Just remembered the time a friend of mine (fine, it was me) ordered two beers with a large shot of vodka dropped in each. We were in a small coastal town, in one of the two bars that existed. An elderly woman noted the order and asked if we should "really be drinking that". When we sat down at a table, two women sat down next to us. The look of disgust and slight intrigue that reached their faces by the time we had drunk enough that the top of the shot glass was showing was great. Good conversation starter though. Small towns are fun. Then again, it might of been one of the worst (and douchiest) drinks I've had.
First off bro, it's broseph, cool bro? Secondly, the elephant dance is a sacred ritual of self-expression that it absolutely vital to the happiness of a bro. And finally, what else is a bro to drink when all the Smirnoff Ice is gone cause all the bros were icing bros? Fuck man, we never even have enough to get the ladies all loose. Gotta peace out now bro, gotta get me a haircut. For the ladies.
Anyone here use Intrade? I sunk a hundred bucks in it today, and I have to admit it's a pretty cool concept. For those of you not in the know Intrade is a bit like the stockmarket except you buy "shares" of things that may or may not happen in real life. Each share settles at 0 or 10 dollars depending on if the event happens. You can also shortsell. So far I've put some cash towards Obama being re-elected, greece defaulting in 2012, and Rooney Mara winning the Oscar.
Jager was the only booze that erased my memory, which is one of the reasons I drank it. I didn't want to remember the shit I did the night before. A friend has the machine and I think it was a waste of money. Takes up space, requires maintenance and doesn't chill the booze nearly as well as the freezer.
I never had enough money to really get into it, but I know about it. Prediction markets have been exploding in popularity lately. They were first theoretically explored in depth by Robin Hanson who keeps a pretty awesome blog here: <a class="postlink" href="http://www.overcomingbias.com/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.overcomingbias.com/</a> and then popularized by James Surowiecki who wrote a popular book about the concept: <a class="postlink" href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Wisdom_of_Crowds" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Wisdom_of_Crowds</a> There has also been a big push recently from the econ blogosphere to get the Fed to change their current interest rate focused regime to a NGDP targeting through NGDP futures markets. That's been led by Scott Sumner who keeps another awesome blog here: <a class="postlink" href="http://www.themoneyillusion.com/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.themoneyillusion.com/</a> Really interesting stuff.
NERDS UNITE! I didn't make plans tonight specifically so that I would have time to clean my apartment but instead I'm watching NBA All-Star weekend and ordering takeout Chinese. I don't even like/care about basketball. Motivation, where are you? (alternately, cleaning fairies plz?)
I haven't read anything academic about it, but the general drift I got is that it ends up being about the same as what the Fed is doing right now in regards to real GDP growth rate. The real challenge is that NGDP targeting runs counter to the Fed's mandate of price stability. I do agree however that letting inflation run high right now would be a good thing given the liquidity trap, change price expectations yada yada yada. Unfortunately these kinds of discussions get political very quickly, and given the current climate I think the Fed will stick with their most recent strategy (flipping the yield curve on bonds). Anyone have anything academic on this? I'm still an econ noob (senior undergrad classes) but if it's not to crazy I'll try to wrap my head around it. In any case it seems to make logical sense (in a recession ), but I like my numbers/graphs. Yeah, I'm a nerd for this shit.
Well, I bought sixteen shares of "rooney mara wins best actress" for a roughly a dollar, so that ends up being a hundred-sixty dollar payout if I win. Probably not gonna happen, but worth a buck.
<a class="postlink" href="http://www.adamsmith.org/sites/default/files/resources/ASI_NGDP_WEB.pdf" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.adamsmith.org/sites/default/ ... DP_WEB.pdf</a> You might like that. A good summary of Sumner's views. In other news, folding laundry is the dullest activity known to man.
I'm spending tonight with a pharmacology assignment and a bunch of slices of spinal cords and brains. I feel like all I do is go to class, study, and work out. Literally, all I did today was go to lab, run, go to Yoga, and work on this damn assignment. 21 Year Old Me would be SO disappointed. My goal is to finish at 11 and have some wine. Let's do this, do this!
$10 a gram. I love picking my weed out from an assortment of 50ish strains. I love walking past a cop and knowing I'm legal. My poison currently is called Sweet White Devil. YUM. Fuck Jager, I nearly threw up at the thought.
Jager is awesome. Fuck the rest who disagree. I will be drinking these all night. It's going to be a great night. I know one of the bartenders at Shamrocks (you St. Paullites here will know what that is). I also plan on slamming a juicy lucy once I get there.
Jesus Christ, is that a drink with milk in it? If ever there was a category of alcoholic drinks I didn't understand, it's the ones with milk in them. And yes, I've had a white russian. Gross. I kind of like folding laundry--I fucking HATE doing dishes.