Yeah, I got it working. Apparently it just took awhile. I logged in and it was there. Now we got more people in, we can get it up to be able to get our clan tag and everything else.
Who the fuck thought it was a good idea only to let you spend 1 token per prestige on custom classes? I was planning on not prestiging after 7th but now I'm going to have to go all the fucking way in order to get all 10 classes. After playing MW3 for a couple of months, I'll say this: There was barely any thought put towards balancing the game; - Why anyone would use a shotgun except the striker is beyond me. You get better firepower from a USP.45. - The connection software is complete fucking bullshit. I hope the person that decided to implement that idea gets set on fire. - Stalker perk + aformentioned lag compensation = Trying to shoot fucking Neo. Because, why not exacerbate the obvious latency issues, right? I get Black Opsed around corners more than in BO, which is saying a lot. In MW2 it was actually possible to get shot and hide behind corners. I miss it, you know? Actually feeling like you can escape a gunfight when it looks like you're not going to make it. - Fuck the spawns in the ass. I've seen so much bullshit these past few weeks, unbelievable. No wonder they implemented the Revenge deathstreak, it's because the game WILL spawn you so fucking close to people. - And of course last but certainly not least, who decided it would be a good idea to weaken semtex for everyone except for me? I swear to fucking god, I only get hit markers with that piece of shit and other people one shot me EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. What do you mean, anger issues?
Recon Pro is fucking awesome. Chucking concussion grenades up in the general vicinity of a group of enemies and seeing the entire team get lit up like Christmas trees is pretty damn useful. Plus, with bullet damage painting the guy on the map too, no one can hide around a corner after running away from me anymore. It's replaced SoH as my new first perk.
I knew there was no play testing done o. The game when I played the map Mission. You know the one where a team spawns in a hole and gets filleted with grenades and gunfire for 10 minutes? Oh and there is zero cover from killstreak rewards. Worst map ever, in any shooter. Ever.
Preach, but especially what I bolded. It's fucking annoying to get hit with two bullets, try to get around a corner and you're done. Its like everyone has FMJ and the cover is all made out of wet toilet paper. Absolutely frustrating.
I know this game can be frustrating, but thankfully, the connection problems seem to have subsided for me (I live in a pretty central area.) Also, occasionally, the spawn system will treat you well if you tone down your rushing after your quick 2 or 3 kills. With smooth connections this game can actually be a lot of fun, so much that I`ve decided to drastically reduce my amount of playing; I think I`m ranked 1500 on Kill Confirmed (I`m `goatplacenta` on PSN), simply because the Striker and MP7 net me so many kills (and also, Christmas break.) I think they`ve given me like 18 MOABs. So...yeah. I think school is probably more important right now. Also, you guys probably already figured this out, but for Kill Confirmed where people generally move more, in addition to the Striker, try this class out if you miss the old UMP45 running and gunning (the iteration in MW3 kind of sucks): MP7 with Rapid Fire and Silencer Proficiency: Attachments (duh) Perks: Sleight of Hand (large clip, but you will empty it quickly) Assassin (no need for quickdraw, SMG`s ADS very fast) SitRep (for soundwhoring; even a shitty headset works wonders) Specialist: Steady Aim (back up and hipfire instead of knifing when rounding a corner), Scavenger (the gun is fun to shoot) and Dead Silence (better than you think, even if most people are oblivious). This gun has no recoil, even with Rapid Fire, and when you get the All Perks bonus, the addition of Focus, Range, Kick and Stability will make the thing a goddamned laser, which means you can start using it like an ACR. Have fun creeping up and spraying down half the team with this class. EDIT: Forgot to mention, carry a Stinger in your fannypack and blow everything out of the sky. That shit adds up to your specialist streak.
Re: Re: CoD Addicts Thread Same here, I have a decent amount of time put into this game, mostly all on domination, and its never happened to me. In MW2 getting nuked happened every once in awhile but the MOAB is still a myth to me.
Ha, picked up one of these on dome, proceeded to get a quad spray followed by a triple, followed by a moab, eventually. It was fucking glorious.
If you want to go for a MOAB, to get the obvious out of the way, play Kill Confirmed and run Specialist. That being said... The hardest part is probably popping your cherry with the first one, and getting the second one to boost your confidence and reaffirm the fact that the first one wasn`t a fluke. To be honest, MOABs require a fair bit of skill, but also some dumb luck and not having one dumbass camping in some obscure corner pick you off, or some crouching idiot with dead silence blindsiding you. Being in a lobby with three pairs of split screeners also work. At the same time I`m not really a fan of the campy MOAB how-to videos, because to be honest, that shit is boring. Rather, depending on my mood I`ll patrol a rather large Striker-friendly area of the map, or actively chase after their spawn with the P90 og MP7 or whatever. You WILL get buzzkilled by some infuriatingly illogical spawn or some other bullshit doing this, but when you finally pull it off, it is all the more satisfying. Or you know, just wait for Village, use a silenced ACR with kick and just snipe people with it. Works too.
I've gotten MOAB'd twice, if I remember right. It's sort of a blend between the Nuke in MW2 and an EMP. Everyone on the other team dies, but the match doesn't end. There is just an EMP effect for I think the same amount of time. There's a warning too, as if that helps any.
It has been a while since I ran into a MOAB, but your description sounds right. I was expecting some amazing event to happen, but instead everyone on my team was killed at the same time and we were EMP'd for a bit. Big deal. Considering how much more difficult it is to get 25 gun kills in MW3 vs. a 5-7-11-nuke kill streak in MW2, I honestly think the MOAB is sort of a weak reward. Especially since EMPs are negated with Assassin Pro, and the extra kills only really hurt if you are playing TDM. That being said I would still like to get a MOAB, but I am not making it a life quest or anything.
You just get it to see if you can, and if you're good enough, for the amount of exp the challenges give. For the other 99%, well.. It's a dragon to chase, I guess. I got another one yesterday on Hardhat. It was fucking glorious. It's like every time I get one, there's no tactically running around and picking off guys slowly. I always go balls out and get triple sprays and feeds. This one, I kept rushing their spawn points and chucking flashes high up in the sky, allowing recon to give me that sweet ass blackbird effect. My go-to class lately: Recon + Hardline + Marksman + flashbangs + silenced assault rifle (ACR or Scar or even M4). Specialist, Assassin -> SoH -> Scavenger. Keep the Stinger ready and watch how taking down a UAV renders you invisible, chucking a flash or 2 towards the red dots gives you even more toward your killstreak. Seriously. The hard part is getting to 7 kills. From then on it's like you're using the UMP silenced with Lightweight in MW2. One last thing: Marksman is amazing.
I saw on xbox live, two maps of DLC are coming to Elite Premium XBL on Jan 24. One is an Italian resort that will have tight, narrow corridors (like all the goddamn maps) and the other is a Central Park type map that's wide open. I hope to god the port Afghan over soon.
I'm thinking about certain maps and the weapons I used on them to see if I really want those maps back. Certain maps used to be just heaven for shotguns. Now shotguns are fucked, I'm thinking "Do I really want them?" I know Crash has to come back. I like the two maps they're showing for the first expansion pack. I know everyone hates snipers, but I'd like to have a map besides Bakaara where you can actually snipe.
This. I never got into sniper rifles until my third prestige of this game. Now I wish I had an Afghan, or one of the great sniper boards from MW2.