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CoD Addicts Thread

Discussion in 'Pop Culture Board' started by JoeFresh, Jan 11, 2010.

  1. Parker

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Jan 18, 2010
    Chicago, IL
    Or you just save the EMP for the Osprey Drop. It just fucks people's shit up.
  2. Rob4Broncos

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Yep, any and all high-reward point streaks are fair game. Choppers, reapers, Pave Lows, AC-130s, and both Ospreys don't have shit on me.

    For that matter, neither do the Juggernauts.

    #2102 Rob4Broncos, Nov 29, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2015
  3. wexton

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    North Coast BC
    I know i am not the great FPS player on the console, but that is about half of my deaths occure. I have the complete drop on the guy, put a couple rounds into the guy just like the video, then i end up dieing. I thought it was just me until i watched the video, i know i still suck, but at least i know what to look for, if it was my dumb ass fault or not.
    #2103 wexton, Nov 29, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2015
  4. dubyu tee eff

    dubyu tee eff
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    Thinks he has a chance with Christina Hendricks...

    Oct 25, 2009
    Question. I've used the escorted airdrop a number of times and noticed that while it does deliver the care packages, it doesn't seem to be doing anything to defend them. It hasn't gotten a single kill for me. I thought the idea was that it brings care packages but also shoots people on the way and while it is dropping them. Have a misunderstood it? Am I doing something stupid?
  5. magz

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 21, 2009
    Dude, fucking tell me about it. I spent a solid 1.5 hours dealing with this exact same shit tonight. Quit mid-game out of every lobby until I found one where I wasn't at a serious lag disadvantage. Disclaimer: I've been playing with strictly shotguns recently to try and get the damage and rage proficiencies (hard as FUCK by the way) out of a morbid, masochistic curiosity. So I am already screwed with a serious disadvantage unless I have a proper connection, which wasn't an issue in the last two games.

    I finally found one lobby tonight after an hour or so where I wasn't running into the same bullshit that Sandy posted in his video. First game, went 19-10, which is about how I was playing at the end of BO. Host quit, next game I am at 4-16. Game after that, it's around the 2-18 mark about four minutes in before I rage quit and went out to the bar out of boredom and in need of a break. The entire lobby was playing the same way with the same guns and the same classes. Nothing else changed besides the host (and everyone was still at 3 or 4 bars). And it wasn't like I got outplayed, it was literally guys shooting around corners and enemies spawning directly in back of me after I spawned.

    It's absolutely infuriating when it happens, and even more so because for whatever reason some people aren't affected so they don't understand how bad you've just been fucked. It's almost like a racial slur or police profiling: people understand that it happens and empathize with the victims, but they don't understand how much it sucks until it happens to them.

    Whatever, fuck it. I am going to keep on my shotgun quest until I am at a 0.1 K/D and piss off every lobby I am in. At this point I don't really care. And I apologize to anyone in here that may end up in my lobby on the PS3, if you see rectum_inspector on your team bail immediately if you care about doing well. Getting hit markers on 9-10 separate enemies in one match like I did tonight yet only finishing the game with ONE assist really isn't my fault, it's fucking Infinity Ward's, Sledgehammer's, and most importantly Activision's. If it ain't broke, don't fucking fix it.

    Sorry for the rant. I just don't see how a game that had such a sold core to work with could become so flawed in its implementation.
  6. wexton

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    North Coast BC
    Oh tell me about it tonight, one lobby i was in everyone was 2 bars, i was 1 bar. Yea that game ended well, 1-20. Which was my last game of the night. All the other ones, i was at a 2 bar, when everyone else was either at 3 or 4 bars.

    I did the same thing, just got the striker, so i am having a little fun. And talking about how bad the lag was, i was akimbo'ing mp9's put almost both full mag's into the back of some guy and didn't kill him.

    Want a race to see who can get to .1 kd first?
  7. mekka

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    No idea why, but I've broken through some sort of plateau lately. Hovered around 1.4 for a while, but in the past two days I've shot up to 1.65. Tonight I would estimate 95% of my games were played over 2.0, and half of those were over 3. And before I get attacked for watching my KDR no matter what, keep in mind that I only play TDM with the occasional Kill Confirmed. I consider domination to be borderline unplayable because of the camping I encounter, and none of the other modes really appeal to me.

    Also, I had to quit a game tonight because I was laughing so hard (being sleep drunk makes everything funny). I started a game with a 15 kill streak on KC, and then dropped the smoke to call my care package. Some guy on my team tossed his immediately after, then tried to steal mine when it dropped. I could only watch helplessly as his crate fell from the sky and crushed his ass. Amazing. I tried to figure out how to upload the video to Elite but couldn't figure it out tonight, so fuck it - I'll do it tomorrow.

    Don't steal crates, kids.

