I still need to focus on strafing and jumping horizontally more since I tend to run straight at people when shooting, but I have found that drop shots are incredibly effective currently. I don't know if it's because a lot of newer players don't expect it or what, but last night I was able to get out of some hairy situations thanks to drop shots. This brings up a good question: have people here gotten absolutely fucked occasionally by spawns? There were numerous times yesterday (can't remember on which maps offhand) where I would spawn playing TDM, turn around and then get shot in the back by an enemy that just spawned at the same exact spot.
I always presumed that they did this on purpose to keep the gameplay extremely fast and to give everyone a chance to feel like they are getting tons of kills. Pretty much a way for everybody to be a winner thus more people buy and play the game. I personally have hated this in every COD game.
Yeah, I've gotten raped by horrible spawns countless times. The worst offender was on Village. There's this rocky structure in the cave with blue plastic barrels around it. I killed a guy heading to the village, he spawns RIGHT behind me, I'm in plain sight. I've learned to let that shit fly, it doesn't happen in the more 'important' game modes such as SnD. Going into respawn gametypes, I already expect BS situations.
The kinks haven't been worked out yet in the spawning but it really isn't any worse than MW2. You can always happen upon the area where the other team is starting to spawn. It is kind of a fine line of spawning close enough to the action so that you don't have to hike every fucking life and spawning far enough away that it's harder to spawn rape.
So...these guys have back to back games that gross a billion dollars each and weren't prepared for people to log into their free service that would help them get better at the game...right. <a class="postlink" href="http://venturebeat.com/2011/11/10/activision-posts-update-on-call-of-duty-elite-service-woes/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://venturebeat.com/2011/11/10/activ ... vice-woes/</a>
Yeah it's not like they new how many pre-orders they had or anything, oh wait. And then there's this... Activision Dev tweets for help improving MW3's Metacritic User Review Score.
Yeah, someone is fucking with their shit. I haven't seen reviews that low from the major outlets. Must be the PC crowd or BF3 fanboys going nuts.
That is just poor planning and execution on Activision's part. If a large non-gaming company's website crashed or was turning users away due to insufficient resources, heads would roll. About a month or two ago, Target.com crashed twice in a short period of time due to users flooding the site trying to buy some hotshot designer's line that Target just started carrying. The CIO mysteriously resigned shortly after, and I was told by friends that work for Target that the timing wasn't coincidental. If Activision is trying to pimp a new pay subscription service, you would think Activison would at least anticipate the amount of incoming traffic and plan accordingly.
Heh, I've been around. Been busy working on a job opportunity out of state, so I haven't been on here in a while. The game rocks. The sights and sounds are amazing, almost every weapon is fun as hell to use, and I love most of the maps. My few complaints are that the SPAS-12 is atrocious, and the Type 95 is way too easy to use. I'll be surprised if they don't patch at least one of them. My favorite aspect of the game, by far, is that I can hear people for a brief moment after I kill them. It's high comedy.
I'm not sure if I'm the only one who thought this game had more lag than Black Ops (I constantly die after shooting people first), but apparently if you turn off theatre mode most of the problems are fixed. I didn't even know theatre mode was on.
I'm starting to wish I had shares in Activision For those of you who bought the subscription, some of the DLC maps may have been discovered: http://mp1st.com/2011/11/10/cod-4-and-mw2-map-files-found-in-modern-warfare-3/
So far my set up has been CM901 w/ silencer Skorpion w/ silencer Slight of Hand Pro Assassin Pro Stalker Pro Semtex Flash Grenades I've mostly used the Support Killstreaks, going with the Advanced UAV, Stealth Bomber, Juggernaut Recon. Stealth Bombers are far more effective than they were in MW2, and there's not much more fun to be had than as a Juggernaut! Having the entire team shooting at you constantly whilst picking them off with your shitty little handgun is pretty damn enjoyable.
Yeah, they gotta bring back some of the classic maps. I love the fact that on my third day, I played 2 maps I didn't play the first 3 days (4 hours of game play). Guernica? What do you mean shitty little handgun? I got juggz and I had an M60 I believe. Fucking awesome. Yeah, fuck the Type 95. Every time I get killed with it, I swear it was a shotgun blast until I look at the symbol.
Holy hell today wended up being a great day. The UMP is still god. On day 4 of the Blessing of COD, I played a new map I never played before. I think they've all officially been played. I also present you this from Penny Arcade,
Re: Re: CoD Addicts Thread The headshots challenge and the 500 kill challenge is where I am at with the UMP, 500 kills will be broken tonight, I am around 430 now. Headshots will take longer, one more level and the UMP will be gold plated. UMP + kick + silencer = 20 kills EDIT: Elite is still not working for me, kicks back to the login screen anytime I try and log in. Working for anybody else?
Because I got it as a Support killstreak rather than Assault (which I presume is how you got it), mine is a little weaker. I suppose there's slight differences between all killstreaks depending on whether they're Support or Assault killstreaks.
Ah, you're right. Oh I know how to win this game. Its called the Type95. Overpowered as fuck. Silencer + ACOG = game over. I hate the new predator missile controls. Fucking impossible to hit shit. I think out of maybe 20, I've killed 5 people, 7 people max. So goddamn frustrating.
Re: Re: CoD Addicts Thread UMP: Bling with silencer and rapid fire. Scavenger, hardline, stalker... KILLS
Let me drop a quick bomb on you fools. Notice how the hit detection seems to be a bit off? The game's engine is essentially the same, the problem lies with having theater mode enabled. Disable that shit and get 4bars that actually play like 4bars. Rape train, all aboard.