Oh C'MON! Don't make it that easy. Jesus, have some pride. Is the delicious smell from the candles you lit to set the mood for self abuse, or from the tears and alcohol of loneliness?
Oh yeah, I was supposed to mention that. Tentative agreed upon date is March 23rd. And audrey, I already told you how I feel about you banging my fiancé. Don't you remember? I mean, it was just the otter day...
This is stupid. All you're doing is provoking an ottercation. *sunglasses* YYYEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!
It's a snowy night here in Otter-wa. Yes, this is actually how me and the ex talk(ed). Jesus. And to think, I work with virtually all women, one of whom is now pregnant. The girly shit is going to get amplified over the next few months. I do not need this right now.
Fear not. I am otterised to handle exactly these situations. eh? In other news, I would do all sorts of unseemly things right now for a 6-pack and a pack of smokes. Sigh.
Fuck it, I'm gonna go study in the library till 9 and then go drink by myself. I figure drinking at a bar is better than in my room, alone, with the lights off while watching porn.
I would kill 4,000 otters for some cigarettes right now. It's been 4 days without one.... As I've said before, when you don't smoke, your life sucks. YOU THINK CSI MIAMI CAN HANDLE ALL THAT MASS SUCKA'??!?!
Wait, so you're saying that's wrong? I tried that just the otter day. Also, everybody go see Act of Valor. Srsly.
Fuck that shit. Go see Goon. So good. Amazing if you like enforcer fights. And funny too. Liev Schreiber with a molestache and a mullet, for God's sake. Two thumbs and one skate up. I think this is downright sexy. Spoiler *sigh* My name is Angel, and I'm a puck bunny.
Well, damn you people are harshing my buzz. I'm still on a that's-the-best-movie-I've-ever-seen high.
Why are we all torturing ghetto with stupid puns? Seriously, you guys are better than that. Otter respect, I'm not going to pile on. Now, let's all enjoy this entirely unrelated Frank Ocean tune: