I think the train has just had a head on collision with the idiot mobile carrying a full load of dumb ass. Who the hell gave ghettoastronaut the wheel? It was one of you drunk fuckers, wasn't it?
I told you guys many pages ago - I've broken out the orange pekoe tea (Twinings brand, naturally), and that this thread was gonna get some crazy. PDE5 inhibitors: The inhibition of phosphodiesterase-5 has the ultimate effect of increasing nitrous oxide levels. Nitrous oxide allows for smooth muscle relaxation, particularly, the smooth muscle lining blood vessels; this has the effect of reducing your blood pressure. And giving you boners. Fact: viagra is still used to treat hypertension in dogs.
Personally this thread is the only reason I've been coming back daily to the board. It is truly like a horrible accident which you just cant look away from.
Also, do yall get pissed when those Russian Cosmotologist assholes try and step to your shit? I mean, they build their space station RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE of our hood, yo!
NSFW I hope that answers both of your questions. I've also broken out the Christmas leftovers for dinner. Yum.
Also, Sputnik. They're still bitter about that spidery-looking little shit, even though the only way Russia is reaching the moon is on a stack of empties.
The general pattern of this fuckery is as follows: Tits, tits, tits, babble, tits, tits, babble, tits, babble, tits, tits, tits, tits, tits, babble, tits, babble. This, of course, is Morse code for "vulva". You guys are so transparent.
In unrelated news, my love for Dr. Elliot Whatserface from Scrubs remains unrequited. I'd feel her cervical lymph nodes, if you know what I mean. EDIT: It has come to my attention that this is not Sarah Chalke. I'm going to keep pretending that it is. NSFW This thread needs some Asian chicks.
No; she's gone through all of the white phones, evidently unsatisifed. But, see that look on her face? She knows she's never going back.
Oh my God. I was going to post some T and A like 20 pages ago but I got too drunk while reading the first 60 pages and passed out. I woke up the next morning with my pants halfway down. I'm pretty sure I tried to pound off at some point, but I honestly have no idea how far I got with that. anyway, TITS
Finally made it home after a long day of flying. And I see that there is an IDIOT out on my lake. Yes, it's "chilly" out, but it's 2° _ABOVE_ freezing, and this fucker is out there on my lake, skating. I refuse to watch him, as he's undoubtedly going to take a chilly plunge. Happens every fucking year. And they don't die. So they keep coming back. Fuck Darwin. So, it's not time for more NyQuil and a couple of shots of scotch.