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CoD Addicts Thread

Discussion in 'Pop Culture Board' started by JoeFresh, Jan 11, 2010.

  1. magz

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 21, 2009
    No definitive opinion yet. I got home kind of late last night and was only able to get about 5 games in, and then watched my buddy play a few rounds. Thoughts so far:

    -The Choose a Class menu is laid out strange and is pretty "busy." .
    -The perks/attachments/etc. setup is different since you only have a certain amount of open slots. I didn't run into anyone that gave up their secondary in order to become a super soldier, but I know it is coming.
    -The maps seem decent, at least at first glance. I already noticed campers consistently sitting in a couple of locations on certain maps. Hopefully this changes as people grow a sack and aren't afraid to move around as much.
    -Weapons seem good. I played with the first shotgun for a few rounds and it was fun to use after unlocking the long barrel attachment.
    -There are a couple new game modes. I mainly played Ground War, but played a round of the mode where there are three teams of 3 going against each other. VERY fun, but also very frustrating since instead of 1/2 the lobby coming after you, it's 2/3. Definite potential though.
    -Graphics seem better and less "muddy" compared to BO. Sound is better too, although it still isn't the visceral experience that the MW series had.
    -Considering it was the initial release day, the connection issues were dramatically lowered. It was still problematic, but to a much lesser extent. Out of all of the games we played I think only 2 games dropped mid-game, and that was due to the host quitting.
    -MW3-style lag compensation seems to be fixed. However, it takes a lot of bullets to drop an enemy and a lot of times I was losing gun-on-gun fights where I had the drop.
    -Spawns are not bad. Only got blatantly spawn fucked a couple of times.

    Overall, from my very limited experience, I am somewhat pleased. Time will tell of course. One thing I noticed right off the bat is that after playing MW3 for so long, it is going to take some time to get used to the feel of a Treyarch game.

    I'll be online on the PS3 for the rest of the week after work. If any of you guys want to play, send me an invite and include "TiB" in your invite:

  2. mekka

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    Has anyone been having any connection issues? Whenever I try to find a match it switches to the logo screen, the logo flickers a bunch of times, and then it said that there was an error finding a session and to try again. It started happening last night, and I haven't been able to get on since. I tried removing all the game data but that didn't work either.

    Suggestions? I checked the BO2 forums and I guess it's not just me.
  3. Flat_Rate

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Apr 26, 2010
    I didn't get my copy until 930 last night so I am still figuring everything out.

    Agree with the spawns, didn't have any issues there

    I don't like the create-a-class layout, seems counter intuitive to me, but I am on board with not running a secondary weapon, I never use them anyway.

    I didn't try any shotguns out but hopefully they are balanced and another striker situation doesn't come up.

    I only got in a few games of Domination but it's safe to say I'll be logging some significant time over the next few weeks, be nice to play with actual adults, PSN tag is flat_rate.

    Picked up some batteries for my Turtle Beaches, gonna find out if sound whoring is still easy.
  4. Fernanthonies

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Yep, I ended up picking it up last night (Fiancee bought it for me, it was either that or AC3). I feel like I'm cheating on Halo 4 since the multiplayer there was pretty solid. I just like the CoD style unlock progression and load-out editing too much, and this pick 10 system looks promising.

    Haven't played any yet, but I'll get some time tonight while the Fiancee is off watching the new Twilight film.
  5. Paperbag

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    Had the day off work to take care of something this morning and got to spend the afternoon with the game. I went into combat training to get up to level 10 and experimented with the preset classes. The scorpion SMG and M1216 shotgun are pretty good.

    When I left combat training and went into a serious TDM lobby I experienced some horrible lag for awhile (even after switching search preferences from ‘normal’ to ‘best’). It could be because the game is new, or because I was online at an unusual time of day and was being matched with people on the other side of the world, or because the game is broken. I don’t know yet. I did get a couple hours of solid lag-free play though, so I’ll go online again later this evening and see how things go.

    Anyway, I’ve been stingy with my unlock points and don’t want to spend them on something that turns out to be useless. The MTAR has decent recoil and I like the iron sights so I’ve been sticking with that. Getting attachments is a grind and I was at a serious disadvantage in the beginning. When I get all of the attachments I'll switch to an SMG. Probably the Vector.

    I equipped the second launcher (pretty much a Stinger) and am happy that it was available early. Having a launcher on my back is a must when I play COD. I got rid of my lethal grenade and a concussion grenade to use perk 1 greed. I’m not quite happy with it though and am waiting to get the wildcard for 3 attachments. Except for scavenger, nothing in the second tier of perks appeal s to me. I’m using Toughness because its already unlocked. Hardline is a letdown as well. I don’t notice much of a benefit to having it.

