First go round with the UMP45, hovered at a .95 KDR. Now I'm above that after prestiging and using specialist. Never thought I'd be good with specialist, but it shocks me how many times I die trying to pick up an airdrop, trying to place an airstrike, missile, or play chopper gunner.
I have been using the Scar for the first time, it sounds like a beast without a silencer for one, but I wasn't that impressed until I unlocked extended mags for it. Now its a go to gun. Been fucking around with the MK LMG, its fun never to reload but until you unlock the speed perk you just
Got my first MOAB the other night, 26 killstreak with MP7 silencer and rapid fire, RPG secondary on domination Hardhat. It's so nice to finally get the hang of the console controllers, being a PC player for life it took a while. Around .75KDR with 6,000 kills/8,000 deaths when I got it, now I'm up to 1.2KDR around 14,000 kills and climbing. I have to say though my favorite class to run lately has been: MSR/L118A Extended Mags MP9 Silencer Blind Eye Assassin Stalker The MP9 is insanely good, I like it better than all the primary SMGs and all but the ACR. XBL tag is kswicky.
Got two MOABs tonight, and two kills off a third. Pretty damned good night of gameplay, and to above poster holy crap yeah MP9 is amazing. I got the first MOAB with a Striker/MP9 combo and I was using the MP9 to snipe on Seatown from the corner building looking towards the well at A flag spawn, got like six kills from really long range with it. It has become my favorite secondary by far.
Started using the ACR and got closer to a moab then ever. 20 kills at Interchange but the match ended. Silenced with extended mags and specialist package. Everyone who recommended similar setups was right. I was like 5 and 12 but then I finally got the specialist bonus with the help of my stinger and I blew up from there. I stuck to the outside of the map and tortured 2 guys who just could not handle me picking them off from far away while simultaneously sneaking around corners to spray them from 5 feet. I never thought I would be able to get a moab before but I know I will now if I stick with this class.
Yeah, the silenced ACR with the specialist strike package is definitely my bread and butter. When I play I tend to play around with the striker or a rapid fire smg or snipers, but I always do my best with the ACR. Extended mags isn't a bad idea, I may have to try it out, but I tend to make scavenger one of my first two specialist unlocks, which makes extended mags a little less useful, imo. I tend to roll with a silencer and the acog/holographic hybrid scope. I'm curious though how the stability proficiency is with the ACR. Anyone used it much?
If anyone is using the specialist strike package and anything other than hardline as their primary tier 2 perk, I highly recommend switching it to hardline and making the other your first unlock. Reason being you get the benefit of hardline pro (2 assists = 1 kill) while only needing 1 kill to get your old perk back. Not to mention you will frequently spawn with 4 perks because you got a second assist against someone who killed you. I can't tell you how many times I have had "Assasin" pop up on the screen while watching a kill cam on me. As a bonus, if you are playing domination you will get you first unlock right off that bat for capturing your spawn position.
I got my first MOAB the other night on Lockout Kill Confirmed. The adrenaline rush kept nagging me to go out and Rambo the shit out of the other team as I got closer and closer. Fortunately, cooler heads prevailed. I can't recount the number of times I've "won" close quarters fights only to be blown up by some dirty terrorist Dead Man's Hand. The key for me wasn't the triples and doubles, but the smart plays over the course of several minutes: 1) Zone out heavily trafficked areas that provide you with good cover. 2) Ever wonder why Spidey-sense is like in a FPS? Get a headset and SitRep Pro. Then hum the theme song. 3) Don't camp in one spot for more than 1 or 2 kills. People in MW3 are a lot smarter than previous CoD and will actively flank you. 4) Keep an eye on your radar - not for the enemy, but for where your teammates are. You should have a general idea of your "blind spots" are so that you're not caught by surprise. Looking for the enemy based on red-blips is a sure fire way to eat lead from some douche running Assassin. 5) Don't engage target that have turned a corner without some kind of plan. This plan should not include "Run around the corner and hope he's where I'm aiming". The plan should include some kind of explosive or shooting through the wall. Better yet, leave and zone out. My loadout: PP90M1 w/ Attachments (Extended Mag and Silencer) Stinger Missiles Sleight of Hand Hardline Sitrep Pro Specialist - Assassin, Dead Silence, Scavenger That having been said, I'm going to be a buzzkill and say the MOAB felt ungratifying. 24 Kills to turn my screen rust red? Meh.
I'm starting to play better with Specialist than I was with Assault getting killstreaks. Weird, fucking weird, never thought that'd be the case.
Same here. I play a lot smarter with Specialist than I do with assault. I tend to just rush like a jackass when I have an assault load out, which sometimes works, but I usually always have a much better K/D using specialist. PeruvianSoup said the MOAB was kind of unsatisfying. I definitely agree. It was an accomplishment to just get but then usually the other team quits when it gets called in. I only got 4 kills on my last one. Shit, a pred. missile at 5 kills can usually get me 2 by itself.
Got a specialist bonus without getting a single kill. Shot down all 5 helicopters from a strafe run, picked up a second assist, then knifed a SAM turret. I love the point streak system.
I have to check this out, I have been running support only up until now, might be time to switch it up. Anybody on XBOX have the new maps? I gotta wait another month for ps3.
Enemy with benefits is sticking an opponent with semtex, which goes off killing them and, what... 2 more teammates? Infected you can only get by being stabbed by someone that has infected as their title. Makes me wonder who got it in the first place.
Probably game devs. What is Transmission though? The description is more vague than infected: "Transmission complete..."
This. I just tried this morning to log in and I can't do anything, even reset the password. What the hell. Anybody know of a fix for this?