I appreciate drunk me closing my drain before he puked in the sink last night. Always a swell morning walking into your bathroom and seeing a sink full of puke.
Unh. I feel like utter ass. I pumped enough boob juice to be able to drink last night and drink I did! Shitfaced on Christmas Eve and shitfaced on New Year's Eve. 'Tis the season! My sister drunk-dialed me at 3:12am and we got into some stupid argument (I barely remember actually). I never should have answered the damn phone. It's actually shocking that I was up that late. In my old age, I rarely make it past midnight even when I am drinking. Gone are the days of my calling some of you freaks at all hours of the night. Growing up sucks. On a lighter note: poor Dick Clark! I hadn't realized how fucked up he is. That last stroke must have been a doozy! He looks good for a 400 year old guy though! Sorry for my rambling. I am still a sheet or so to the wind. And before you ask, someone else was taking care of my infant last night. It's hard enough to do sober, believe me.
I could try to tell what happened last night but I'll sum it up like this. My brother is a 34 year old, quadriplegic, drunk asshole that yells inappropriate things at people. And he bites. But everyone loves him, including me. Happy New Year everyone! I hope 2010 doesn't suck for you.
It is impossible for me to not come to the conclusion that I am a fundamentally boring human being when compared to you people. In unrelated news, the short amount of time that I get to watch TV and play video games whenever I'm at my parents'/relatives' house makes me want to get a TV and a wii. I have the funds for it, but one, I don't have enough free time to watch much TV, and two, I always feel really weird playing video games by myself. Much better to do with friends around.
Fuck. No one is supposed to see me in the condition I'm in. Drunk and stumbling by 10 AM with red eyes from crying. So what happens? My baby cousin shows up at my door at 11 in the morning. I love her dearly, but she really doesn't need to see my grieving process. According to psychologist there are 5 steps to grieving. Fuck that noise. I have two steps...get shit faced drunk and swear at God for being a cruel bastard.
I got to have two glasses of Jack Daniel's single barrel and 2 glasses of green label for free! Then I went to a kegger and drank some more for free. Walked away with a sandwich too so no money spent on food either. I'm so proud of myself.
Mr. 88, I am no psychologist, but there is something fundamentally unhealthy about what you're doing. People aren't bred to be solitary islands.
While I appreciate the sentiment, as I said earlier we all deal with grief differently. I'm the person everyone turns to when shit happens and I take care of everything. It would serve no purpose for them to witness me breaking down, I'll just do it privately.
Well I got ropped in to being the DD, so the night was already going pretty shitty. At about 4.00am when I was driving everybody home, I was following one of my buddies down this steep fucking hill in the most icy conditions you can imagine. We wernt going fast, like 20 km/h but getting like 3/4 the way down the hill I started to slide. At the end of the slide was my buddies back bumper. My night just cost me $500 (me fixing it. The last guy that rear ended him had to pay $1000 at a body shop). Happy fucking New Years
"O there's no hangover like a rye hangoverrrrr...." My spinal cord feels like it can pick up basball games from radio Havana right now. Drove 3 hours last night to see my friend play at the monstrous bar called LeSkratch in Oshawa. A good time was still had, but it was evident that the popular look amongst females this new year's eve is the Peddling Your Own Ass look. All these eyes could see last night were mini-skirt dresses that you need two hairstyles to wear. DURING A FUCKING ICE STORM OUTSIDE. You know what? Pants still look plenty sexy on the female frame, so swollow some pride and use your logic. It's December in central Ontario. The population increase in Gum Snappers (female douchebags) at the bar scene has steadily and horrifyingly increased along with our dwindling ozone layer over the last few years. Maybe there's a connection. Or maybe I'm just a ranting married guy. Then, God's police flashlight came pouring through the east-facing window in the morning. To wake up from a powerhouse whiskey hangover is one thing, to also suddenly remember everybody was smoking in the hotel room last night because we were drunk so it basically smelled like someone cured a rotten ham in it by morning is another. We've never checked out so fast in our lives. EDIT: I notice we cracked 100 pages. PIZZA PARTY!!!
Funny, I was in Oshawa last night, too. Maybe we saw each other. Not likely, though. Also, how is it physically possible for you to live in London and still have the capacity left to complain about girls wearing min-skirts in inclement weather? Girls from UWO wearing mini-skirts and uggs waiting in line outside of Ceeps is practically an olympic sport out there. Oh god, The Office has Asian girls on it, and Michael Scott is hitting on them. Fucking hilarious. "You know how all... waitresses look alike." And, holy crap, it's snowing outside! Hard, even! I was all set to mock this little "ice storm" you referred to, but god damn. I think this calls for cross-country skis.
I think we need stories about your brother. Just sayin'. I get that everyone deals differently, but his advice wasn't for their benefit. My condolences.
First off: Uggz are stupid looking, and you shouldn't wear them unless you're about to butcher a seal . Second, the only reason I would stop to look at the line at The Ceeps & Barneys would be to perform a drive-by shooting at those dinks in their popped collars and $250 fake Inuit boots who think they're elite by hanging out on a stone slab all night and drinking $1 "Ceeps Brew" (the garbage in-house beer they make on site). Third: There WAS an ice storm last night. Do you know how I know? Because it rained while it was freezing, and every single thing at 3:30 a.m. was coated in ice. Everything. I know this, because I fell on my ass about fifteen times more than usual.
Yes, yes, and the roads were ice rinks, and little children took to them with skates on. I'm sorry if I don't let a little bit of ice get in my way. By the way, you needn't tell me about your bloodlust for the douchebags in line at Ceeps. I went to school with them for a year. "Oh, brah, I'm soooooo hung over. I spent, like, sixty bucks at the bar last night...". From a guy whose daddy bought him a BMW.
Getting random tail at a movie - $12. Buying more minutes for the CrapPhone - $30. Walking home for two hours because your cell's dead and your asshole friends won't give you a ride - worthless. Happy fucken' new year to me.
Effing fun times! I told one of my good friends' girlfriends last night, and I quote: "You know what, babe? You are the best! I want to finger your personality!" Hey, she thought it was funny! hi, I'm drunk!
Got home at 3am on NYD, fell asleep at 8am, then slept 20 of the next 26 hours. Next year I'll get home at 10pm then sleep through the fireworks (here in Sydney, they put on a big fireworks show).