The most impressive thing about that picture is that it was taken on film. Nowadays it is so easy to capture anything because you have 1000 pics on your camera. Back when you had 24 pictures, and you had to pay to get them developed? That is awesome.
I'm still going to have a fully functioning digestive system tomorrow. Who should be the jealous one?
We have a case of red bull to go with it, too. On a related note, getting pictures taken is boring. I wish we were still at the hotel with our jäger bombs. 2 coolers of yuengling will have to do until the open bar starts.
Not really sure about that. I mean, those things exist purely in order to get blasted, and it's not like Jäger is fine liquor. So yea, sounds awesome. Otter than that, I'm on my second night at home. Feel bad staying in all weekend, but at the same time I can't be fucked to go out. And a weekend without booze is a weekend wasted when you've got a job which prevents you from having more than a couple of beers with your dinner during the weeks. So basically, what I'm trying to say is: Cheers!
I'm not sure that jealous means what you think it means. In unrelated news, I achieved the pinnacle of Saturday morning douchebaggery. I sat in a tea shop playing jazz with a horizontally striped shirt reading a snooty French book, and the tea-maiden said "nice choice on the book" as she placed the pot of tea and scone on my table. I then pretended to read it, hoping people would be impressed by me.
Be sure to try out Jager Barrells. Root beer and Jager. Better and cheaper than the douchey Jager bomb.
Awesome, my friend that I went out with last night called a couple hours ago to let me know he had just been diagnosed with the flu. If I end up with that shit, I'm going to be pissed.
Depends on the venue, but I generally wear a suit to performances like that. Always respectful to the performers on stage. Unless the opera is in English. Then fuck it. Wear your nicest who farted t-shirt and some black jeans.
FUCK YOU MR. ONE PERCENT!!!! I'm thinking more along the lines of, "vans are ok right? THEY ARE BLACK!"
Fixed. I agree about Jager though. My best friend from college has a Jager machine...and it get's sloppy every time someone brings it out. Case in point: we fired it up at 9:00 a.m. opening college football day weekend this year. I puked by 1:00. Never again. Protips for Jager machine: 1. You will need more booze than you think. It's sort of like losing socks in the dryer. 2. Be sure to clean it out ASAP and be sure to clean it out again before next use. 3. experiment with Jager Barrells. A jager bomb with rootbeer instead of redbull. Cheaper and tastier. 4. If you are at a graduation party and your friend's hot aunt seductively tongues the bottom of the shot glass "because it just TASTES SO GOOD!" play it cool and don't openly stare.
The EVP of my division at work has been known to buy rounds of jaegerbombs at company parties. Granted, he is a douche I don't have a lot of respect for, so I hear ya.