You can't go wrong with range, really. But after spending considerable time with that, then switching to damage, I noticed it put down people considerably faster. When dealing with multiple enemies, you stand a much better chance of taking them all out. Also, steady aim is excellent with the Striker. You have to be more accurate due to the reduced buckshot spread, but it's a fucking monster once you get the hang of it. One-shot kills for days and days.
There was an update right? I could have sworn I downloaded an update. Fucking shit was the laggiest I have ever played today. Spawn raping, still prevalent.
Has anyone tried out Drop Zone yet? They just opened a new playlist for it (today I think). It's pretty much King of the Hill, with a care package given to the controlling team every 15 seconds. Very action-packed games, since you're pretty much forced to rush the drop zone immediately if you want to have a chance of winning. The main complaint I have about it so far is that every game turns into a nade spam fest, so you need to have blast shield on if you want any chance of holding the hill. Using the trophy system also helps a lot. Either way, its still pretty fun, especially if you like playing aggressively.
Christmas came early, old lady got me a set of Turtle Beach PX-5's, these things are badass, I would highly recommend them. Played a few games tonight and got my ass handed to me, but it sounded great.
I am having a lot of fun with drop zone. I can't believe how many people actually do not pickup care packages. I've seen attack helicopters an advanced UAVs left behind, even when they are clearly marked as friendly.
I'll definitely try that out soon, I've been having a lot of fun branching out from the standard TDM, Kill Confirmed, Ground war playlists, Free for All and Team Defender have been a blast. I also need to play more headquarters and CTF.
Drop zone is a fucking blast. I like to find a perch nearby and rack up the kills as people rush headlong into the grinder. Then pick up the occasional left over care package that the no-attention-span crowd leaves behind because a new drop zone popped up. Throw on blast shield, semtex and flashbangs, grab an AR with a Pro-Pipe, maybe even a grenade launcher as your secondary, and have fun.
Played two games of DropZone, one last night and one this morning. Holy hell was that shit fun. Yeah, its fun to not even go for the packages, just find a spot away from it and just wreck people as they run for it. I leveled up some of my shit for other game modes.
I don't know why but I do much better with the ACR with iron sights than with red dot/holographic. This isn't the case for me with any other gun in any other COD. By the way, I may have had this question answered in the past, but can anyone tell me what the god-damn difference is between red-dot sight and holographic? Why does the holographic take longer to unlock? Does it serve any benefit? I played with the Striker a ton today too. After reading what you all have said, I'm desperate to get the range proficiency.
In MW2, there was almost no difference beyond the cosmetic with on exception (M16+holographic reduces the kick to FAMAS level). In MW3, there is apparently a slight zoom multiplier when using the holographic at the cost of reduced peripheral vision. - Assault rifle ADS w/ iron sights: 1.35x - Assault rifle ADS w/ RDS: 1.35x - Assault rifle ADS w/ holographic: 1.5x* (IRC) - SMG ADS w/ iron sights: 1.2x - SMG ADS w/ RDS: 1.35x - SMG ADS w/ holographic: 1.5x* Source: <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... plpp_video</a>
The thing I've found with the holographic sight and the hybrid sight is that at times, especially for targets at longer distances, it can be too hard to see them behind the sights. They're too big and actually cover more than the opposing players body, so I'm scattering bullets around them. If I do bother with sights, I'll only use the red dot, so I can see them easier. That's a pretty rare occurance though, because my favourite two attachments are easily the silencer and extended mags.
Ext. mags and silencer are pretty much all I use, unless I feel like being a dick and switching ext. mags with rapid fire on a SMG. That's almost not even fair.
you want to talk about not fair? Pm-9: extended mag/rapid fire + steady aim I've accepted the fact that mw3 is primarily luck and I made a class accordingly. Spray bullets and hope for a lucky head shot. I have never had a negative +/- with this class.
Finally pulled the trigger on prestiging last night, I wasn't going to do it but got tired of sitting at level 80. With the double weapon xp I already have extended mags and damage unlocked on the striker. I must have been rusty or just in some very good lobby's because my K/D ratio suffered for the first hour last night. Then again shotguns are a bit of a grind until range/damage/extended mags get unlocked.
It comes down to map usage as well. The Striker will be a lot more effective on somewhere like Seatown, Dome and Mission than Bakaara, Fallen or Outpost. Perhaps playing drop zone would help as well. Just rush the area with steady aim and you should get a couple of double/triple kills.
I love getting multi kills with the Javelin on drop zone, doesn't work every time but it is awesome when it does. Otherwise I hate that launcher.
Re: Re: CoD Addicts Thread Agreed, I don't play bakaara, fallen or outpost hardly ever. When I do get put into a game on one of those the striker isn't making an appearance. I have to say if I never played bakaara or outpost again I wouldn't give a shit at all. I camp the c flag like a bitch on fallen, MSR w/acog is usually good for 12-20 kills.
As far as maps go I think the ones I hate the most are Downturn and Interchange. Downturn feels like there is just no way to systematically navigate the map. It doesn't matter where you are, someone will always get you from the side or back. Maybe I still haven't managed to figure the map out. Interchange is just fucking boring. It's basically just a grid with shit thrown in the middle. No imagination went into that map at all.