Re: CHRISTMAS DRUNK THREAD 2009 You know what Christmas is about? Getting drunk and stoned with your friends and family. Come on, how many of you are drunk and stoned, right now? You're in church, you can't lie. Come on, how many of you are stoned right now? This is better than A Colbert Christmas. By far.
Re: CHRISTMAS DRUNK THREAD 2009 I don't get stoned. And I'm not drunk anymore but I'm sure I could get back that way if I really felt that strongly about it. And as gay as that picture is, it's also pretty gay for a group of guys to sit around and comment about it. I'm here for you guys. Gotta have some vag present. That picture ^^ up there ^^... do girls still wear navel rings? I took mine out like 6 years ago.
Re: CHRISTMAS DRUNK THREAD 2009 I'm sober as a bird! You show me in the bible where it says I can't go to the Christmas service buzzed on chardonnay and Jack Daniels! IT DOESN'T EXIST I TELL YOU!
Re: CHRISTMAS DRUNK THREAD 2009 It looks like what a Dragon Ball Z meets Jersey Shore gay porn would be. Not that I know or anything. No, really, I don't.
Re: CHRISTMAS DRUNK THREAD 2009 If the Bible did say something like that, the Presbyterians would have that part removed. My mom and I both had a couple drinks before going to church last night & we didn't catch on fire or anything.
Re: CHRISTMAS DRUNK THREAD 2009 My ex had one. Then one night she ended up with a bloody belly button and a lost 70 dollar navel ring that I bought her and we never found. Last time I've seen one.
Re: CHRISTMAS DRUNK THREAD 2009 BULL SHIT! I'm presbyterian, and I'll be DA?NMED if I'm going to not sleep with a mom and daughter pair! Wait, what did you saay?
Re: CHRISTMAS DRUNK THREAD 2009 One of my cousins, two years ago, went to midnight mass so hammered that he was puking in the basement before mass had even started. And that is the one time that I have ever thought it would have been worthwhile to go to church. EDIT: you want catch-on-fire stories? I once spat out a eucharist I had held in my mouth until the end of mass. It was even rainy and stormy, and no lightning. God is a pussy. You heard it from me. Double edit: SHIT-NOCEROUS.
Re: CHRISTMAS DRUNK THREAD 2009 Merry Christmas everyone. What happens to this thread now? What's going to distract me from the brothers for the rest of vacation? This sucks why does Christmas have to end. I WANT CHRISTMAS FOREVER!!!
Re: CHRISTMAS DRUNK THREAD 2009 I don't think my belly or my liver could quite handle that proposition.
Re: CHRISTMAS DRUNK THREAD 2009 Not to burst your bubble, but But since all you Protestant heathens are going to be cast into the eternal fire anyways, I say go for it.
Re: CHRISTMAS DRUNK THREAD 2009 I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you over the sound of Jesus being awesome!
Re: CHRISTMAS DRUNK THREAD 2009 I'm pretty sure that burning sensation can be avoided with the proper precautions.
Re: CHRISTMAS DRUNK THREAD 2009 Make sure to wear a wrapper, and you won't see blood in the crapper. One of my grandpa's favorites...
Re: CHRISTMAS DRUNK THREAD 2009 Cap'n Kirk would kick Jesus' geriatric ass all over the place. It's not even his birfday anymore, so you know Shatner wouldn't go easy on him.
Re: CHRISTMAS DRUNK THREAD 2009 a chick I work with is in a porno I have. There she is suckin dick and receiving a load on her face and next we are talkn in the break room. weird..
Re: CHRISTMAS DRUNK THREAD 2009 I don't care what anyone says, A Walk To Remember is a good movie. Mandy Moore is fucking hot.
Re: CHRISTMAS DRUNK THREAD 2009 Told you. I haven't read anything past page 36. I gave up after that. Pretty awesome. typing is fairly hard right now. Let's find out what's going on here. Hmmmmm.