I know that the support killstreak resets, so it makes sense that the assault package would reset too.
This. There have been multiple occasions where I have seen myself die twice in one kill cam (get killed by someone, respawn only to have the same person already be aiming down his sights and watching me spawn, then killing me again). That shit is only acceptable if you are using a tactical insert and get caught. I know it is a fine line between spawning close enough to not have to hike a mile to the action and spawning in the middle of the shit with no time to get your bearings, but it seems like they are currently airing on the side of the latter.
Jesus Christ, you weren't kidding. I played a match this weekend where an enemy was rocking the RSASS + ACOG. I picked up the gun and fired a few shots and was amazed. Normally I hate sniping, but this setup is almost like the M14 w/grip in Black Ops. Fantastic mid-to-long range gun, pretty much a 1-2 shot kill anywhere on the board with a decent connection, and it sounds BAD ASS. And with kick the recoil is pretty manageable so that if shit gets hairy you can start hammering away and still have a decent chance of taking at least one or two guys out. Thanks for the suggestion.
I'd say so far the maps are uninspired. A few a really like, a few I really hate, but over all average to a little below average. I also feel like they tried to overcompensate on making multilevel areas. No level is this more apparent than Seatown, every room, pathway, doorway, and platform to stand on is at a different height. Shit is just over complicated and jumbled together. There just isn't a good balance between simpler layouts and over complicated layouts.
Well the biggest complaint about MW1,2 (WW and BO too I guess) was the lack of verticality. Remember how vertical Golden Eye was? Tons of ramps, and stairs and what not. I think the maps are just dandy. A lot of the are "Inspired by" previous maps, but they get the job done. Its good there are 16 to start with. Took me 5 days to confidently say I played at least 2 games on all of the maps. And they're going to release at least another 15 maps. Shit is going to get wild.
ps3 - wexton i pretty much suck right now, getting used to playing fps on a console again. I dont mine sacrificing my kdr for the good of the team.
Been running SOH Pro + Overkill + Stalker Pro with UMP Silenced/Rapidfire and ACR + Kick for backup. Hit almost 800 kills with the UMP and still haven't got the gold plating, last level takes forever. Ran into a bunch if lag tonight and tried disabling theater mode but didn't seem to make much difference.
Elite is kind of working for me now, my double XP came through today. Goal for tomorrow is to finish up on my gold SCAR. As far as the map discussion goes, I really hate carbon and interchange. Other than that I kind of like most of the maps. A lot of the more open maps on MW2 ended up being "rush the big building" (I play TDM almost exclusively) in MW2. These maps are kind of made up of several small circles so it breaks up groups a bit in the modes I play.
So one of my buddies is swearing up and down that the really good players have high quality head sets that produce the footstep sounds clearer than the average blue tooth. Any truth to this? In other news snipers seem extra effective in this game. If you don't have teammates that want to work together they'll camp a part of a map and basically grind the game to a stand still. I give the snipers credit but fuck do I hate their bullshit.
On the PS3 or 360? I have had horrific lag on the PS3 ever since the game came out. 3 bars or less on a good 90%+ of the games. Oddly enough I never had continued lag problems with BO or MW2. The game seems to be pairing me up with local lobbies too, and I get normal results when I test my connection via the PSN control panel. Hopefully it gets better soon as it has definitely affected my game play.
That's definitely odd. I'm on the PS3 and I've partied with people and it hasn't been much of an issue. Certain games its just obvious and I just back out. Elite seems to be up and working so logging in won't hurt you. You also get double XP for 2 hours.
The CM901 and P90 have been my guns of choice so far. The unsuppressed CM901 tears people apart. I've also been using the 3-4-5 assault killstreaks. Since the killstreaks recycle it's very easy to rack those up and have very few deaths. I've also gotten a strafe run(which sucked), reaper(not much better), and Juggernaut all in one game from care packages. The juggernaut is sluggish as shit but it is UNSTOPPABLE. I strapped that shit on and had it for about the last 40% of the game and got 6 or 7 kills.
Re: Re: CoD Addicts Thread PS3, honestly last night is the first time I have had lag issues, I know it wasn't on my end, I had a 4 bar connection at the time. If Elite is up I will login again, I was able to get in a few days ago but I didn't see anything about double xp. I bought the hardened edition so I have the premium option. Anything specific you have to do for the double xp? Wasn't there supposed to be an app released for Android/iphone? Its not in the android market.
Re: Re: CoD Addicts Thread I'm on the PS3 as well, and I haven't played since Saturday because I got so frustrated with the constant lag in every game I played in. When I test my connection through the control panel I'm usually at 12 - 15 mbps and I'm always at four bars in-game, but I have not played a single game of MW3 since its release without lag. It's infuriating.
Here's a friendly COD PSA. I've seen a lot of this since MW3 released, particularly on my own friends list. It's like most players care about nothing but stats. I don't get it.
The video above is why I fucking hate kill confirmed. Everyone is to concerned with their k/d to attempt to go after the tags. The flipside to that coin is in a game like TD where a guy goes 20 and 30 from running headlong into battles all fucking game. Sure he had fun but he did absolutely no good for the rest of the guys on his team.
This is always highly entertaining. This is the first video (that I know of) of these guys doing this shit in MW3. Makes me laugh every time.
Re: Re: CoD Addicts Thread Last night I had some of the worst lag I have every experienced. So far my connection has been showing bad results but the game would still play well online. Last night the lag seemed to fuck with the coding, the sound was popping and crackling when the frame rate would plummet (actually the action on screen seemed slowed down and off by a few seconds). I had never experienced anything like it. I thought I was going to be lagged out but I'd stay on and eventually the game would go back to normal with out any server disconnects or anything. So far I have yet to counter snipers effectively. Miss Socom's TX gas that would help prevent camping spots.
Re: Re: CoD Addicts Thread All I play is kill confirmed, I could give a shit about my K/D ratio so I try and grab as many tags as I can. The downside is I tried playing some domination and it took me a while to adjust to the different play style. I have never gotten the K/D ratio stat whores, who gives a shit? Same thing for prestige, again I don't get it, what's the point?
Re: Re: CoD Addicts Thread I wouldn't go out of my way to inflate or not play game styles that would hurt K/D but it is a good gauge on whether or not you are doing well as a player. Maltob doesn't have a piss poor ratio does he? Cause he's fucking good. I think the real reason it gets so much attention is because TDM is THE game everyone plays and that game boils down to who can put up the better K/D. A guy that put up 15-5 added more for the team than a guy that did 20-20. The real problem I hate is when you play different game modes and people just play TDM in domination. You don't have to run suicide missions but you do have to put yourself out there to win the objective.