    What do you guys think of the streaks? The skies aren’t dominated by air support, which is a nice change. I tried the Dragonfire and it was shot down almost immediately. Couldn't figure out how to turn on autopilot so I’ve switched to UAV, Hunter drone, and lightning strike. I was thinking of swapping the lightning strike for a guardian until I can unlock the blackbird or whatever they call it now.

    Also, I think the range of the knife was shortened. I whiffed swings on more than one occasion on guys who had their back turned to me.

    Turbine, Slums, and Yemen are my favourite maps so far. I don't really like Plaza and Raid.
  6. Fernanthonies

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    I read somewhere that the range on the knife was definitely brought down a significant amount. I seemed to keep getting the same 2-3 maps while playing TDM last night, but so far my favorite is Carrier.

    So, do they not do host migrations in this game? I had a game last night that ended 30 seconds in because the Host disconnected. If that's the case I can see that being a huge pain in the ass.

    Also, as far as score streak rewards go, anyone know yet if kills from those rewards count towards your streak to the next reward? Seems it's always up in the air at first whether or not that's the case.

    I still feel a little bad for giving up on Halo, but I just like the CoD style so much more these days, I had a pretty good time playing last night. After the few games I played I'm already up to a 1.3 KDR, it'll be nice not having to climb up from a ~0.8 like I did in MW3.
  7. Flat_Rate

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Apr 26, 2010
    Re: Re: CoD Addicts Thread

    I had a few matches that migrated hosts no problem.

    I also got put in a lobby last night that was nothing but Carrier, no voting or random maps just Carrier game after game.

    Started out playing Dom but they still haven't done enough to encourage actually playing the objective, one match had someone go 54-4. No captures, no defends.

    Switched over to kill confirmed, anybody know if it's a Double XP weekend?
  8. magz

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 21, 2009
    It must. I watched a new Sandy Ravage video last night and his kill streaks kept rolling over despite getting most of his kills with guns. I wouldn't know personally since I only manage to make it to a UAV before I get killed currently.

    Speaking of which, here is Sandy in action kicking ass with the Remmington shotgun:

    #2488 magz, Nov 16, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2015
  9. Paperbag

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    Yeah the knife is definitely different. The final killcam in one game had a guy trying to knife someone that was prone. He swung 3 times before connecting. I try not to rely on it and only use it to humiliate someone with their back turned to me.

    Like Flat Rate said, I've also had a few host migrations. Score streaks do count towards one another, which is why streak kills are worth so little.

    I decided to give that shotgun a try and it’s a lot of fun to use. It can be a one hit kill, but the delay between shots leaves you very vulnerable. Things get tense if you miss a shot in close quarters and have to bob and weave for a second or two to avoid getting hit. I’d suggest using lightweight with it and had success on maps like Drone where there are a lot of corners and corridors.

    The FAL was a favourite of mine in MW2 and it is still awesome in this game. High damage, high accuracy, single shot fire. Love it. I tried the Vector as well and its very good. I use it with lightweight, dexterity, and extreme conditioning and have been putting up some good scores.

    I like to cover a lot of ground so LMG’s aren’t my thing. I tried the sniper rifle that the game starts you with and it seems to be very forgiving. It took me a couple of shots to kill someone, but the recoil and delay between shots was low. I haven’t used snipers in COD since MW2, so this’ll be a good gun to ease me back into it.

    Have any of you guys prestiged a gun yet? I assume that you lose all of the attachments, but I don't know what you gain. Also, I find that some corners are very dark and if a guy camps there (especially with cold blooded) I can't see him. Is it just the brightness on my TV or has anyone else experienced this?
    #2489 Paperbag, Nov 16, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2015
  10. Parker

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Jan 18, 2010
    Chicago, IL
    That video shows smoother, more kinetic feedback, and more visceral feedback than BO. Is everyone getting that? My major complaints where the game felt cheap, the sounds were light, the guns sounded like popcorn machines, and the hit boxes were terrible. Is this game any different?

    My friend bought the game, he's in love with it. He loved BO also, and I hated it so I'm skeptical. He's going to come over in a week or two and bring it so I can get my filthy mitts on it.
  11. iczorro

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    The Island
    Can I get a motherfuckin hit marker noise?
  12. Paperbag

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    It feels slightly slower than the Infinity Ward games, I’m not sure if you see that as a positive or negative. It’s probably better for you to watch Youtube videos to form conclusions about the gun sounds as I’m indifferent to this. I had a few lag induced rage quits today, but for the most part, I’ve been satisfied with the hit boxes. The community can still be sickening at times, but I switched over to Hardcore for a few matches and that filtered out a lot of the jackasses. Hardcore has been helpful in learning some of the obscure lines of sight that I never noticed in regular TDM. I'm having fun, but its still early.
  13. Flat_Rate

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Apr 26, 2010
    I have the Remington pump leveled out, just missing the cold camo, it's usually good for one shot kills but shotguns are really spotty in this game. I have just about thrown the controller a few times because of point blank shots that don't register hit markers.

