Just added the few new guys to XBL. If anyone else wants to join, shoot me a pm with your XBL tag or just add me to your friends list: shtpiese. And chater, do you still need me to be the Xbox rep?
Hey just found this board, been on the TMMB for 4-5 years but under an old name I'd rather not revive (P1mP1n:EDIT Not p1mp1n). XBL= SwoljaBoy ; Yes I have a tendency to pick names that are just asking for it... We could do several FFA games simultaneously with the top 2 from each moving on to a final 6 person FFA that should take a total of about 30 min or we could just do like was mentioned earlier, clan tag it and wreck on people.
That sounds like far too much work. I'm trying to get back into the flow of this game again after about 3 weeks away. It is incredibly frustrating. I think I need to go back to the M16 or FAMAS until I get my aim back. The FAL is not working out for me right now.
Before tonight, I've gotten the chopper gunner / AC130 once without the help of an air drop. Tonight, while drinking, my record was 28 - 1 - 1. I was on fire and couldnt be stopped. It was awesome. It was on Afghan. My load out was: Famas W/ Acog and Silencer with Bling, stopping power and Last stand.
Nice playing with some of you last night. I am blaming my awful performance on the fifth I polished off before hopping on the PS3. That and the fact that I had never played Headquarters. But mostly the fifth. Looking forward to getting a big game going tomorrow. I'm playing with Kubla right now - sorry I can't play on your team, in a party with bunch of old college roommates right now.
I had never played headquarters either, I was atrocious last night. The first time we played though, I was firmly 2nd place to Maltob.
We played demo last night, score doesn't really mean much since its about planting the bomb. You guys actually did great and saved the match quite a few times.
If you want to win at headquarters almost every time and don't care about your K/D ratio, Use this setup Primary: Riot Shield Secondary: Whatever Equipment: Blast Shield Special Grenade: Smoke Perk 1: Marathon Perk 2: Lightweight Perk 3: Commando Step 1. Use the marathon/lightweight to get to the headquarter location quicker. Step 2. Put on your Blast Shield when you get there. Step 3. Post up in a corner facing the entrance. Step 4. Win The blast shield makes you almost invincible to explosions and Commando allows you greater range when meleeing with the Riot Shield. You could also use Scrambler to good effect. You are extremely hard to kill with this combination. People can lob grenades and Tubes in the room/at you all they want and you'll usually survive long enough to take the headquarters.
I wont be around for the tourney tomorrow, but I have to ask. Anyone else love the fucking throwing knife as much as I do?
Abso-fucking-lutely!! Those bad boys are the ultimate kill, especially on the dude's with killstreaks going
Going back to the noob tube debate: I mainly use one in HQ or Domination. Mainly I use it to get rid of the guy camping in the corner waiting to clip me as soon as I get in, but I also like using it to get rid of any claymores they may have set up. I'm finally getting a K/D ratio around 1:1 now that I've some better equipment and knowledge of the maps. Usually I'm in Ground War. I prefer the Scar and depending on whether it's deathmatch or domination I'll use bling or marathon respectively. Trying to work on becoming a better sniper now. Only have the .50 Cal with the silencer unlocked at the moment though.
The throwing knife is good fun when someone's chasing you, run around the corner, turn around and (I don't know how to type that cool squish/grunt sound.) I've been using the M-16 w/stopping pwr & steady aim, usually takes someone out in one burst. I can't seem to get the hang of sniping or the double shotguns, but I love me them double ump's. Talk about instant gratification. Overall, this has to be my favorite gun in the game. I'd love to get one of these for my house.
I'm down for tomorrowat 4. However, I am incredibly forgetful. I'll set an alarm. I need to have skype set up?
Turns out I will be around for the 4oclock tourney. So whats the deal with it, how does it work? Are we playing as a group or against each other?