Re: Re: CoD Addicts Thread Drinking? For a while I had a nasty tendency of prestiging when I was absolutely hammered, usually against my better judgement. Since a month or so after MW3 came out, I found that I can really only deal with the bullshit in the game by drinking.
Fine whatever let's fucking do this. I'm ready for a transcontinental TiB boozefest, frankly I'm surprised it hasn't happened yet (that I know of) with you degenerates. I will also be prestiging and playing with a shitty ass Bluetooth mic. This weekend, who's with me? PS3: Planoptik
I'll be on a bit today and probably Sunday, XBL though. Username is same as my board name if any of our MW2 Xbox guys want to go a few rounds.
My girlfriend is going to be in Ohio until Tuesday and so I will be sitting around the house with our dog, mostly drinking and playing xbox. If anyone on the XBL side wants to get something together, let me know.
I will try and join up with you PS3 guys on Sunday. Unfortunately my mic is busted, so don't expect any call outs from me. PSN: rectum_inspector
A compilation video of El Presador doing what he does best made me remember what I love about COD and shooters in general. Being able to make your opponent flip out into a fit of rage is a satisfying feeling and what online gaming is all about. Here is the video that I saw: I also thought this was funny:
New maps dropped today for PS3 elite users, anyone tried them out? Heard one was a straight up sniper map.
Looks like I won't be pick up that map pack. Also, I don't know how they got ahold of the my games and mic recordings for that video posted above.
New maps suck my nuts, Liberation is the sniper map, you may as well just grab something with a scope and settle in. Piazza or however the fuck its spelled might as well be renamed Camp City, population everyone. Holy fuck I couldn't believe how many people camped up in corners, I had a few decent games in this map though. Spawns on both maps are HORRIBLE, I was screaming like El Pres in no time, shouted WHAT THE FUCK 100 times.
You know, I kept reading about how bad the spawns are and everything, but never really saw it in any games I played... Until the past few days, I was playing some FFA where I would spawn with a guy running away only a few feet in front of me. Free kill, and it seemed to mostly work in my favor...not sure how often it happened to me since I rarely watch kill cams. But yeah, I can see why people are bitching now. WTF?
34-4 on Crash. No, I didn't camp the three-story. I'm still having bad games, and I mean BAD, but the good are far outweighing the bad. I'll feel like I'm playing shit because I'm not getting any killstreaks beyond and occasional Predator, and then the match finishes and I'm something like 17-5 leading my team. Paradoxically, if I had a life this news would be so much better yet so much less important.
PP90M1 with extended mags and kick Akimbo FMGs Semtex Concussion Grenades Sleight of Hand Hardline Steady Aim (all pro) Predator Attack Helicopter AH-6 Overwatch Start running and gunning. Extended mags on the PP90 make it a small rail gun and with kick you can mow down an entire team. If you get bored, use the FMG's. I've gotten 50-60 longshots with them and I'm a decent, not great player. Just keep moving and watch out for air support and UAV's. Hardline gives you a Predator in 4 kills and if you keep running the edges of the maps you'll hit clusters of opposing players with their backs turned. The two helicopters usually come at about the same time and wreck house. I put up 3 4000+ point games today on Hardcore Kill Confirmed with that setup. 30+ kills every match.
Maybe it's just my consistently shitty luck on the PS3, but for a while I ran hardline on one of my classes, and I couldn't use it due to the never ending barrage of UAVs that gets called in. It seems it takes about 30 seconds into the game before someone on the enemy team calls in the first UAV. From that point on, if you aren't running Assassin Pro, you're fucked.