Re: CHRISTMAS DRUNK THREAD 2009 And apparently you're all a bunch of sleeping motherfucks, cuz what the shit. I'll talk to you all in the morning when I'm not posting again. Terrible. Step it up TIB!
Re: CHRISTMAS DRUNK THREAD 2009 You know you're up way too late when the only commercials are for phone sex chat lines. Well, and you've now watched two trailer park boys movies you've never seen before.
Re: CHRISTMAS DRUNK THREAD 2009 Am I the only one who wonders how chafed her asscrack must be? While perusing this thread I've watched: Chinatown - the 1974 classic, for the first time The Brothers Bloom - the 2009 caper film, for the first time and played the shit out of co-op online Call of Duty 4: MW2 And I bid you adieu, this thread was fun.
Re: CHRISTMAS DRUNK THREAD 2009 It's 7:18 AM and I'm a wee bit hammer-slammered. Drunky drunk drunk drunk. I popped in tonight to read now and again while I was cooking and entertaining. Dinner was ready at midnight. And it rocked. All you pussys have crashed. Weak people. I was going to post my pic too, but I missed the moment. Boo. I'll catch up in a day and a half when I wake up. Peace out.
Re: CHRISTMAS DRUNK THREAD 2009 Killed far too much booze yesterday, and am paying for it now-did have a drunken hook-up which was fun though (and unexpected). Y'all are some purty people!
Re: CHRISTMAS DRUNK THREAD 2009 Good morning everybody! Reading back I'm betting most of you are sleeping off the hangover right not. Incidentally, we're already at 50 pages. If this thread gets left open until the new year we can submit it to Guinness for Longest Thread in Shortest Time. Happy Boxing Day! In honour of Canada's Black Friday, here's a present:
Re: CHRISTMAS DRUNK THREAD 2009 I just got woken up in a bad way. My dog laid a mangled bird on my bare back. Gross. That's a fine specimen but uh, where's her nipple? I mean, it looks like I should be able to see it, but it's not there. Is it under that bow thingy cause that's kind of a weird spot. And Happy Boxing Day to all you Canadians.
Re: CHRISTMAS DRUNK THREAD 2009 WOW. I've never seen a thread explode like this before. I'd bet good money this can carry into New Year's if we can just avoid the complicated task staying sober. Happy Boxing Day, and stay the fuck HOME today, Canada. You don't need to brave the elements and the teeth-gnashing retards just to get 10% off a pair of jeans at Bootlegger. Make some hot cocoa, get some cookie dough, curl up by the fire with your snuggle-puss and watch some bad movies. After the hangover subsides, start drinking again and entertain me some more.
Re: CHRISTMAS DRUNK THREAD 2009 I had a GREAT FUCKING CHRISTMAS! I had great food at a friends house. There was also a copius ammount of booze. I went to bed a very drunk Grinch. This morning The Ex came over for some boxing day booty. And other than very brief phone calls, I COMPLETELY AVOIDED MY FAMILY! Outside of not being able to see my twins, Best. Christmas. Ever.
Re: CHRISTMAS DRUNK THREAD 2009 Hold on. How did we all miss this? Please elaborate, with pictures and sound if possible.
Re: CHRISTMAS DRUNK THREAD 2009 Just woke up to the beginning of a Band of Brothers marathon on Spike. Goodbye productivity. Hello couch.
Re: CHRISTMAS DRUNK THREAD 2009 I just woke up to the sound of my dog drinking from the toilet while my mother yelled at him. My dog never drinks out of the toilet, maybe he's still drunk. Edit: Turns out the toilet was full of my brother's piss. Gross.
Re: CHRISTMAS DRUNK THREAD 2009 Full of your brother's piss? Did he leave the toilet seat up too? Ever leave an unflushed toilet seat up and have a drunken girlfriend plop butt first into that cess pool at 3am? You'd remember it if it ever happened, because it will never be lived down.
Re: CHRISTMAS DRUNK THREAD 2009 This brother is a disgusting human being who my parents have been trying to train for years unsuccessfully. Along with never flushing the toilet, he'll leave hair all over the bathroom-in the sink, on the toilet, in the shower, as well as somehow manage to cover the entire bathroom with water whenever he takes a shower. It's like he attaches a hose to the shower and just sprays the whole bathroom, then when I walk in with socks on my socks get soaked and I get pissed at him. I just love being home, can't you tell? For the whole morning (afternoon) I've been calling the dog Pee Drinker. I think he's starting to respond to it.
Re: CHRISTMAS DRUNK THREAD 2009 It's 1pm and my head sort of hurts. I know I posted on this thread again after my bar adventure last night, but I can't seem to find the post. I want to say it's quite a few pages back but I'm not entirely sure and it seems like a lot of work to find out. I'm going to make food and pour myself a glass of wine. Hair of the dog and all that, etc. Plus I've got a party I have to start pre-gaming for... it is only 4 hours away after all.
Re: CHRISTMAS DRUNK THREAD 2009 Merry day after Christmas to all. Anyone else planning on continuing the binge drinking through the New Year's? After switching to wine at about 1:30 am last night, I was fully expecting the worst this morning. Instead I woke up feeling pretty fucking chipper. The sun is shining, the beer is cold, and I don't have shit to do. It's a Christmas miracle.
Re: CHRISTMAS DRUNK THREAD 2009 You're god damned right. Also, regarding my post above yours, apparently my post from last night is on the last page. I'm just ready to dominate shit today it seems. CHARDONNAY, COME IN MY MOUTH. Sensually.
Re: CHRISTMAS DRUNK THREAD 2009 I've got to go back to the club in a couple of hours, I have tomorrow off so I am going to get absolutely obliterated tonight in work no matter what... Work is going to be fun.. and for once, I actually say that with sincerity. Saying that though, because I want to get trashed tonight, chances are something will happen that will prevent it from happening. Fuck it, there's a bottle of Captain Morgan at work just waiting to get destroyed, I'm not going to let a thing get in my way of it, least of all customers.