Re: Re: CoD Addicts Thread Basically it boils down to this as far as CoD goes. KDR = E-Peen It's a bragging right, hell I've seen "clans" that won't look at you unless yours is over 2.
Re: Re: Re: CoD Addicts Thread I don't go out of my way to hurt it but that's the reason I don't play Domination for the most part, no one wants to risk anything trying to cap flags, its just TDM. Demolition is the same way. I will be the first to admit that I am not the greatest player, my average game is something like 18-10, but I do get my ass handed to me some days as well. Another thing I have noticed is lately most of my games have almost nobody with a microphone, not a big deal but I do get a kick out of some of the shit talking during matches.
Re: Re: CoD Addicts Thread I had to fucking laugh at the clans that pull the [3,4,5,?-0] as there clan title, upping the number every time they win, reseting back to [0-0] when ever they lose. Epeen is as strong as RLpeen.
Fuck Interchange and fuck Village. Can't seem to do well on those maps. Even if my score is top for the team, it's usually because the other team has absolutely raped us. Meanwhile, I finally managed to get a game winning killcam with a riot shield. Never managed that one on MW2. Anyone finding that the success of the Attack Helicopter is really inconsistent? Some games it'll get me 6-7 extra kills, others it will struggle to get me 1-2, even if it isn't shot down. In saying that, it isn't rare for any air support to get shot down straight away now that it counts towards your killstreaks. It's probably impossible, but I wouldn't mind a happy medium between the MW2 (nobody giving a fuck while their harrier rapes us) to MW3 (attack helicopter being in the air for a total of 3 seconds).
I'll be damned if I let the thing even get on the map. Stinger is the shit. AH overwatches also. Stinger rapes all air support. In regards to the KDR, its just like any other sport. The whole E-Peen Theory is completely fucking retarded. Any time anyone plays any game they want to be good at it. No one wants to play basketball, soccer, football, not score any points and suck. As Herm Edwards famously said, "You play to win the game." If you have 20 kills and 3 deaths, you're most likely going to win the game and feel rewarded for your time. There is an innate pleasure of doing something right and doing it well. That is all. Fuck this E-Peen bullshit. And...I've had the best KDR's on Domination playing defender on a flag. Like 40-5-5 or some ridiculous shit like that. Assault Strike package. In regards to Kill Confirmed, people just aren't worried about their KDR's, they're also fucking retarded. I've seen people run by tags without threat of dying. Not sure if they just don't see them or they are freaking out about some other shit. I don't get that, because regardless of class, you get KS points for picking up tags and capturing Dom points. (None of the previous applies to Dome, that map is always a shitshow. God Bless it.)
I agree 100 percent. That's why I thought the dude in the linked video pleading to "just relax and not worry, maaaan." His whole, "if you don't care about anything, basically having no standards, then you can't be disappointed with the game!" was a retard argument. Anyway I'd love to get another weekend afternoon party going. Shit was fun in MW2 with you guys.
What they're saying is that it's not some be all, end all statistic. If I go 14-23, but also have 10 defends to help my team win the game, I have just as much fun being a nuisance and cockblocking the other team, as the 20-3 guy who may (or may not) be making a significant contribution to ours by playing only for KDR. I had a similar game on Havana in BlOps a few weeks ago. 16 flags defended with lots and lots of C4. Fun times. As far as your sport analogy goes, it reminds me of the kid on my JV team in high school. Point guard with a huge ego who cared only about how many points per game he scored. Never mind that he couldn't pass or play defense to save his life. We didn't win much.
1. Please don't mention BO again unless you absolutely have to. I still cry thinking about playing that game trying to talk myself into it being good. And BO didn't track KDR in Objective based games. 2. Fuck that kid on your JV team also. I hated that guy too. But I did bring it all back to winning, and defending spots did I not? I'm just saying most people have fun when they win, and its pretty hard to have decent stats and no flags in Dom because you'll get spawn camped. I haven't seen many Dom games where the losing team had great KDRs. Is it the end all be all stat? Maybe, Maybe not. But even in that BO game, 2-3 people had great KDRs. But if your overall KDR is 0.50, I highly doubt you're having the time of your life playing the game.
Woodysgamertag's recent video about suggested changes to MW3 pointed out something that is missing in games like Kill Confirmed: the recap should show how many tags you acquired/denied. If somebody on my team went 10-20 but acquired a massive amount of tags, I know he's playing the objective and helping my team out, despite dying a lot. I honestly do not know why IW did not include that stat in the game. It is a useful metric. Personally, I try not to give a shit about my K/D as long as I feel like I am making a positive contribution to my team. That is not to say I don't get pissed when I end up playing bad due to circumstances out of my control though (mainly lag). Last night I wasn't too enthused when I went 9-10 with 6 assists in TDM on a 3-bar, because I knew those six assists would have been kills and possibly changed the game had I not gotten fucked due to my connection. In other news, Sandy Ravage's drunken take on the current state on MW3:
A little birdie told me that knifing your own trophy system gives you credit towards SitRep Pro. I went in a game of FFA to try it out. Sure enough, 5 minutes later, I had it unlocked. I'm not one for exploiting glitches, but destroying 50 pieces of equipment is such a headache. Say what you will about Black Ops, but perk challenges were among some of the things they did correctly in that game. They weren't perfect, but they had more thought put into them than what IW has offered.
No one why no one uses noob tubes, fuck are they so underpowered. I was just playing MW3 not 5 minutes ago and it was up.
Lucky you, I was looking forward to playing a few games tonight but <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... intenance/</a>
Yeah, I noticed this also. People were dropping them, then they were fizzling out. I was like "What the fuck is that thing supposed to do?" People were knifing their own shit. Yeah it was down 10/10 CST. Unless you were already on and playing. Then apparently you were fine. Noobtubes aren't underpowered, they just were upgraded to ProPipes.
Not that it matters that PSN is down (14 hours? Really?), because I'm not touching MW3 again before they learn to finish a fucking product. Why is it that Xbox360 gets a hit marker sound and PS3 doesn't? If you guys think that it's not a big deal, guess again. Because spraying through walls to try and 'find' a guy is a lot faster with some auditive feedback. Go ahead, check my post history in this thread. See how many times I've mentioned the words 'hit marker'. Patch that shit, Infinity Ward.
3 different posts. Slow day at work. Yeah, I didn't notice that. My other complaint is that there is too much bullet penetration. I can't fucking stand it. Maybe there isn't enough in other games, but this shit is too much. Too many bullets going through concrete with no FMJ.
So. MW3 has just killed it. Don' care about you're strategic allegiances. If you want to play strayegic, go to BF3, and enjoy playing with 3 people in a mulri player