I can't believe no one has listed: Spoiler When dudes like Bob from the Biggest Loser start wearing them, its just fucking gotten out of hand: Spoiler Every time I'm in Oxford Circus, I feel like I'm surrounded by them and I must resist the urge to Rick James 5 fingers to the face these obnoxious, trend following cunts.
Agreed. But I'm gonna rant for a paragraph or so about it. I own a pair of these so called hipster glasses, and it pisses me off that I cannot wear them in public. I'm 36 years old, the very opposite of a hipster, and have been wearing these glasses for over 15 years. But since I don't want to be labeled a hipster dickhead I don't wear them outside of my house. Now I know I'm making that ironic hipster statement of "I was wearing them first before they were popular",,,,,,, Nay... I was doing it because I'm fucking frugal. I got sick of breaking frames. And I got sick of buying overpriced pieces of plastic that I always seemed to lose, or step on, or fall asleep (pass out) and roll over onto... So instead of buying expensive fucking frames,, I said fuck it, and went on Ebay purchased about 5 or 6 pairs of Army issued frames, took one or two of them to my optometrist to get the lenses in my prescription.... Then when I break a pair of them,, I pop the lenses out and pop them back into the next pair. Voila. But I hate hipsters so much, that I refuse to wear them in public just in case someone was to point there finger at me and call me a hipster douchebag. I'd have to climb to the tallest building within eyeshot and throw myself off of it. That's how much I hate them. So now I throw in contacts when I go outside. I'm at that age that I don't give a fuck about anyone elses opinion, but I'm stuck in a quandry because I refuse to be labeled a hipster. Asshole? Fine. Douche? Fine. Obnoxious Dick? Super. Hipster? Fuck me I'm going to commit seppeku.
I suggest never going to China, half a billion people wear them WITHOUT LENSES. They also rock the 80's early 90's sunglasses with neon stems, without lenses. They look retarded. I don't know if this started in America or not, but you just want to yell, "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU WEARING GLASSES FOR WITH OUT LENSES GOD DAMNIT?!?!?!"
Yep, "non-prescription glasses" are definitely a thing. And may make you a "nonprescription douchebag." Sincerely, Everyone who had to look like a doofus growing up.
There was a dude in the bar I was in Saturday night wearing these. Backward. He walked around all night with the damn neon green things hooked on his ears, but on the back of his head. And, the thing is, he came in AFTER it was dark. It's not like he had been wearing them outside for actual sun blocking purposes and then hooked there so he wouldn't lose them. Fuck. And, he and Visor on Backwards Guy kept walking around the bar alone all night. I really wanted to punch both of them. (Mostly, because I'm old and they looked stupid, but I was also drunk. And, we were there to watch the Mayweather fight, so that may have been getting me fired up.) It's the same with Popped Collar Guy - everybody thinks he looks stupid except him.
"Pizza Hut Sunglasses" is what I like calling them, because they look like the cheap-ass one Pizza Hut used to give to children back in the 80's. If you want to clear these assholes out of a bar, just announce over the P.A system that a Jeep Wrangler is on fire in the parking lot. As for popped collars, when guys have them at work I walk up and physically yank them down to where they're supposed to be. They don't appreciate it, but I explain that it's for the greater good of mankind and that it's also impossibly irritating.
Thankfully I haven't seen one around here for awhile... If you have that many collars popped, I'm assuming you are on your way to the tat shop to have "TOOL" inked across your forehead. You probably have a Zoolander look for photos like that fella does too.
Come on dude, he clearly has very fair skin and is worried that a single collar will not provide sufficient enough coverage against the vicious rays of the sun. Alternatively, at a college where there was a pronounced preppy theme during the spring at times, I had absolutely no problem with girls rocking a look like this... It had a certain sexy grace to it.
If I had my way, it would be illegal for a man of any kind to wear a pink shirt. If you're not temporarily protesting bullying in high school, WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU WEARING THAT???!!? Oh, I get it. To show you have a feminine side a.k.a bait females. You, along with any other man on the planet that does this, looks a gigantic vagina. And in that case, fuck you. ...see?
As far as I'm concerned there's only 2 occasions in which it's appropriate for a guy to wear pink, those are Easter and weddings,
I don't usually call people out, but seriously? Can I amend my original post to include idiots who think that it is not only OK to do 135 in a 65 on the expressway, but also to BRAG ABOUT IT. You want to endanger yourself alone with your stupid antics, more power to you (not really, as he will be racking up astronomical hospital bills once he harms himself), but you are putting every other driver at risk for....well, i don't even know what that is for. At least the pink shirts are popped colors aren't hurting anybody else.
Mr. Bond disagrees (although I question his choice on tie length): The only thing more ridiculous than "guys can never wear pink" was the "I'm a manly man because I'm not afraid of pink" posturing that was common a few years ago. It's just a color.
There was an article in the paper Sunday about a guy who got busted doing 170 mph on his motorcycle on the NY Thruway. While being arrested, he was bragging to the cops how he'd gotten the bike up to 190 mph on other occasions. The only guys cooler than him are the NASCAR fans at TMS and their RVs--with a car hitched to the back. They get on I-35 but think they're on the track, driving at 80+ mph and weaving.
These are the guys who are always first in line for the Darwin Award. They're also the reason why I don't have collision insurance on my bike. These assholes drive up the cost so high that it's not worth it for me.
I have no problem with SmartCars in theory. However, I've yet to see an owner that didn't purchase a stupid vanity plate with the money they saved on gas.