Wasn't able to make the last game, but would like to get in on the next one. Striding Man on the PSN.
Hey, it's not my fault you kept running in front of my bullets. I wasn't trying to kill you, I was always trying to kill Chater and Matolb. Mostly Maltob, but obviously that plan backfired. As he had his way with my body in ways I don't want to speak about...(Yes, I just did say that.) Yeah, those FFA matches are fucking hard, I don't have that paranoid watching my back mindset, apparently I need to develop it. Can't wait for next Sunday, bring it on ST.
Sorry I missed it guys. I got a bunch of invites, but I was on my way out. Unfortunately your Sunday night is my Monday morning, and yesterday I had to be somewhere. I'll do my best to organise my time better so you all can get some free frags.
Well there SuperTramp, looks like you got the best of me on that one. I had a shittier team, and I was on top. So...you know how bad the team was. I was sniping people with that FAMAS pretty well. I could not find you for the life of me. Stopping Power basically doubled my kills. I'm an idiot for not using it earlier.
It's so bad for me that I have the leveling up sound for my ring tone and the guy shouting "tango sucka!" for my text notification... I need to stop playing. Xbox live is ladchalon. If you add me make sure to send a message telling me your from TiB. As far as KDR, mine is 1.1. I'm working on getting it to 1.25 though.
I had a buddy tell me, "you know you're in serious trouble when you start worrying about a kill death ratio in a damn video game." He was razzing me because I wouldnt play domination and capture the flag with him since I fucking suck at them and my biggest goal is getting to the coveted 1.0 k/d ratio. Im under a thousand away and should be done in a week or so. Then I'll give this whole prestige thing a try, though the rewards of extra classes doesnt seem that enticing.
Fuck that, you know its bad when you're learning new languages because of the damn game. A few more weeks and I'll be fluent in Portuguese and Russian. And FYI its Tango Sakat, which means tango down.
So what the fuck is that "SakataHeada!" shit they yell so much and why am I screaming it in large crowds of people for no reason?
I prestieged for the new challenges and unlockable emblems and such. I'm about to prestiege for a second time. Just so you know the extra (and usually redundant) challenges really speed up the leveling up process.
Just got back from a week of vacation and fired up the PC for a couple of rounds. 8-8 the first round, but back into the groove of 19-9 on the second one. I realize that I die a TON compared to a lot of the guys I talk to, but I think it's just my play style...I run around like a crazy person the whole time, but I do it with the ACR, not Akimbo.
Not bragging here but I just figured up my K, right now at 1.6:1. Which is nothing because I remember playing a few games with 'VooDoo' on Steam. That mother fucker, who ever he is on the RMMB Steam group is amazingly good. He never dropped below 2:1 each game.
Damn, I missed the last game because my xbox live subscription ran out and I haven't gotten around to renewing it. I'll try to be on next sunday though. As for the Arabic lessons, what does it mean when they yell "Bambi"?
What is "alguna palisad!" and "nemokoohatoorey eshtohekahigad" Also, it irks me slightly that in Karachi they have people speaking Arabic. People in Karachi DO NOT speak Arabic, they speak Urdu dammit.
put down the pipe and get back to playing? Maybe it's cause I'm a hockey player, so I ignore everything that isn't someone on the "ice" talking to me, but all of those sayings are background noise to me. Then again, most games I do better when my entire team is communicating on mics