    Overall I am enjoying the game, Nuketown can get fucked, played half a match and quit. Had a good session yesterday but quit after everybody unlocked the automatic grenade launcher, fucking noob tubes don't need to be in the game, I can maybe see a launcher as an attachment on the assault rifles.

    The SMR is a beast, two shot kills all the time. I played in a lobby last night with two people who had prestiged twice already, what the fuck people?
  14. Macgruber

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    Experienced Idiot

    Jan 10, 2010
    Has anyone else's PS3 been freezing on them? I've been playing primarily Zombies and I've frozen at least 10 times while playing Tranzit, both in a public match and in a private match. It's getting really fucking annoying.
  15. magz

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 21, 2009
    Yes. My roommate has an older style PS3, and it has locked up somewhere between 5-10 times so far playing BO2, both during the campaign and multi-player. A couple of times were bad enough that after rebooting the Sony disk utility came up and had to analyze the disk.

    In over a year of playing MW3 the PS3 never locked up once.
  16. Paperbag

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    Mine only froze once, but I never tried zombies yet and only played the first mission. A lot of people in lobbies have been complaining about lag. I’m experiencing it too and have been struggling to keep up positive ratios.
  17. magz

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 21, 2009
    My lag hasn't been too bad in general, at least in ground war. There are still the host migrations every few games, but I have come to expect that from any new COD game.

    Fuck K/D. I stopped even remotely caring about that after BO, and the game has become much more enjoyable because of it. Obviously I'll get bummed if I go like 5-30 or something, but as long as I am having fun I don't give a fuck any more. Yes, I am that guy that plays hammered and chases everyone in the lobby around only shooting handguns and rockets. Yes, I am that guy that will pin a teammate that is camping into a corner and then shoot them repeatedly until an enemy wanders over and kills us both. Yes, I am the guy that after we both respawn, will pin the same guy in a corner again shooting until they quit or stop camping. I like to look at it as I am making the community a better place, one asshole at a time.
  18. Fernanthonies

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Well, I spent most of the holiday break playing, and while I am playing no where near as well as I did in MW3, I'm still having fun with it. More so than I remember enjoying the first Black Ops.

    I found that the black hat tactical thing is awesome, especially combined with the engineering perk. I still haven't really found a 'go to' gun like I always did in the previous games.

    I tried out the ranked/ladder/league matches, it had me play 5 rounds at first before it put me in a league like it does in SC2. I got lucky and had good teams and won all 5 matches, so I got dropped into the platinum league. Now I'm a little scared to play any more because I'm sure I'll be matched with players that are all way better than me.
  19. Paperbag

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    I was pretty decent in past games and agree that this one is harder. There are a lot of second floor windows to watch out for and I’ve run into a few guys head-glitching from cover. I’ve fallen out of love with Turbine because it’s littered with snipers picking you off from across the map. I like Hijacked and think it’ll be the Nuketown of this game.

    Flak jacket is my new favourite perk as it allows me to run around the map without fear of bouncing betties. It’s also been very useful in multi-team hardpoint where people throw a lot of semtex and grenades at you. I finally understand how Hardline works and have gone back to using it. It discounts the cost of scorestreaks by 20% so it doesn’t benefit you if you run stuff like the UAV, care package, Hunter Killer. I switched to UAV, Guardian, Stealth Chopper and have gotten better results. The Guardian is awesome at taking away lanes from enemies and receiving it right away instead of from an airdrop is a big plus. I also like the Stealth Chopper as it can get about 5 kills before it is shot down. I’ll switch to the counter UAV and orbital VSAT when I finish the challenges on the previous two.

    I want to get the max level with all of the assault rifles, shotguns, and submachine guns, so I’ve been grinding along with some weapons that I don’t really like. For me, the FAL, SMR, Vector, and Remington are the best guns so far. I’ve avoided league play because the matchmaking servers aren’t quite right yet. When things are patched up I’ll give it a try.

    Does anyone know if the Quickdraw handle is the same as the Dexterity perk? I use them together on some classes and wonder if I'm wasting a slot.
  20. Fernanthonies

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    My understanding is that the quickdraw handle lets you ADS quicker all the time, while the Dexterity perk only affects your ADS time just after sprinting. Dexterity also affects how quickly you climb up stuff, into windows, over cover, etc.