I would never consider a roller coaster "crazy" but I've been on a couple a Cedar Point that truly make waiting in line worth it. I'm not the type to go there every year, but they go all out at that place. They ALWAYS want to have the tallest, fastest, scariest.
Dirt Road, drunk driver, drunk me riding on top of said vehicle. I was 19, and had killed a bottle of Jager & a few redbulls with a friend out in the desert, and decided to go joy riding around the desert roads. I got out to ride on the top of the truck cab, with nothing but the window sills to hold on to. Not that it mattered, it didn't take long before I decided that was too safe and decided to ride on my knees and throw my arm sup in the air, and not hold on to anything at all. It could have been tragic 2x when my buddy decided to slam on the brakes because he missed a turn and I went flying off over the hood, hitting the ground and rolled into the base of a tree. Came out of that one unscathed. I then hopped on the hood as he hauled ass down the dirt road to where the camp was, and when He slammed on the brakes again I jumped up in the air and flew spider man style through the camp, tucking and rolling at the end. Picture perfect landing. There were instances of +50mph during that trip. Instance number two was Halloween night, I was about 22. same drunk driver, different dirt road, this time an SUV. Halloween night after leaving the bar. First we headed up to my buddy's ranch a few miles up a dirt road. I rode on the roof the whole way there. We got a call from my friend who needed directions to find the dirt road, so we hopped back in the SUV and headed back into town to meet him. I climbed out the window mid ride down the dirt road. Was riding on top of the SUV laying flat on the roof holding on with both hands, one on the passenger window and one on the driver side window. This time my buddy decided to drive a bit more crazy and was fish tailing & sliding all the way down this graded dirt road. We were having a blast, however I did get some sense to come back in when he almost slid off the road at about 40 mph and nearly lost control of the vehicle which would have resulted in a rollover and probably 2 dead idiots.