    Side note - does anyone get fucking furious when they have an insane game on TDM (or any mode for that matter) and your team still loses? I played a round of TDM on Mission, went 34-3, and my retarded fucking team still managed to lose 7500-6800.
  8. guernica

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    Sydney, Australia
    Massive props to whoever recommended using the Striker. I find it a lot better to use than the Spas-12. I'm enjoying raping with it with the Overkill Perk.
  9. Fusion

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    Average Idiot

    Jul 17, 2011
    People are not dropping!?

    People just eat bullets most times, then they fire one shot on you like we're playing fucking Goldeneye and they posses the Golden Gun?! It is so frustrating knowing that you hit them several times before they even get a shot on you.

    Focus: Is there any particular weapon that you feel kills most effectively?

    Focus: What sensitivity do you recommend to play on as I find too low my guy has taken those slow down drugs you get on GTA and too high he just spins?
  10. Tuesday

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    Oct 26, 2009
    I primarily use the ACR, UMP, or MSR. With a Skorpion secondary. The Type 99 is good too, but I grew tired of the 3 round burst. I play on sensitivity 7, but if any friends play on my account they always freak out about it being too high. Good advice from earlier in the thread, play on a setting until you're proficient, then increase it 1. Proficient meaning multiple games in a row, even multiple sessions, where you're comfortable with how you're controlling your aim, K/D, etc.
  11. magz

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 21, 2009
    For my main rushing class I like the PP90 with rapid fire and silencer. With steady aim slapped on the gun really becomes a hip firing machine. Running akimbo FMGs for secondary makes the class almost unfair. It's a cheap class for sure, but it's effective.

    Shotguns suck unfortunately, but the Striker sucks the least. For ARs, I am also a fan of the ACR due to the minimal recoil and decent iron sights. And since I don't snipe I can't really comment on most of the sniper rifles, but I WOULD like to thank whoever suggested the RSASS w/ACOG a page or two back. That gun is a fucking cannon (typically a 1-2 shot kill), and shoots just like the M14 w/grip did on Black Ops. I honestly can't believe more people don't use it. It's probably my second-most used gun and I rush with it.

    Sensitivity boils down to personal preference. I usually run at a 4 or 5 whereas my buddy runs at a 6-7 most of the time. The one benefit to higher sensitivity is if you get shot from the side or back, you are able to spin around quicker and have a better chance of getting a shot off before you get killed. The obvious downside to that is the higher the sensitivity, the harder it is to acquire a target without rotating past it.
  12. Parker

    Expand Collapse
    Emotionally Jaded

    Jan 18, 2010
    Chicago, IL
    That was me. Yeah, basically play 5-10 games at each sensitivity with your "best gun" and go from there. You'll be able to feel it. If you get into a "fair" shootout with someone and can't track them figure out if you're too fast or two slow.

    I'm using T95, Silenced + Acog to balance out the silencer distance nerf. Then the UMP45, Rapid Fire, Kickback/Stability. I'm trying to find an LMG that works for me, but I can't.
  13. Rob4Broncos

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    I've toyed around with the L86 a bit. I gotta say, it's not half-bad. Great iron sights and rate of fire. Use kick, hold L2, and spray down high-traffic corridors like you're an extra in a Jason Statham movie.

    Oh, and don't try to rush with it. Sounds like a no-brainer, but I've seen people try that (and fail quite hard).
  14. Fernanthonies

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Ok, newb question because I've been playing Skyrim much more than MW3.

    I can't figure out the requirements for the pro version of perks. I know it's a challenge, but I can't figure out which challenges you need. Looking on elite, I see that there are different levels of challenges of the same name as the perk, for instance I have unlocked Slight of Hand IV, or whatever. Are those what do it? If so, which level, because I have slight of hand IV unlocked, but still don't have the pro version, but I have Recon VI and do have the pro version of that one, so is it just, like...level 5 of the perk?

    Or is there a completely different category of challenges that I'm not seeing?
  15. magz

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 21, 2009
    Unfortunately this doesn't give the actual challenge amounts (e.g. 150 reloads for Scavenger Pro or whatever), but gives an idea of what you need to do to get pro perk status...
    <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... erk-guide/</a>

    Spoilered for length:
    Perk Guide

    Perk 1

    Recon: Unlocked at Level 4

    Standard Effect: Any enemies that take explosive damage will be highlighted on the minimap for 12 seconds. Including flashbangs.
    Pro Effect: Any enemy hit with bullets will be highlighted. Combine this with an LGM and Impact Proficiency, and you can hit targets through walls and see where they’re hiding.
    Pro Perk Challenge: Paint enemies with Recon. That means you’ll need to mark enemies with explosive blasts; Frag, Concussion, Flashbangs, or any Launchers will work.

