So patch 1.06 just came out for the PS3. Giddy as hell, I checked to see if they fixed the hit markers. Nope. Spawns? Nope. FMG nerf? First game there were 2 guys running around using them as primaries. So I turned off the PS3. Thanks Activision.
So what the hell did it fix? Spawns and hit markers need fixing yesterday. Getting fucking tired of spawning and getting immediately shot in the back.
Re: Re: CoD Addicts Thread Thanks, I guess we will see how well the lag has been fixed, plan on jumping on tonight if anybody is interested in playing some Dom or TDM. Also just logged into elite online and my double xp just came through, elite online is alot less glitchy than trying to use it on the PS3, with the only thing I noticed not working was linking a youtube account.
lag issues are still laughably bad. Shocking. Edit: after playing a bit more, I'd even go as far as to say things are worse
Fuck me, which means it is a lot more for me. Most my games are played at 2/3 bars. Is there a way to start the search for lobbies at a certain ping? It starts trying to find a game at 50, then 60, and so on, until it gets to 100 or more, i haven't found one that has under 100 ping, most my lobbies i find are 125+.
Re: Re: CoD Addicts Thread I will be jumping on hopefully within an hour, I have low expectations about the lag.
Well they've been saying the 1.06 patch DID NOT include those fixes for weeks, they were always in the "upcoming" hot fixes. They're coming, don't worry man.
I wish there was a shooting range where you could adjust the specs on your weapon fairly quickly, without having to enter games.
Holy shit I unlocked the MK14....This gun is a rape machine. I never liked the semi autos in the other cods but I am loving this shit.
Finally maxed out my AA12 and I've been sodomizing people with it ever since. Extended mags of course but I'm testing range and damage proficiencies. Both are very nice and make a noticeable difference, but I feel like damage is going to win in the end. There's been too many times where I unloaded 3-4 rounds into a group of enemies and killed no one. With extended mags and damage, it's actually pretty common to get 1 shot kills with the AA12. My shotgun class setup: Slight of Hand Overkill (SCAR-L as second primary for picking people off) Steady Aim Specialist Strike Package: 1. Scavenger 2. Assassin 3. Hardline Scavenger is pretty much mandatory with the AA12 and having it set as my first killstreak means I will almost always have it by the time I need more ammo. And damn, if you ever want to rack up point streaks fast, use the Stinger as your secondary. Shoot down every UAV in the sky and hope the enemy calls in a strafe run for an EASY 5 streak points.
I'm having fun using the striker as a second primary with the riot shield on my back in smaller boards.
Can you not have the riot shield as a secondary primary with Overkill? If I remember correctly, your speed in MW3 is dependent in much the same manner as MW2 -- totally dependent on your primary weapon. Shotguns have the highest walk/run speed in the game.
I fell in love with the ACR this last week. Best sounding gun in the game I think, plus accurate and deadly. I fucking love it.
Wow. I finally unlocked the damage proficiency and extended mags on the SPAS, and it is a totally different gun. It is still inconsistent (hit markers at point blank range, yet random one-shot longshots), but it is much more playable than before. Unfortunately IW is going to nerf the extended mags shotgun "bug" so it will be interesting to see how bad it gets after the next patch. Speaking of shotguns, I have been playing with the model 1887 a fair amount recently and it's a fucking riot. With steady aim pro it's a hip firing machine. For some reason people get PISSED when they get killed with it, which I always get a kick out of. In other news, Sandy Ravage is really, really good with the reaper.
I repped this but the MK14 is turning my game into a Sandusky locker room. I play hardcore kill confirmed and domination and with 2 Attachments, Silencer and ACOG it's a 1 shot kill almost every time. The only thing it can't stand up to is a close range machine pistol or small machine gun (UMP, P90, etc) simply because you cant get a second shot off in time if the first misses. I'm also enjoying the ACR (similar to MW2- deadly accurate and good silenced or with sight of choice), the Type 95 (much like the Famas in MW2) and the G36C. I noticed the MK14 has a rapid fire attachment- does anyone know what this does on a semi-auto? Without it equipped it seems to fire as fast as I can click the mouse and I didn't notice a difference with RF on. The Striker (with just Grip so far) is a mean shotgun but the hit markers are so sporadic that I prefer the Skorpion silenced. Killstreak sets I'm using: Care Package/Predator/Reaper Support: Advanced UAV, Stealth Bomber, Osprey or Juggernaut
Hot damn, I am disproportionately happy that they fixed the hitmarker sounds on the PS3. I am seriously playing better because of it, and it sounds so damn satisfying. And, for once, I actually played several games where people on two bars weren`t lag compensated for my five bars. Did those dumbasses at Infinity Ward actually manage to fix that shit? In other news, the Striker with Sleight of Hand, Assassin and Sitrep pro with the specialist strike package has netted me three MOABs so far. I fucking love that gun.
Re: Re: CoD Addicts Thread I am loving it as well, although more and more people are catching on to the striker. Played a few hours tonight and noticed the hit markers sounded better, lag wasn't as much of an issue. Also running striker with extended mags and damage will cause you to piss people off, I had people yelling at me all night, rather funny really.
What do you guys prefer, damage or range with the Striker/ext mags set up? Think I've been using range lately, haven't really done a good comparison trial yet though.
Re: Re: CoD Addicts Thread I use Damage, I didn't notice a big enough difference in range when I tried it out. One shot kills with damage I like much better.