Re: CHRISTMAS DRUNK THREAD 2009 I just assumed your chair is all pimped out in sweet knobs and shit[/quote] IF I DON'TGIVE ME A MOUTH FULL OF KNOB SOON, I MAY VERY WELL SWOON IN ANTICIPATION! AND THAT WOULD NOT BE DOPE, HOMEY!
Re: CHRISTMAS DRUNK THREAD 2009 I spent the entire summer after 7th grade trying to do that to myself.
Re: CHRISTMAS DRUNK THREAD 2009 wouldn't it be nice if every one could have a mouthful of 'giner knob every Christmas? I PUT IT ON YOU, AMERICA! PUT A CLIT IN YOU LIP '10!
Re: CHRISTMAS DRUNK THREAD 2009 If only, guess Christmas here will have to be good enough. At least booze can dull the pain.
Re: CHRISTMAS DRUNK THREAD 2009 Wow, this thread really jumped up here. I guess it is the holidays... We just got back from the bar, did some karaoke. Sang Falize Navidad, "That Song from Dirty Dancing"...and something else, I really don't remember. Now my roomate is on the way home with some friends that he works with, and they (girls) are going to want to see my balls. For Proof. I, my idiot friends, have the biggest testicles of anyone that I know. Edit: Bells will be ringing. That's the other song we sang.
Re: CHRISTMAS DRUNK THREAD 2009 I am sitting on the deck patio of my aunts beach house in Pensacola, Florida at the moment on my god knows what beer, drunk as hell watching the beach and the waves, trying to convice a fuckbuddy of mine to send me a picture of her bent over doggy style showing me what im gonna be fucking when I get back from my christmas vacation. I love this place, I think this might be my 2nd post ever, im hammered and TMR you have a great set of tits are you babe, and toytoy and bluedog you are what we call down in texas coonass redneck's a cross between coonass country people and rednecks, i have met a few in my life and all of them are AWESOME.
Re: CHRISTMAS DRUNK THREAD 2009 Jalapeno Poppers and beer, hanging out with a girl who has her own Cam Show. Merry Christmas.
Re: CHRISTMAS DRUNK THREAD 2009 I am going to go to work today, suffer through an interminable Christmas party, listen to inane Christmas stories and, hopefully, escape early enough so I can go drink something. Anything.
Re: CHRISTMAS DRUNK THREAD 2009 By all rights, I should be writhing in pain, covered in my own vomit, praying for death right now after the amount of assorted booze I poured down my gullet last night. Instead, I'm just tired and my face is hot. Baby Jesus, you son of a bitch, I didn't ask for a Christmas miracle. You think this makes us even, but it doesn't. Not by a damn sight. But it's a start.
Re: CHRISTMAS DRUNK THREAD 2009 Just finished getting a temp crown on my tooth, all my Christmas shopping, and have now busted out the new espresso machine and Bailey's, Frangellico, hot chocolate. Christmas buzz in T minus 6,5,4...
Re: CHRISTMAS DRUNK THREAD 2009 I had a few drinks at my place of employment (well, one of my places of employment) last night. I needed a break from the crazy (wife and dog). So I sit down, have my Tully and Franzikaner (sic), and get an offer from a woman to drive her to a half way house, where she's reporting for incarceration today, for $75. I can't even drink the crazy away. But goddamn, I'm gonna try.
Re: CHRISTMAS DRUNK THREAD 2009 The fiance's family does not yet know how much of a booze hound I am (and it's been a year and a half). Amongst my family, I am the light weight. Amongst her family, I am the heavyweight. Tonight is dinner with her family, and the fiance is sick which means she's my sober driver. Tonight might be the night they find out.