    Sleight of Hand: Unlocked at Level 4

    Standard Effect: Doubles your reload speed. Great for SMGs or any weapon that fires quickly, where you’ll be reloading often.
    Pro Effect: Doubles the speed you switch weapons. Dump the pistol, you can switch quickly between any two weapons. Bring an Assault Rifle and a Shotgun, and don’t worry about that slow switch speed anymore.
    Pro Perk Challenge: Kill enemies with Sleight of Hand set. Simple, just kill your enemies with Sleight of Hand active as your chosen perk.

    Blind Eye: Unlocked at Level 11

    Standard Effect: You can’t be spotted by air support or sentries, and you’re invisible to any enemy controllable pointstreaks. You’re invisible to all air support, thermal scopes, drones, sentry guns, and remote-controlled sentries. Just remember to stay away from players without this perk, or you’ll eat an explosion with them.
    Pro Effect: Great against vehicles, this perk doubles your launcher lock-on time and gives your weapons a 60% damage bonus against air support and deployable Pointstreaks.
    Pro Perk Challenge: Use the Bline Eye set to destroy Pointstreak rewards — air support, sentries, and drones all count towards this challenge.

    Extreme Conditioning: Unlocked at Level 22

    Standard Effect: Doubles your sprint distance, letting you sprint longer. Great for nullifying the slow-down brought on by weapons like a LGM or a Sniper Rifle.
    Pro Effect: Doubles your mantling speed. That means climbing. Useful especially when lugging around heavy weapons like a LMG.
    Pro Perk Challenge: Just do lots and lots of sprinting with the Extreme Conditioning set chosen.
    Scavenger: Unlocked at Level 38

    Standard Effect: Defeated enemies will drop ammo backpacks for bullet and throwing knife resupply. If you like your attachments and don’t want to give up your specific weapon in a match, bring this perk with you and you’ll never run out of ammo… as long as you’re good at killing your opponents.
    Pro Effect: Get two extra magazines when you spawn. Not especially useful, but handy for players that like to shoot a lot — which is everyone, right?
    Pro Perk Challenge: Resupply using Scavenger. Just keep killing and resupplying with the dropped ammo backpacks.

    Perk 2

    Quickdraw: Unlocked at Level 4

    Standard Effect: Halves ADS time, meaning you can look down your sights faster. You’ll have a slight edge in mid-range combat, especially combined with SMGs and holographic sights. If you plan on being an aggressive player armed with a Sniper Rifle, this perk is vital for quickly scoping your targets.
    Pro Effect: Doubles the speed of equipment usage. Throw grenades twice as quickly, set up sentries, deploy any equipment faster. If you’re feeling vulnerable, use the Pro Perk.
    Pro Perk Challenge: Get kills within a few seconds of entering ADS. Whenever you kill an opponent a few seconds after looking down your sights, you’ll fulfill this challenge. Just avoid lingering while scoped, and play aggressively.

    Blast Shield: Unlocked at Level 4

    Standard Effect: Explosive damage reduced by 45%. Basically, you’re more likely to survive a grenade blast. You can survive just about any explosive weapon this way — mines, claymores, and Air Support won’t touch you. Bring this perk when you’re playing a heavy objective-based game mode.
    Pro Effect: Instead of explosive damage, you’re protected from flashbangs. The pro effect provides for 50% reduction to your blind or stun duration. Perfect for camping in interiors or small spaces. An enemy will try to flashbang you, then run in for the kill — but the trick will be on them.
    Pro Perk Challenge: Don’t die from explosions while Blast Shield is chosen — you’ll need to take explosive damage, but survive.

    Hardline: Unlocked at Level 15

    Standard Effect: 1 point reduction to all Pointstreak rewards. This might seem pretty lame, but this perk is more useful for purchasing low-cost Poinstreaks. You’ll be able to easily access UAV support, or any other support package that can give your team an edge.
    Pro Effect: After a set of two assists, you’ll gain a Pointstreak point. Death Streaks need one fewer death. Not exactly a Pro choice, but it can help players that lose kills to their team.
    Pro Perk Challenge: Just earn Pointstreaks while Hardline is your chosen perk. You’ll be doing plenty of that anyway.

    Assassin: Unlocked at Level 27

    Standard Effect: You won’t be detected by UAVs, AUAVs, Portable RADAR, Thermal Sights, or Heartbeat Sensors. Perfect for stealthy players.
    Pro Effect: With this perk, you won’t show up red on crosshairs when targeted, neither will your name. You’re also immune to EMP and CUAV effects. Even more perfect for stealthy players, this perk is great for chaotic game types like deathmatch or team deathmatch, where teams will be mixed together, and most opponents will need to confirm you’re an enemy. Without the red crosshair or name, you’ll have an extra split-second to take them down.
    Pro Perk Challenge: Kill while an enemy UAV is online. Just that simple.

