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Discussion in 'TV Shows' started by PaleBlueDot, Nov 12, 2009.

  1. iczorro

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    The Island
    Honestly, I get that this one was canceled. It was made for fans, very well written, and barely fucking promoted at all. Like I may have mentioned earlier, I'm a fan of the show, and I didn't even know it was back on. And I watch other shows on Sci-Fi (or their new retarded name Sy-Fy).

    Thing is, most people don't want to see the origin of the Cylons unless there are major characters from BSG involved. I know I, personally, paid more attention when Will Adama was in it, and he barely had a part.

    I hope they have enough time to make satisfactory reshoots to make the end of this series run into the start of the prequel in waiting, which is supposed to focus on Adama in training. Please, show me a younger version of Tigh. Please.

    And look, I'm confessing I forgot mythology here (very un-Losty of me), but how can the Humanoid Cylons have had their origins in millenia past when Graystone only invented the toasters 5 decades before BSG? I seriously forget.
  2. The Dread Pirate

    The Dread Pirate
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    Oct 20, 2009
    My Secret Evil Lair
    "All of this has happened before and all of this will happen again..."

    The idea is that divine will (or whatever) planted the seeds of Greystone's invention, the same way the original Earth had technology, culture, and music similar to our present day.
  3. El Tee

    El Tee
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    Oct 19, 2009
    No chance on Tigh. The Final Five only returned at the very end of the Cylon War, and Cavil didn't release Tigh (sans-memories) until sometime during the 40 years of armisitice. Plus, we know that Adama and Tigh didn't actually serve together in the fleet: they only met as "veterans" working on cargo ships.

    "All of this has happened before and all of this will happen again..."

    They've been pretty slippery on how explaining just how the presumed One True God has been pulling the strings. They only really floated that notion in the last few minutes of BSG's finale.

    I thought the reveal that Zoe was the one that imagined the Cylons in a childhood drawing (a la Starbuck) was strange because it made Daniel even less relevant than we already knew he was. Not only did he have to steal the chip that made the Zoelon work in the first place, now it turns out he stole the concept for the U-87 Cyber Combat Unit (i.e. Cylon) from his fucking kid too.

    All in all, I think "Caprica" suffered from a lack of what made BSG popular. Namely...spaceship battles, Chip Six modeling various strapless cocktail dresses, and robots beating the shit out of things. The show is great for what it is, but it's also very obvious RDM and Eick wanted to make something completely different than the series that afforded it a chance. As such, the fact that it didn't do as well isn't surprising.
  4. pjr808

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    Average Idiot

    Nov 5, 2009
    This might not be the right place for this type of request, and if so, I apologize. I recently started watching BSG on Netflix. In a couple months, I have flown through the show, and am now on the second half of season 4. I remember the threads about this show from the TMMB/RMMB. As an avid LOST fan, I always followed the LOST threads, and they contributed in a big way to my enjoyment of the show.

    I would love to read some of those old BSG threads. Does anyone know how to get a hold of the content of those threads? Did anyone save anything like that?

    Alternatively, does anyone know of another messageboard where each season was discussed in depth? Thus far, my search of BSG messageboards has been disappointing; I cannot find anything rivaling the LOST threads on the old board. Thanks in advance.
  5. El Tee

    El Tee
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    Oct 19, 2009
    You may as well just ask your questions about BSG here, since "Caprica" is dead anyway.
  6. Nettdata

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    Mr. Toast

    Feb 14, 2006
    Look back in this forum as there have been some pretty involved threads on BSG. Don't ask non-Caprica questions in the Caprica thread.
  7. bean

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    Don't know if anyone is still watching it but WOW. I've several episodes behind but once again Ronald D. Moore shows his TV writing brilliance with the Adama's. Going back to their pretty horrible childhood traumatic memories was intense.

    I love the look on that female soldier's face though:

    HOLY FUCKING SHIT!! That kid just shot his own father to protect the cause! And I thought I was the fucking shit just killing his wife and beating him to death. We don't have shit on this resistance.

    Now that is hard core.
  8. Guy Fawkes

    Guy Fawkes
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    Nor'east USA
    It's canceled apparently. Like someone else said... "I didn't even know it was back on."

    Terrible promotional job by SyFy and the series was dragging a little (at least where I left off with Adama in digital world or just shot in digital world maybe?). Looks like I have some catching up to do.

    Instead of yet another spin off I'd really prefer someone step up and turn this series into a full fledged big screen movie. The storyline is more interesting that than Avatar bullshit and with the CGI tech they have nowadays it could be awesome. This is one of my original and all time favorite sci-fi franchises. It sucks that it's been shit all over the way it has.