I've stuck with the 50. cal so far, but the only map I've used the sniper on is Village. All the other maps I just stick to assault rifles (I don't QS though). My usual Assault Rifle class normally involves Stalker Pro as my third perk, but I've found in Dome that Marksman is really effective. If you generally struggle in the clusterfuck that is Dome, give it a try. I'd also recommend that you keep moving throughout the map to a minimum. In my mind the map can be divided into three main sections (either side of the dome and the cars). Find out which one you're most comfortable at, and own it. Also, Marksman isn't really necessary for any Sniping classes, IMO.
That is my favorite so far, lots of one hit kills. Lately i have been using the PKP, and loving it. What is every ones favorite LMG?
Also, fuck you douche canoes using akimbo fmg9s. So god damn overpowered it's not even funny. Much like the 1887s were. And lag issues seem worse to me in MW3 than BO. I almost never quit mid game but I've found myself doing it out of necessity a few times. And I really miss some of the BO features. Gun Game? One in the Chamber? More than 20 points for an assist? I guess I was just expecting a bit more outta MW3. Still cheap entertainment, all things considered.
Tell me about it. As of this weekend, my win:loss was sitting somewhere around 150:250. If I join a lobby and realize 1-2 minutes in that I am lagging, I quit. Most of the time it takes multiple lobbies before I find a lobby where I am at least on equal footing with the other players connection-wise. I honestly don't get it. MW2 was great for me, and BO was playable despite the shit hit detection. This echos my thoughts on the game as well. I had pretty high expectations for the game before its release, and felt a bit disappointed after playing it for a while. To be fair though this is a totally different IW team from a staffing perspective than IW was during MW2's development. And in the grand scheme of things, MW3 is still probably worth the money. I just hope IW continues to keep releasing patches and updates.
I think I am officially done with CoD. I'm done paying $60 to get it the first week of release at the very least. I get nothing out of the campaign mode anymore. The story isn't interesting, compelling or even original anymore. I don't care about the characters. They switch perspectives on me so many times, I don't get any emotional investment in them. It's the same run up, plunk off a few guys, run up, plunk a few guys, ad infinitum gameplay. You realize just how boring and repetitive this is without any commitment to the narrative. That leaves multiplayer as the other big draw. Unfortunately, I suck at multiplayer and get no enjoyment from it anymore. My reflexes are honestly significantly worse in the 4 years since MW1 came out. Not to mention I don't have the time to practice or learn the maps like I used to. Throw in a small TV and below average wireless internet connection, and I am just an easy kill waiting to be reaped. I don't need to go around and dominate, but I can't seem to even be competitive anymore. It's still a well made game in terms of look and feel, but I just feel myself getting bored. /end rant
No idea what these lag issues are. They're all the same in regards to all the MWs. BO was terrible in all regards. MW3 is everything I wanted it to be. More of MW3 with some new paint and fresh breakpads. Next one they'll need a new engine. Yes, those Akimbo Machine pistols are pure ass rape. Its not even fair. If they get within 10 feet to you, its over.
Are you kidding me? I can't count the amazing amount of bullshit deaths I've went through. Nevermind the shitty camper's mentality pervading the game right now, I'm struggling to round a corner without eating lead like a retarded baby. Countless killcams have gone by where I look like some cripple crossing the street, fumbling with his weapon. Even for "fair gun fights", I'll put several rounds into someone only to watch him shrug off the flesh wound and straight up kill me. A lot of people bitched about Black Ops, but I'll say this, the lag compensation was never this bad. You are right though, the Akimbo FMG-9's are really hard to beat. They're way better than the shotguns in MW2.
According to Robert Bowling, correcting the lag compensation is priority #1 right now. #2 is fixing the spawn system. Or so I've been told. In other news, EMP grenades rock.
Can't say I've had any issues with lag yet. The best part about campers is when you get an entire team that seems to do it. You can spend an game of TDM rushing the popular camping spots (main go-to buildings in Seatown, Bakaara, Resistance, Carbon etc) and pulling of a series of double/triple/multi kills (often with these lovely akimbo machine pistols). Your team is winning pretty easily by 20-25 kills, but they continuing doing it anyway. Pretty clear your dumbass tactic is just making you sitting ducks. Also, if anyone enjoys getting the titles/emblems, the "fall 30 ft or more to your death' can be completed by jumping down the well in Seatown. Other then that, these mw3 maps seem to lack places to accomplish this task. I remember in mw2 there for a lot more places.