    Overkill: Unlocked at Level 47

    Standard Effect: Allows you to equip two primary weapons. This perk gives you a lot more leeway with your weapon combinations. Combining the Assault Rifle and Shotgun can give you an edge, or combining the Sniper Rifle with an Assault Rifle or Shotgun. It’s best to bring two weapons to cover different ranges of combat, such as short-range to mid-range, or long-range to short-range.
    Pro Effect: Allows you to give your second primary weapon one attachment. A nice bonus for players that like their hand-picked custom weapons.
    Pro Perk Challenge: Choose a second primary weapon and kill with it. Just that simple. Pretend your first primary weapon doesn’t exist for awhile.

    Perk 3

    Marksman: Unlocked at Level 4

    Standard Effect: When highlighting an enemy, their red enemy name and red crosshair appears at longer range. It’s a subtle effect, but invaluable to long-range players. Using an AR or Sniper Rifle, it helps to spot enemies without having to worry if they’re a teammate or not.
    Pro Effect: Lets you hold your breath for twice the normal duration. This is only really helpful for Snipers still learning the ropes, a Sniper with enough experience won’t need the extra time.
    Pro Perk Challenge: While holding your breath, get some kills. Holding your breath should help you be more accurate, so this challenge is only natural.

    Stalker: Unlocked at Level 4

    Standard Effect: Move at full-speed while in ADS, or aiming down the sights. Perfect for aggressive players at mid or close-range. It’ll give you the edge in speed while tareting opponents, letting you weave away from their fire while you return fire accurately.
    Pro Effect: Gives you a two second delay for Claymores, Bouncing Betties, and IMSs once activated. Useful for players that stumble around and walk into traps, but it won’t guarantee your safety, just give you two extra seconds to escape.
    Pro Perk Challenge: Kill while ADS, or while looking down the sights, with Stalker as your set perk.

    Sitrep: Unlocked at Level 19

    Standard Effect: Allows you to detect any enemy Equipment or deployable Pointstreaks. Great for objective-based game mode, while this perk is active, any enemy equipment will have a red glow that’s visible anywhere on the map. Including grenades and mines, meaning you won’t need to worry about stumbling into C4. This is a powerful perk, and can help you spot opponents, as any new equipment is deployed by a player or will attract other players to it.
    Pro Effect: Enemy footsteps become much louder. Put on those headphones, and you won’t have to worry about other players sneaking up on you. Only really useful with a good sound set-up.
    Pro Perk Challenge: Defeat and destroy any enemy devices with Sitrep as your picked perk.

    Steady Aim: Unlocked at Level 30

    Standard Effect: Your hip-fire spread is reduced by 35%. Forget ADS and just spray bullets with your chosen SMG or Shotgun. Or, if you really want to use weapons akimbo, take this perk to steady their very poor accuracy.
    Pro Effect: Allows you to recover from melee attacks 40% faster. Meaning, after a knife lunge, you’ll put away the knife and get out your weapon again with increased speed.
    Pro Perk Challenge: With Steady Aim set, kill while shooting from the hip. Just shoot wildly, perfect for close-combat with SMGs, Shotguns, or Machine Pistols. Just remember to bring extra ammo.

    Dead Silence: Unlocked at Level 55

    Standard Effect: Your movement is now silent, and halves the duration of active Recon from 12 seconds to 6 seconds if you’re pegged with an explosive. Very effective combined with silenced weapons and a mobile players that doesn’t want to be detected on RADAR.
    Pro Effect: Take no falling damage, at all. Drop from tall locations to ambush unsuspecting players below you with your knife.
    Pro Perk Challenge: Get close-range kills. With your knife. You’ll have to either be very stealthy or very aggressive.
  16. wexton

    Expand Collapse
    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    North Coast BC
    I am enjoying the PKP w/ kick and acog scope. Not as much damage as i would like, but nice and accurate and has great range.
  17. scotchcrotch

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Nov 21, 2009
    I've been stockpiling Mtn Dew caps for double XP and have about 2 hours worth.

    What game mode is most liberal with the XP? I'm thinking Domination.
  18. guernica

    Expand Collapse
    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    Sydney, Australia
    I've alternated between the Scar-L, CM901 and ACR 6.8. All silenced. They're basically the same, I haven't noticed any drastic differences between them. Maybe the ACR 6.8 doesn't recoil as much.
  19. magz

    Expand Collapse
    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 21, 2009
    Good news. I just checked out Robert Bowling's twitter feed, and he had this to say...

    I wasn't aware of the recoil glitch, but after checking it out it definitely needs to be patched as well:
    #2119 magz, Nov 30, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2015
  20. FSB

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    Village Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    Kill Confirmed can get ridiculous quickly if you play for tags.