is tight, and not enough to keep me in my ebook habit, and I want to download books I haven't read (I know the moral issues). However while I can torrent the newest episode of Honey Boo Boo, I can't find a place to get books for my kindle. Is there any place that someone can torrent an e book?
Not torrents but has a ebook section full of direct download links. They have a pretty decent selection with new uploads every day. And there's always #bookz on irc.
If you go to any of the big trackers (piratebay, and type in the name of the book and ".mobi" you'll more than likely be able to find it, either solo or in a pack that you can pick it out of.
I skimmed through to find if someone had already asked this but I couldn't find it, my apologies if i has already been answered. I want to learn Spanish, and spend about two hours a day driving so I am looking for audio lessons for Spanish. Does anyone know of any good ones?
My nephew is turning two next week, and I want to order some picture books for him that have to do with airplanes, trucks, or helicopters (or all three). Amazon is not being nice in its searches for toddler books that just have pictures. Does anyone have any suggestions/recommendations for books like that?
If you do any private torrenting, I have a bunch of invites to Bibliotik. It's a pretty amazing ebook tracker. You can find almost any novel you'd like to read, a good portion being retail quality.
I'm gonna post this in the Movie Thread, too, just in case... It's driving me nuts that I can't remember the name of a movie, or any one actor in it. It reminds me a lot of The Green Zone (with Matt Damon). It starts off in an open market in (I think) Baghdad, and a teenager is strapped up with a bomb to try and kill a local general. The movie unfolds and you find out that the local general has a young daughter. She wants to date a boy but her father won't let her. They run away together, and the boy eventually joins the terrorist sect that winds up sending him in to be a suicide bomber. Her father frantically comes looking for her, bursts into the apartment and it's then that you realize the time sequence is off - her dad (the general, or head of the police, or whatever he was) was never "hot on her trail," she and her boyfriend had died at the beginning of the movie when the bomb went off in an attempt to kill him. The whole time he was looking for his daughter, she was already dead. I want to say the movie came out in '06 or '07, but that might be off. Any ideas what the hell the movie is?
Dunno if this should be in the tech help thread or here but fuck it. I have an old tv in my bedroom that has only the Red White and Yellow input connectors. If I wanted to hook up an Apple TV that only has hdmi output is there a cable or converter or something I can buy to facilitate this?
Something like that would work, you can probably shop around and find something that costs less. You need a convertor, a straight cable might not work because there's an actual analog-to-digital conversion that needs to happen. While I was looking for a convertor example, something came up about Apple TV using HDCP for copying-protecting programming, and a convertor box might make it unable to be played (apparently it's transffered through the HDMI?). I'm not knowledgeable about it though, so see if it'll work in the first place before plopping down cash.
I *just* tried working on this for my family's old 32" TV. Unless you can get an amazing deal on the components AND ensure their quality, strongly consider getting a new TV. I got the components and various cables for like $100-140 (forget, don't care, etc.), and returned them after several hours of fucking around with uncooperative and shitty hardware. A new TV, a bit larger than the old one, with a much lower energy bill (compare an old CRT to a new LCD), was like $400.
Most DVD players (or other components) don't allow an input from another source. The connectors on the back of the DVD player are typically output only - with the usual exception of the coax antenna connector, which is only a pass-through anyway and doesn't do any conversion like you need in this case. You need a converter. This one will work: <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 1&format=2</a> It will probably be pretty lousy quality, but almost certainly anything cheaper will be worse. Additionally, you may or may not be able to watch HDCP protected content, which is everything out if iTunes at the very least. HDCP is a copy protection scheme that needs to "handshake" with the far end device (i.e. the TV) - in this case, since you're doing a digital to analog conversion, the handshake can't happen. I'd probably put the $50 towards a cheap LCD TV at Wal-Mart.
Is there a device I can buy that will stream video from Netflix and stuff that doesn't require an hdmi input? Something that just needs the red yellow and white connectors and will still be able to stream video?
There might be a Blu-Ray player with internet connectivity and a small app suite that still has the old RCA outputs on it.
Yup, Roku's LT and HD boxes have Composite outputs. They're both very inexpensive and have WiFi built in.
The Girlfriend is on winter vacation until March, and needs something to keep from driving me nuts. She wants to do some professional development that's non-IT. Are there any certifications or licenses that she can pick up (she has a business degree with a background in translation and management) that will look good on a resume, even if they come from an online service? She's considering an online grad certificate, but I'm curious if any of you know of something she can complete in a month or two.
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... -belt.aspx</a>
I don't know if this is the best place for this, but I've got a mole problem in my front yard, and probably the back too. I bought a bunch of worm looking things that were laced with poison and dropped them into the mole hills for over the past two weeks but apparently they know better. Anybody have any suggestions before I have to call an exterminator? I would venture to say the front yard is about 12 x 25 feet if it helps. Thanks.