I'm not going to say anything that has already been said here but there has been some major fuckary going on in the last few games I have played. I am normally a hardcore S&D player but now they have no limit on the amount of team kills one can have in the game. Last two games there has been someone on my team who spawned and shot a rocket at the floor and wiped our whole team. The last game BOTH teams had someone who did this and the team that was defending would just instantly win. In my opinion the spawn problem is tied to the map problem. Most of the maps are small in 2d, but they have more vertical options than the last few COD games. While that's good, and I like the vertical aspect, maps like Dome are just spawn rape fests. There are a few exceptions, Bakara being one, but most of these maps just feel small. I play S&D only because that way I can be sure that the enemy is in front of me at the start, and won't spawn right behind me after I get a kill. I REALLY hope that in the map pack release they give us some larger maps because in ground war these maps must just infuriate people.
So in theory, if I have a good connection and find myself dying from around corners etc, I should add a delay to my connection? If so how is this done? I'm computer illiterate I know.
Lag compensation makes sense a little, but I'll look in game and see that 8-10 people have 5 bars, and like the rest would have 4, and there still would be some issues. I haven't run into blatant lag issues at all, but if we're considering these one second delays from lag compensation, there is a lot of that, but you can notice it EARLY in the game where you have to bail or you decide to camp your ass off. And the shotguns fucking suck. Hard.
For what it's worth, I use the SPAS-12 and Striker a lot, and I love 'em. They're certainly better than they were on launch day. Protip: using extended mags increases pellet count on the shotguns by 50%. Consequently, that enables you to use range instead of damage for your weapon proficiency. You have to go through a grind in order to get them, but that pretty much applies to all things COD when Infinity Ward is at the helm. Relevant part begins at the 3-minute mark.
Look, the biggest problem with this game is the lag compensation, spawns and lack of hit marker sounds on the PS3. I need to hear whether or not I stunned multiple people or how many rounds I put into a guy way off in the distance. The most infuriating thing are the bullshit deaths. There was a guy in this thread back in MW2 who'd complain that he fired multiple rounds into a guy only to have him turn around and rape him and the killcam not even showing him firing. I never quite got that until MW3. Yeah. Stuff like this happens multiple times per lobby. There's clearly an unfair advantage arbitrarily passed around between games. One game I'd rape face and get the dirtiest kills, even when the guy surprised me and really should've gotten me, and the next I'd get my ass handed to me by a corner camper with insultingly bad reflexes. They should've left it as it was in MW2. I'd play games with Maltob and Parker and was still able to be somewhat competitive, even in US lobbies. In MW3, I don't even bother, which is a shame. It was always fun to play with you guys. I can see myself playing this game for ages, they just need to fix this bullshit. But that's Activision for you. Sometimes I think they release a flawed product on purpose, so the consumer base feels like 'next year will be better'. I don't think these guys are 'proud' of the game they've made like the guys that made Ico or Shadow of the Colossus. This feels like something you'd get off an assembly line. /rant
Agreed. And that's a Ravage vid you posted. Dude has Verizon FIOS fiber (50Mb/50Mb I believe with minimal latency), and shit like this still happens: To make things worse, people are hampering their connection when joining lobbies by queuing up huge torrents or downloading other massive files, quitting the torrents when the game starts, and then absolutely dominating the game. It's a dirty way to introduce a shitload of latency to get the lag compensation working in your favor, and I didn't believe people actually DID this until I heard multiple kids talking about doing it in separate lobbies over the last week or so. Not so surprisingly, they were typically at the top of the leaderboard by a wide margin. Hopefully it gets fixed soon, because to me at least, that's a game breaker. I am already playing MW3 significantly less than BO and MW2, and I don't think that will change until some of the major issues (lag, spawns, etc.) get fixed.
Well, for those few times everyone plays and doesn't have a shitty time. Free Pro-Tip, if someone stuns your claymores, bouncing betty or anything really...pick it up and put it right back down. JUST LIKE BRAND NEW!
I read about another tip in the comments section on one of Xcal's newer vids. I haven't tried it yet but it makes sense. If you want a shitload of points and don't care about your K/D, play Kill Confirmed and toss a tac insertion down in a high traffic spot. Stand on the tac and don't move. When you get killed and respawn, you collect your tags at get 250 points. Rinse, wash, repeat. Supposedly a guy in said lobby was consistently at the top of the leaderboard in points and was going like 7-29 every game.
Lag and spawns aside (which, as I've stated previously, I'll reserve judgment on until I see how they patch it), this guy makes a few good points about why this game is markedly better than its predecessor. He also cites the very same reasons that I only use the support package, so I'm a bit partial to the video for that. Oh, you just got an AC-130? That's cool, look at this EMP I've been saving. Get mad.