Re: CHRISTMAS DRUNK THREAD 2009 Wow, we even typed the same sentence. I'm beginning to suspect that PIMPTRESS and I are the same person.
Re: CHRISTMAS DRUNK THREAD 2009 I just came across this, and I think it nicely illustrates my argument against Kratos' militant no-hair stand on girls. This is how I think women should look: (And who am I kidding, no one's at work, but just in case.) NSFW
Re: CHRISTMAS DRUNK THREAD 2009 Ooo...ouch. Don't make fun of such a fine, fine piece of work. It's all kinds of pretty.
Re: CHRISTMAS DRUNK THREAD 2009 Now this is what a woman should look like: P.S. - <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a> NSFW. I win. Actually, we all win. Courtesy of the random links thread.
Re: CHRISTMAS DRUNK THREAD 2009 Can she iron and do my laundry? Then really, I don't give a fuck. So for some reason the descriptive video has been activated, and I'm amazed at how racially aware this female commentator is: black boy this, heavy-set caucasian woman that, even when being fat or black are irrelevant to the story line.
Re: CHRISTMAS DRUNK THREAD 2009 I walk away from my desk to go eat breakfast with the family and you ladies post all sort of holiday deliciousness. I've seen some pretty damn fine looking penises in my day but no let's not go there in a public forum. All penis pictures should be sent to my inbox for inspection. Starting with yours BlueDog. I'm drinking already, and it's a yummy concoction with far too many ingredients. I just couldn't stop adding a splash of this and a splash of that. (Champagne, Cranberry, Vodka, Triple Sec, Lime Juice & Chambord) It's like a Kir Royale and a Cape Cod mixed together and I like it.
Re: CHRISTMAS DRUNK THREAD 2009 Yup. Chater had a good zinger. I think your attempt knocked the joke out of the park, into the 'illegal' field beside it.
Re: CHRISTMAS DRUNK THREAD 2009 I really hope the liquor store is open today. What is lq protocol on Christmas?
Re: CHRISTMAS DRUNK THREAD 2009 Damn, that means Crown is next. I apologise in advance... And I just discovered I got a little iTunes crazy last night...
Re: CHRISTMAS DRUNK THREAD 2009 But even if you could go, I fucking hate liquor stores for the few weeks leading up to New Year's. They are crowded with fairweather lushes, and everything you wanted to get has already been bought up by those dirty yuppies. It should also be mentioned: it's past noon and we haven't opened presents yet. My dad disappeared to church around 10:00 and hasn't returned. On the plus side, I had bacon (home-cured bacon, at that) for the first time in four months.
Re: CHRISTMAS DRUNK THREAD 2009 Surely to god Walmart is open. They sell booze in the States, right? It'll be weak piss, but it'll be alcohol just the same.
Re: CHRISTMAS DRUNK THREAD 2009 I dunno. I know they don't sell booze in Quebec, even though every other mega-mart grocery store does.