Fucking hell. I'm glad I'll be drunk tonight. My roommates cousins wife left him today, cousin is a wreck and is coming over to drink with roommate so he doesn't have to be alone on NYE. Roommate is going to hang out with cousin, which I completely agree with but fuck you, you stupid cunt wife/ex-wife whore. Fuck you to hell and back, I wanted to party with my roommate, he's a cool dude. Fucking stupid twat bitch. FUCK. Going out to an invite only party because every other party fell through, I hate going to the bar on a normal night but tonight will just be retarded. We asked if we can bring people with us because it's going to be a bunch of couples sitting around talking about shit I don't care about but they said no way. This wouldn't be so bad if my friend and I (who lives there) could jam for a bit before everyone got right loaded but wait, what's this? Yeah, that's not going to happen either. If the next ten years are any indication of what tonight will be like; it looks like frustration, being angry at people and a decade of drinking. At least there will be booze.
hmmm oliebollen. we always make to many (enough to last us the entire month of january as well usually) happy new years all.
Are you feeling a bit crampy? Bloated? Instead of going out tonight, you should take a nice hot bath, eat some chocolate and watch a little Lifetime. Tomorrow is a brand new day and you can go pick up that purse that keeps catching your eye. Have a great New Year.
I'd probably have to drink a whole bottle of Nyquil to get the same effect it used to have on me. Once upon a time I'd take it and as soon as I got into bed Mike Tyson would climb through my bedroom window and punch me right between the eyes. I was reminiscing about this just last week with a friend. She said she had to take it after she got into bed because she wouldn't make it from the bathroom before passing out. Ah, the good old days.
under the fefcts of tqnaury rangpur, my backaspace seems to disagree with me at tohe moment. I just got caught grabbing some milf ass, THANFULYY not by the husband, whose house i am currently in. Also, why did an asian family bring baklava? who cares, fuckin delicious
24, 2 guys. DRUNK. The Virgin girlfriend, is ccoool. she called me. adsfj FUCK im druink BANNIGN THE NEXT 4 POSTERS/.
Give me back my man card. I'm either going to a casino or a karaoke bar. Either way, I have you people to thank. Time to get some Dayquil.
BANNED! Roommates cousin is a chill dude. Half my bottle of rum is gone and I haven't even left for the party yet, I think I'm going to be in trouble tonight. Standard drunk type to follow: asdfjkbsndalkfbsdalfgbsdalghbsdalbfldaslbhbhl MEXIACANS! /drunk-type
This probably doesn't belong here but this is the 1st time in 5 years that I have been sober for my birthday, Christmas, and New Years ( all 3 in December obviously ). Part of me is happy for myself, the other part is depressed knowing that I am sitting on my PC on New Years and all my friends are out doing what I want to be doing. Attending AA meetings at 23 is not fun, its down right depressing. Sorry for the off topic rant, everyone have a shot of whiskey for me.
shit! note to self, make plans for new years before 8 pm on dec 31. all your friends have lives!!!! i've been reading this thread from the get go. y'all are fucked up!..... but i mean that in the nicest possible way. really i do. hope to post more in the new year. now that slf isn't here to rip my grammer apart and ban me for no good reason.....(back to the pellet gun and the neighbours balloons set out for his new years party)
Holy shit im late to the drunkeness, I wish i could be drunk enough to post incoherently. On a lighter note, Grinds virgin girlfriend is cool, yaaaaaaay, sailor jerry here i come
I'm drunk, who isjn't?!Happy new year bitches!!!! Oh wait, the whiskey is callling my name again! Better go..... drink up!
the first party i was goinng to broke upo cause of fightsss and the cops came. i'm waiting fro the boty call with a botttl of jack. Fukc this. shes got kidd.
HAPPY 2010 0 MOTHER FUCKERS!!! im WATching chamillionair get punked on tvguide channell and also lim drunk and also you know what this messageboard needs? They need an anonymous thread where non members can post whatever because this thread was really good so it should be a whole series, except you don't have to be a member to post and it can be the only one like it. sorry about the czps i keep turning it on and off
Justy woke up and still drunk-more beer woo! dRUNK posts sound like Judge Death-the crime issss liifffee! Happy New Year, fucky holers.
Friend spent all night trying to snog a 200 pounder. Now he's at some bar trying to rail the bartender with one brown tooth. This guy cannot be stopped. No matter what I say or do, he will not stop fucking the dregs. He is rotund, balding, and looks like a Bond villain. I spent the night at a German bar. So much schnapps, so much brandy, so much beer. The cook came out, mumbled something at me and then took a spill. No shit, even the cook was fucking liquored up. "WHY ARE YOU TRYING TO GET ME TO WORK!" Brilliant.
I had a pretty lame New Year's except I hijacked my friend's phone and posted the following to his account: "My butt is so sore. What a night! Thanks Jim." Before he caught it, I managed to set up a fake profile under the name "Jim Bumraker" and convinced him that "Jim" worked with us year's ago at the grocery store. Once he accepted the friend request, I began posting to his wall every chance I got. Jim did not like my friend outing him tonight...