I probably won't make it, so someone else has to take my mantle of #2 place. Scotchcrotch "drnoyse" maybe? *ahem*
I'm going to try to be on, but I have a Chemistry test tomorrow at 9 am so we'll see how the early afternoon studying goes.
Muney, we all just get on at the same time and do one of a few things: 1. Play a ffa match against eachother talking shit the whole time. 2. Play team DM and still talk shit. C. Depending on the number of people, play either ground war, or team DM against all the little shits on the interwebs.
I dont have a mic, and if im on the internet while playing I get lag bad, so Skype is out of the question. I'll listen to the shit talking though.
Sunnova b. Xbox will only let us have 8 people per party. Looks like we gotta two party it up. Someone else who's not already with us can head it up.
Bare in mind I have no headset, skype, and I'm typing this on an iPod since my computer is in the basement.
That was a lot of fun. I've never played free for all before, was a nice change. Will probably join again next sunday -eskimoinvader
I just made sure to kill Maltob and Chater as many times as possible while sucking the most out of everyone. I'm terrible at FFA, well I'm terrible at COD at all. I'm streaky as hell, and I can't figure out what weapon/set-up/class/anything works best for me. Sometimes I'll be hot with the FAMAS, sometimes I'll be hot with the Vector, other times I'll just end up using Copycat because I die all the time. That was fun as hell, and now back to HW. I missed that skype post, I need to get that set-up because I couldn't figure out why anyone was on voice.
I just tried killing this Greatness13 guy as many times as possible in Skidrow when he kept trying to use the mounted turret gun. Sucks that it is hard to get everyone together more often. Are team skills were lacking when playing against others....
I'll use a turret to get people to head over where I want them. On skidrow, I'll squeeze off a few rounds and then crouch next to a doorway. Today was good fun, does it make it easier with skype? The 360's headset kinda sucks balls. Like, Ballsacks balls. I'm gonna have to try a whole lot harder, playing with you fuckers is some work.
Same here. Those FFA games were tough for me on the whole. I was glad when we switched to ground war. Hard to have a bad game when your teammates are posting numbers like 59-12. Also, I apologize if you guys heard a whole bunch of random shit coming from my mic. I couldn't figure out if it wasn't working or if I just kept mixing up the on/off button (yeah, I know how stupid that sounds).
I'm pissed I didn't get to join today. We should do this again. Oh and I'm all about the FFA, BRING IT!
The FFA games were cut throat; one of them ended up with like 4 of us with 24 kills. But yeah, I had a good time playing both game types, it was pretty awesome. We went on a 10 game win streak until that one, whatever dude's got a good three pave-lows and it was still a close game. We worked well together slaughtering all those little kids. Next time for sure.