Re: CHRISTMAS DRUNK THREAD 2009 Christmas presents wrapped by stoners. I Feel like this should be a thread in itself, but you may need to expand on exactly what kind of mental damage you've inflicted on these children to satisfy my curiosity.
Re: CHRISTMAS DRUNK THREAD 2009 My fun as a kid was to wait until the grownups left and then arrange the tinsel into a huge swastika. Then I'd take a picture of it and tell the teachers about my parents.
Re: CHRISTMAS DRUNK THREAD 2009 It only took me two days to get it. Are there people that resist longer? I don't know whether to pity or respect them.
Re: CHRISTMAS DRUNK THREAD 2009 1:15 EST, and this board is dead. I guess I overestimated the number of talkative drunks we have on this board. For shame. Shame.
Re: CHRISTMAS DRUNK THREAD 2009 I have to get some sleep. The pitter-patter of little feet shall assault me in a few hours.
Re: CHRISTMAS DRUNK THREAD 2009 Tell ya what, I'll put up this gem again. Someone will love it, or hate it. That's the beauty.
Re: CHRISTMAS DRUNK THREAD 2009 Hey I'm a talkative drunk...I'm just alternating between watching a replay of the WEC event, the Decade of Pride DVD, and mainlining Old Milwaukees. Not exactly exciting, but it is what it is.
Re: CHRISTMAS DRUNK THREAD 2009 Remy Martin XO. God damn. The Good Doctor had it right - brandy will do for a man what drink can do for a man. P.S. Pimptress has 400 some rep points now? Did she post her tits on the booby thread without me knowing about it? Knowing the folk who inhabit this board, that's the only reason that could explain it.
Re: CHRISTMAS DRUNK THREAD 2009 And the maternal weakness sets in. This is why men will always be better... or something. I'm just trying to incite conversations at this point, but I'll go play video games.
Re: CHRISTMAS DRUNK THREAD 2009 Sorry I was taking a shit. Somtimes I'll take the laptop in the bathroom, but that's pretty rare. I think we've been going about it all wrong. Don't take the laptop into the bathroom, take the toilet to the laptop. Toilet Computer Chairs, throne of the future my friends, right in the middle of the living room.
Re: CHRISTMAS DRUNK THREAD 2009 Takig the toilet to the laptop sounds like shitting on the carpet. I'm not good with that, unless you have a supremely unruly roommate. But they'd know it was you... By the way, new page, new link to the best/worst X-mas song ever. And once again, it gets SO much better/worse with time. Listen to the whole thing. It's truly epic.
Re: CHRISTMAS DRUNK THREAD 2009 I've returned from the obligatory mass. The Catholic priest opened things up by regaling us with a tale of a five year old boy and spiderman underwear. My brain is having trouble making sense of the weight of the comedy goldmine. Good night all and be merry!
Re: CHRISTMAS DRUNK THREAD 2009 The fucking ewoks were a warning sign. We were all surprised by Jar-Jar Binks, but come on, we should have seen it coming. JUB JUB. (Star Wars marathon on Spike)
Re: CHRISTMAS DRUNK THREAD 2009 One more listen of that song then I'm racking out, my youngest brother plans on getting us up much too early tomorrow. Merry Christmas idiots.
Re: CHRISTMAS DRUNK THREAD 2009 I just found out I've had sex for the last time in 2009. Merry Christmas, shitter was full.
Re: CHRISTMAS DRUNK THREAD 2009 Right now I am wrapping my presents. I have been drinking Cape Codders for awhile. I am smoking some great weed and just recently took a couple of my Dad's Valium (One perk of visiting for holidays). I saved the biggest present to wrap for last and I better do it soon or it is going to look like crackhead with MS did it. Edit: forgot, I had a little cough and took some codeine cough syrup also recently. I am still drinking too. Tommorow morning should be fun.