Well, if you'd like to join the tourist scene, go to Crescent Street / "Rue Crescent". Pretty much where all of the bars, clubs and depanneurs are. I'd recommend one place I went to (if you're into clubs, that is), but I was far too drunk to have any idea how the fuck you'd get into the place, seeing as it was three floors up and you had to walk through two other bars just to get there. My guess is that it's going to be crowded as fuck, though. What I liked about Montreal was not being carded all the god damned time. The legal drinking age needs to be abolished. I'm sick of showing my ID every time I want to get a beer. And it wouldn't be so bad were it not for the fact that bar staff and liquor store clerks rarely catch you if you have a fake or you're using someone else's. edit: Crap, I forgot!
Crescent street blows, it's for 35 year old men who think they can pick up. There are no women there. St-Laurent street, St-Denis street (if you speak french) and the Old Port are where it's at. Honestly, your McGill buddy would probably know of some parties or something so don't sweat it. Worst case scenario you go Radio Lounge on st-Laurent and pick up French girls.
Re: CHRISTMAS DRUNK THREAD 2009 (has evolved into NSFW) It's McGILL. It's the biggest party school in the country. I'm sure you'll manage, asshole. It's an easy city to find a fun time in, believe me. If I remember correctly, St. laurent is top-notch. Crescent is pure commercialism, but most first timers go there, I guess.
Alright, I'm finally caught up with this thread, and I must say, bravo. While you heathens were drinking your asses off the past few days, I was building a fucking chicken coop and dealing with relatives bitching about pointless shit. Good thing I'm about 5 beers down and on track to make my night one to try to remember on my Christmas 2 morning tomorrow. Here's my contribution:
Re: CHRISTMAS DRUNK THREAD 2009 (has evolved into NSFW) A four year sober alcholic told me to get milk thistle. This guy was such a drunk he actually died at one point and some hero at the hospital brought him back. He spent four months there and another year trying to get his body to function at a reasonable level. When he tells me how to look after my liver, I listen. BTW, who the fuck took over my body last night? She is a stupid whore and I can never go back to my home bar again. Never.
Awww... Dcc... you're the best. I like tits. Here's a pic of The Girl with one of her close friends. Now THERE'S a pair of tits.
Re: CHRISTMAS DRUNK THREAD 2009 (has evolved into NSFW) (High pitched voice) Mommy said never to trust men you meet on the internet. Especially if you meet them on a messageboard made for degenerates. (End high pitched voice) But really, Grind or any other Canucks here, if you're looking something to do on New Year's and will be in Montreal let me know, we'll get drinks. Why else would eight 19-20 year olds go?
Re: CHRISTMAS DRUNK THREAD 2009 (has evolved into NSFW) Well, there's also a minor industry in the region for recruits on weekend leave from basic training. Go into any hotel on a weekend and you'll see legions of young men with #2 haircuts.
At the time I'm ready to finally make some contribution to this awesome-ness, everyone else is sleeping or pussying out. Tonight is my Christmas eve, and I'm nursing the only jack and coke within 100 miles of me. What happened to this thread? It used to be an amazing a couple days ago with the almost nekkid ladies, what happened? Where's crown, or rainbow, or dog, or anyone else? I'm starting to get sad...
Buy a calender, jackhole. It's the midweek quiet. Yes, I'm drunk, but only mildly, as I have to work tomorrow, and for the next couple days. I do have NYE off, however, and no real plans, as it seems I'm a lonely sad sack with no friends. I mean... I didn't put enough planning into it, and now all my friends already have plans that involve distance. Fuck. I'll be here, or at least watching Lost in the vicinity. Should be in season four by then.
I am mostly out of beer. The only thing I have left is a growler. Does anyone know if growlers with screw-tops can be re-closed with the beer not going flat? Otherwise, it's onto the hard liquor for me. In the meantime, I am straining the lemon rinds out of my bottle of limoncello. Will just have to make the simple syrup, and then it's a 40 of sweet lemony booze from here on out.