I prestiged once in MW2, BO, and MW3 all for the same reason, to unlock prestige challenges. I like trying to complete all the challenges and earning titles I use extended mags on almost all my weapons. In MW2 it was a bitch to unlock so after the first prestige I had absolutely no desire to earn them all again.
Has anyone played the new Infected game mode yet? This shit is fucking HILARIOUS. I nearly died laughing when 19 zombies ran straight at a guy sitting in the corner with a striker, and every single one of them got mowed down. Its really feels like a zombie apocalypse. All the survivors huddled on a roof as zombies run full speed at you. Everyone slowly running out of ammo. Zombies getting closer and closer until one breaks through and murders everyone. There was a minute left in the game and 6 survivors were on a roof at Mission and no one could get anywhere close. Until I dove off the cliff behind them and stabbed them all to win the game. And yes, you CAN get MOABs in this game mode. If you are just trying to complete the challenge, this is that way to do it.
Played MW2 on my brother's account again. Nothing like couple of warmup games full of quickscopers and tubers to make you remember what MW2 is all about, huh? Anyway, went 23-6-4 on Storm, had chat off but I imagine the entire team was cursing me. Not my fault they all kept trying to go up the same staircase too quickly for me to safely back off. And then I got my ass kicked the next ten games. I don't know how Sandy does it, literally. All I see is a guy running around leaving himself open to plenty of attacks from the sides and behind, and almost never getting caught with his pants down.
Since I currently have nothing better to do than regret an earlier nap while savoring the burn of Sriracha, I thought I'd explain in detail what I'm lost on re:Savage. In the above video, he immediately goes dead center of map, which for anyone else would mean almost instant death. He goes up the tail of the plane, completely ignores the cave in the middle where people usually move for at the start. Then he goes for the cave, takes out three dudes who don't fire a shot. At this point, most anyone else would have died. Twice. And again. Then he runs around and 3-round bursts some more dudes, killstreak chains to a nuke, GG. I'm not trying to hate on the guy, he clearly has a quick reaction time and good aim. But I'm seeing a lot of luck, kills that back up the aforementioned connection advantage, and preying on noobs who don't know that enemy AC-130 means get your ass under cover unless you have Stingers and Cold-Blooded Pro. (And if you don't, don't run right up next to the guy who is aiming one at it unless you hate your team, humanity, and puppies.) I won't even pretend the guy wouldn't kick my ass in a match, but I think he's a bit overhyped. Also, I know I'm a few years behind the MW2 madness, but wasn't there a site that showed infrared-style death locations?
Yeah, and did you notice his team didn't even capture their spawn for 30 seconds, and the other team it took a fucking minute and a half to capture their STARTING FLAG. Just how bad are the people he is playing against?
To be fair, flag capping at the start isn't a complete indicator. I've always found it to be a crapshoot in Dom as to whether people play the fucking objective or just beat off to their k/d ratio against players who are distracted by playing the objective. That said, it's something I didn't even notice and when you combine it with everything else....yeah. I could be wrong, but I think someone way way back also said he plays on the max sensitivity, but if you could do that you would probably have to TRY to actually get killed.
You also have to remember Sandy only posts his absolute best games. He doesn't get 100 + kills every time. Most youtube commentators post games played against the biggest noobs possible, with boring as shit commentary. Sandy posts absolute rape over heavy metal. Of course he gets lucky sometimes, everyone does. I'm not anywhere near that level but I've had games as host against brain dead mice and I've gotten some pretty ridiculous scores that could be youtube worthy.
Am I the only one madly in love with Infected? God that mode is great. Plus you can level up your shit like crazy. I can't wait for new maps so I can snipe. I'm not a quick scoper and these maps are too small.
You are definitely not the only one. It's been the only game mode I've played over the past week or two, pretty much since I discovered it. I'm pretty sure I saw it had the second-highest amount of players yesterday too, only behind TDM. I'm really hoping they add more maps/different guns sometime, but I'll probably still play it even if they don't. It's the most fun I've had playing COD since I started out. I played with a group of six guys yesterday and four of us got MOAB's. If you're by yourself though, and it gets down to four or five guys left uninfected, it gets so intense it feels like my heart is going to beat out of my chest. Not a recommended game mode for people with a heart condition.
The intensity of the game mode is fucking great. Pissed me off one game where you don't realize certain maps give them throwing knives until too late.
I haven't played in a few weeks, I am going to have to check this infected thing out. Does the xp you accumulate count to rank up or is it separate?
When I first played Infected I thought it was like a private game mode. I went 1-52. That kind of set back my kd a bit but who really cares. I love just trying random shit with the throwing knives to see if I catch a random guy, like bouncing off of the wall behind him, or from really far away. God that hit marker is so satisfying.
I was playing FFA last night for a while and while playing a match on carbon I run towards a door leading outside a building and as soon as I reach the door frame I catch a throwing knife right in the chest. I watched the kill cam and the guy just happened to be running towards the same door I was but from the outside, and just randomly threw his throwing knife towards it. Completely lucked out with perfect timing to catch me right as I was coming through it. On that note, I've really been enjoying some FFA lately. I always played FFA in the Halo games, but until just recently I never tried it in a CoD. It's a nice change since in the team based game types my kill count rarely goes higher than the 12-15 range, while in FFA I'm consistently in the low to mid 20's, and even getting to 30 the few times I've won. It's apparent now why I burned out on MW2 so fast, since I only ever played Ground War/TDM. Mixing up the game types you play really keeps it fresh. FFA, Team Defender, the community game types...I haven't touched Ground War in months.
They say they nerfed the Striker, but I went 55 - 7 on Dome Kill Confirmed yesterday, so yeah, the gun is still pretty viable, if anyone`s wondering (no one is). Also, if anybody is a fan of the Sandy Ravage style Spas-12-usage, try the gun out now; after the patch the range is starting to feel like it did in MW2.
I have been using the USAS 12 just to switch it up, I am burned out on the striker, burned out on the whole game actually. I played a few matches this weekend but had terrible lag issues. With that said I don't know why anyone would use anything but the striker, I tried the spas and it isn't anything like MW2.
For me it's a change of pace, although you are definitely still at a disadvantage using anything other than the striker despite what IW may claim. I have maxed out the SPAS (all attachments and proficiency perks) and probably played 15-20 matches with it over the weekend. Even with the damage proficiency, the SPAS was a two-shot kill most of the time. The other 10-20% of the kills were a mix of one-shot and three-shot kills. The SPAS is fun to use, but in my experience it does not pack the same punch it did in MW2, even with the damage proficiency.
AA-12 has been my shotgun of choice for a while. With the damage proficiency, it's about the same as MW2. And in my opinion, it's the best shotgun for the specialist strike package; it benefits from nearly every perk. Lately I've been trying out the 1887 though. It is terrible without any proficiency. One hit kills are rare and it's slow fire rate means you rarely have time for a second shot. I have been racking up throwing knife kills just because I don't wait to cock to the thing for a second shot. I hope the damage or range proficiencies makes it worth it.
I was on a fucking roll today for a good 2 hours straight. I've never played this well, and now I just have to brag to someone about it... Spoiler Got my overall KDR up to about 1.22. It's not great, but seeing as how a 1.0 KDR used to be a big milestone, this feels pretty good.