Re: CHRISTMAS DRUNK THREAD 2009 Hammered. So hammered. Everyone else is asleep but I lasted until we killed the handle of vodka. Oh glorious sleep you can't come fast enough
Re: CHRISTMAS DRUNK THREAD I love this quote. I have no prospects so drinking is on the agenda. Life sucks
Re: CHRISTMAS DRUNK THREAD 2009 (has evolved into NSFW) It is currently 4:41 am and I am drunk making buffalo wings, its awesome
Re: CHRISTMAS DRUNK THREAD 2009 (has evolved into NSFW) It's now 7:28am EST. I woke up at 4 and more than half of a 750mL bottle of Jim Beam has been consumed. I think I qualify for posting in a drunk thread. I'm hammered.
Re: CHRISTMAS DRUNK THREAD 2009 (has evolved into NSFW) This one time, at TiB camp... I got drunk as shit and then made some hot pockets. They were delicious. I'm amazed I can type right now. Although I did have to delete and correct about 40 times, at least I noticed. God I rule. Got a pretty sweet BJ tonight too, go me. BJ meaning ........ something gayer than blowjob from a dude. What???? wtfffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
Re: CHRISTMAS DRUNK THREAD 2009 (has evolved into NSFW) I missed out on this, so I'll contibute late. Rowr:
Re: CHRISTMAS DRUNK THREAD 2009 (has evolved into NSFW) I just woke up at 11:30 laying on my bed fully dressed, contacts still in and all my bedroom lights still on. Hung. Over. Time to go buy a PS3 and see Avatar. I think I'm still drunk.
Re: CHRISTMAS DRUNK THREAD 2009 Failed at that trick, woke up at probably 11:30 still drunk and ate some bagels and omelets with my friend's mom and smokeshow sister. Last night was a glorious mess. I taught my friends the art of the haircut, in which one person sits in a chair with a pourer on each side. One pourer has alcohol, preferably a shitty vodka which in our case was Mr Boston, while the other has a juice or soda, and they pour simultaneously until the recipient's mouth is full. We slayed the handle of Mr. Boston with this technique. I think I killed three of my friends, one of whom still can't function and had to have his car driven home by another friend so he could sleep. I realized as I was typing that a description of a haircut sounds extremely homosexual. To clarify, haircuts are not gay. They are cool. And hip. Do haircuts. Unrelated:
Re: CHRISTMAS DRUNK THREAD 2009 (has evolved into NSFW) Today I'm struggling to explain to my parents how the front bumper of their 2002 Ford Explorer is fucked up with bits of grass and dirt lodged inside. In fact, I'm struggling to explain to myself how this happened. Oh well, Fight Night Round 3 sounds like a better idea.
Re: CHRISTMAS DRUNK THREAD 2009 (has evolved into NSFW) I didn't mention this before but I was completely alone at home for the 24th and 25th. It was quite possibly the most pathetic days of my life so far, I was sitting in my sweatpants eating microwaved spaghetti for 2 days.
Re: CHRISTMAS DRUNK THREAD 2009 (has evolved into NSFW) Benig alone would no doubt suck, but the sweatpants thing sounds pretty awesome.
Re: CHRISTMAS DRUNK THREAD 2009 (has evolved into NSFW) Grind, to make up for that unsightly picture, I give you HOT spaghetti...
Re: CHRISTMAS DRUNK THREAD 2009 (has evolved into NSFW) Don't forget the non stop masturbation. I got a bunch of bottles of booze for Christmas and the handle of Belvedere my brother got me is calling me. But I think I will go for one of the cheaper ones. Isn't getting laid off and not getting up till noon fun.
Re: CHRISTMAS DRUNK THREAD 2009 (has evolved into NSFW) Well, the thread title has NSFW in it, so why waste our time with tags? NSFW