I saw several dicks, had a creepster tell me he wanted to cum for me, and then ended up talking to a nice guy from Arizona for quite a while.
<a class="postlink" href="http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1929654" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1929654</a> Chat roulette sketch on College Humor.
One of my good friends is addicted to chatroulette. Of course, she is a borderline shut in who weighs over 200 lbs. Am I the only person in the world who does not own or want a web cam? Back in the day when the sub7 trojan virus was popular among the many "AOL Hackers", (ha! tools.) I watched someone turn on another person's web cam and spy on them from across the country. Ever since then, web cams have freaked me out. Also, I do not understand the desire for so many men to jerk off on camera. I love men, don't get me wrong, but men are just not sexy naked and spanking it to a computer image.
I had a chick sit next to me a week or two ago who was chatroulette-ing, she was kind of loudly giggling a lot and dancing around in her seat. In the library. Turned out she was sauced as fuck, and had a thermos full of vodka. She asked me to watch her stuff for a while so she could fuck off and get high for like 2 hours. Apparently she had 3 midterms the next day and a paper due. I know this because she later borrowed my phone while high and drunk so she could leave a voicemail for her professor begging him for an extension on the paper. I haven't done it yet myself though. Firstly because my laptop doesn't have an integrated webcam, so I have to plug it in. Second because I'm always at the library and don't feel that watching random guys masturbate blends in among people studying.
Jake and Amir crack me the fuck up. I refuse to Chat Roulette. Of course, I don't have a webcam, anyway...
Ive been doing this for about 20 minutes. I've seen 12 dicks. 2 girls, and neither of them were naked. Why do guys apparently think it is awesome to masturbate for a crowd, but girls do not? I fucking hate gay double standards
Now curiosity is getting the best of me and I want to try it out, but how vain am I that I don't want to webcam with strangers until I have changed out of my pajamas and fixed my hair.
Hey, at least it's led to the genesis of a couple of games: Dong Shots: Step 1: Acquire your favorite alcohol Step 2: Open Chatroulette Step 3: Take a shot every time you see a dick Step 4: eertkljhergkjhwgkaje? Dong Bong Shots: Steps 1-3: Same as Dong Shots, but with weed Step 4: Stop once the dicks look like they're laughing at you Also, my Buckethead halloween costume from a couple of years has suddenly become relevant again.
I don't have a web cam, but I just tried Omegle. Here's how the conversation went. ou: hi Stranger: Hello, would you like to play 20 questions with me? You: sure Stranger: you start Stranger: no I'm not, are you? You: I am You: do you live in the u.s.? Stranger: yes, my turn: do you live in the us? You: yes Stranger: do you have a problem with my race(half black/half asian)? You: no Stranger: okaay You: are you over 25? Stranger: noo Stranger: are you ? You: no Stranger: your turnn You: what do you do for a living? Stranger: I'm a student Stranger: What do you do ? You: I work for the government Stranger: ohh cool You: are you in college? Stranger: nope You: high school? Stranger: yep Stranger: how old are you? You: 22 You: you? Your conversational partner has disconnected. Could have been love if she hadn't been underage.
Courtesy of Omegle.com (lack of a webcam) - Convo 1: Stranger: if ur a girl can u send me a video of u masturbating??? You: If you're a dude can you send me a picture of your mom fisting herself? You: Like a really intense goetse type fist? Your conversational partner has disconnected. Convo 2: Stranger: whats iraq You: It's a country where terrorist used to originate, until the all mighty god cleansed it. Stranger: whats god You: He is an ethereal being that is composed of random sightings from grilled cheese sandwiches and water stains Stranger: oh i think that might have been me... Stranger: there was a water stain of me in a philly bar Your conversational partner has disconnected. I think Omegle would be a fantastic place to kill time and goof around.
I tried omegle just now to see how it worked out. Every single time I started a new conversation it started out as asl? or hey wanna suck my dick? Then I came across this gem of a guy. Stranger: hi Stranger: asl? You: 11/f/cali Stranger: nice Stranger: 20 m florida You: Did you just say nice, to an ELEVEN year old girl? What if I was a fuckin cop you idiot? Stranger: im just kidding He promptly fled the conversation. Damn sometimes I hate humans.
I used a golden retriever bobble head from my HP webcam software. I connected with a Chinese girl who looked to be about 12 years old. I said woof woof, then she said that she eats dogs and logged off.
You know, I got home from the bar last night and decided to give this a whirl to see what all teh fuss was about. I went through 10 or 20 people before a single dick. The Internet was bluffin' on this half-the-people-are-penises business. While I suppose I should be pleased, I almost feel cheated. EDIT: GODDAMNIT THIS POST IS NOT ABOUT HOW MUCH I WANT PENIS. I HATE YOU ALL.
I am about 109% sure I saw the real person behind MooseKnuckle's avatar. The Jonas Brothers asked me to show them my boobs. I declined to preserve their purity. Also, why do the majority of people on this site look like they just escaped from prison?
First Omegle Conversation Attempt: You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! Stranger: hi You: hey Stranger: male 22 here Stranger: u? You: So, here's my problem. I have all these hacked up hooker parts in my bathtub and A: I can't think of where to dispose the torso, and B: I can't get these fucking stains out of the tub. Your thoughts? Stranger: i dont care bro! Your conversational partner has disconnected. ...I could definitely see myself getting drunk and having fun with this.
Dude, I thought I was in the clear, as I hadn't seen a dick for like half an hour. Suddenly, BAM, DICK DICK DICK DICK like 8 DICKs in a row. This is pretty fun, I saw a whole bunch of Chinese people in Beijing who just had fun staring at me, and I played guitar with another guy. Tuning over thousands of miles using the internet is awesome!!! The weirdest thing: Opened up a new chat, and two shirtless guys were sitting at a computer. I had my guitar, so they were all "WOOO PLAY SOMETHINGG" and I did, they seemed like a couple of bros but whatever. During the middle of my playing, one of the guys stands up, turns around, and pulls down his pants to moon me, or so I thought. I said "oh, funny," when the other guy picks something up off the desk and starts to shove it in the guy's ass. They then promptly ended the video chat. I was terribly, terribly confused.
Unlike you I don't think I've ever been so happy to have not clicked a link here. Question though, was it a hairbrush by any chance? If so we might know who it was.