I get off work at 4, have no real plans, and will be drinking my usual. At least a .750 of Ketel 1 and Diet Coke.
I'm off to New Years in Milwaukee. Don't do anything too stupid you degenerates. I will leave on this picture for the ladies.
Eight hours from now, I'll grab my backpack and start the hike in the -25-30*C weather, carrying the case of beer and bottle of rum I shall purchase at the nearest corner market. The warmth of the rum will keep me toasty and the cold of the beer shall keep me walking fast, until I stumble through the door and pre-drink with my roommates (yep, I'll pre-drink for the pre-drinking). I'll shit, shower and shave and head out the door to the nearest general store and allow myself too then own more beer and more rum and head to the closest party. After that; I guarantee nothing.
I woke up this morning and discovered my pants from yesterday are speckled with blood. I have no idea how this happened. There's no dead critters on my porch, no stew cooking on the stove, and no fresh wounds on my body. What. The. Fuck.
My NYE is going to suck balls, I'm almost certain of it. This is pretty bad considering last year the wife and I distinctly said: "Man, this NYE sucked balls, we have to make sure we do something fun next year." We've failed. We're going to a local house "party" around 8. The word party is used loosely, as the hosts tend to suck and at last count there were 9 people in attendance. It's going to be difficult to even stay until midnight, no matter what libation I swill. The only thing we may have going for us is that my wife's co-worker may rescue us and drive us to our favorite bar. So here's to another shitty NY's!
Obvious: NSFW Picked my car up from its state inspection today. Floor's rotting (rotted) away. Rear brakes are all fucked up. Not worth it to fix, really. Looks like I'll be driving it until it literally won't go anymore. Damnit. I'm a fan of low key NYE parties. Smallish thing over at my sister's place, plenty of beer, champagne, and probably rum/whiskey. Plus drunk N64. Mario Cart and Golden Eye, hell yes. Think it was on Fark I read about Mario Cart DUI - Have to finish the beer before crossing the line, but we all know the law, no drinking and driving. Therefore you must be stopped when drinking. Could be interesting.
I'm opening up discussion on why toytoy's pants were covered with blood. Beat a hooker with her high heeled shoe? That time of the month?
Wait, are you guys saying it's not normal to blackout and wake up with blood all over your clothes? Man! I've been mis-reading this entire thread!
My dad and his friends found a pig yesterday... who knows if it fell off a truck or got away from the hog farm nearby. They promptly killed it and it's been gutted and hanging since last night. We're eating that bitch tonight! Fresh pig, Busch Light and champagne at midnight. Tomorrow holds brisket & oysters at lunch and then traditional New Year's dinner at the Hunt Club. I cannot fucking wait for 2009 to be over. It's been a shitty year. Everyone be safe tonight! I think it's normal for TiB. Anyone else though, definitely not normal.
I'm about to take a brief phone interview for a job in Austin, doublecheck my bag & then head 2 hours over to Jacksonville for New Years and the Gator Bowl tomorrow for Bobby Bowden's last game. I haven't done anything for New Years in 3 years so this is pretty exciting for me. Gotta love friends w/ a bazillion Hilton Honors points as well, considering I'd much rather stay at the Embassy Suites this weekend than someone's couch. We should get in town well ahead of the hotel's free Happy Hour 5-7. Have fun or be safe, TiB!
It's time to get it ON. Time to throw on some Motley Crue, put on my Conversation Hat and see how many times I can get my wife to say "I'm not with him" tonight. Oh, and Toytoy, it's obvious you fucked something horribly unclean. Just let you imagination run wild, and have a happy new year!
It has to involve a gas-powered wood chipper, trapped rodents, and you and your friends pretending to be Peyton Manning while the wood chipper was Reggie Wayne. Seeeetttttt HIKE!
It's snowing, I slept past noon, and I have a mustache. Today is a good day. And I've been misreading my entire life.
I just saw a guy wearing Uggz. VERY disturbing. He caught me trying to take a photo with my phone and I had to scurry away (I didn't get to take the photo). I wouldn't waqnt to be the guy who got Van Dammed by a guy wearing women's circus poseur Inuit boots.
Universal health care, liberal marijuana legislation, AND Montreal Strip Clubs? Yeah, America is still awesomer.
Eh. The marijuna legislation really isn't that liberal when you get down to it, and Montreal strip clubs? I never went, but I hear they were overrated. Actually, this one Muslim guy who went thought they were awesome. Came back and told us how the strippers made him come in his pants. Then we told him that he got blackout drunk and ate a bacon cheeseburger. Bizarre.
Oh, if you haven't been to them I wouldn't dare call them overrated. You just have to know whcih ones to go to. Grind would be the best go-to guy on that.