The guy above you must be friends with the redneck mother fucker from Texas I played with that was whining that they fixed the unlimited airdrop glitch, "Daww mayn I fuckn had 75 kills and like 2 deaths yesserday. That glitch is how I waz rankn up so fast! My friends are gonna be pissed when they find out they fixd it!" Then another younger redneck chimed in saying he was disappointed he never got to use it. I fucking hate everybody.
Guilty. However, glitches can be fun just for the sake of their existence. Ex: I know all of the super jumps in Halo 2 and all of the "illegal" jumps in Halo 3 but I never use them in games of Team Slayer. Abusing those glitches would have made Halo boring. My inner nerd just gets off on testing them out till I do them successfully and moving on.
I can not stand Wasteland. I can not snipe, and I hate being in the cluster fuck middle bunker area. If it is not vetoed I usually back out. No other maps really bother me all that much. As long as there is variety and I'm not playing the same map 3 out of 5 games, I'm happy. And unless your 14 years old why the fuck were you doing the glitch? I can see doing it just once throughout the game, trying it, but those people who did it all the time ruined the game for a dozen other people.
Marathon, Cold-blooded, Ninja with Silenced weapon of choice, for me its the UMP45. Just stick to the edges or run circles around the cars and tanks area. Played with Durbanite the Lagger and got my first single shot triple kill. Highrise spawn, across the map with a WA2000, 1 kill and 2 headshots.
40-4 on Quarry with an Intervention in Merc TDM and no CG or AC130. I'm gonna have to go rub one out to get this boner down.
I recently tried changing up killstreaks since Im able to pull off higher kills now. For my money I'd say Pavelows give me the most kills on average. AC130s must have a larger learning curve than my abilities allow. Most of the time I got them with airdrops and between switching weapons and people finding decent cover I'd kill 4 maybe 5 people each time. As for chopper gunners, they are a bit more efficient but the fucking piloting AI pisses me the fuck off. I currently have predator missile, harrier strike, and pavelow. Calling in harriers and pavelows back to back can be devastating. Yesterday in Estate I got twenty kills on my first life by getting a predator and nailing four of them at once when they all funneled by the car across from the front door, I let off the harrier then pavelow and it was murder. My most hated map is Karachi followed closely by fucking Derail. Derail pisses me off because you either camp in the center building or you camp by sniping. I really don't like either and end up running across the entire map only to be killed by a sniper and have to run across it again. My favorite map is Invasion which is rather large but most of the fighting is close quarters building to building. I love using the UMP45 on this map.
On the AC-130: You have to know what map to use it on. If you use it effectively on Afghan, Wasteland, Rust, or Derail it is the single most dominant killstreak in the game. On the CG: I agree that the pilot AI sucks sometimes, but if people aren't shooting it down you should be getting 8-12 kills every time you call it out, regardless of map. Even if people are shooting it I find myself getting 4-6 kills. And on your 5-7-9 killstreak: That's what I was just using in my 40-4 game. I went 20-1 to start, got my 5-7-9 again after that, and the rapefest was on. I also had a really impressive moment where I killed one guy with a headshot from my Intervention, followed by 4/5 of his team members with one clip from my Raffica. I wish I had a capture card and caught that on video.
I finally got on and played last night after I took a week or so break because of that care package glitch. I played some Groundwar and TDM and was still getting pissed off. I swear every game I played, no matter how many times I switched groups, everyone had fucking rocket and/or grenade launchers. I still managed to do pretty well but it was really fucking frustrating. Then I switched over and played some hardcore TDM for the first time and it was pretty damn fun. It was pretty challenging but it was a hell of a lot better than playing with all those damn kids and their noob toobs. I think I'll be playing the hardcore stuff for the majority of the time from now on.
So glad the care package glitch has been fixed, as the novelty wore off a long time ago, and having both an AC-130 in every lobby. As most people are discussing maps, I thought I would add my opinion on my favourite two and the two I just instantly skip. Good Maps Terminal Just an all round enjoyable map, that reminds me of playing Rainbow Black Arrow on an Airport strip. Scrapyard Probably the best Capture the Flag/Demo map Bad Maps Wastland Unless you suffer from some form of sight difficulty you can see everyone, which makes it fun if you like to use a sniper, and the bunker is just a nade fest Estate Great map if you want to set up your tent, put a little thermo-scope on that sniper whilst you sit in a bush waiting for someone to run past I would include Rust, but it never gets selected due to the gamemodes I play
Another thing to remember about the Chopper Gunner is that it has pretty decent splash damage, even if you don't have Danger Close on. Once when I got a CG on Highrise I was getting almost no kills with it because everyone was hiding in the building, until I realized I could just shoot through the windows at the floor nearby them and they would be killed by the splash damage.
This is my combination too. Personally, I think it would be a nice to have a game mode without killstreak rewards. I've noticed that ever since I set up this combination, my game revolves entirely upon getting 5 kills in a row, then running away and hiding somewhere while my harriers go to work just to make sure I get the pavelow. I'd say about 90% percent of the time I manage to get the first one, the rest are cake. This means that in a given game I will either go around .500, or I will get my killstreaks going and dominate. Seems sort of silly.
The only map that bugs me is Karachi. What a shit-hole. I prestiged this past weekend, and started fucking around with weapons I never really used before. Seems like people are getting easier to kill in the game. Akimbo vectors with rapid-fire and stopping power is like using a fire hose. The Tar-21 is becoming another go-to gun. I'm gonna try out the FAL, see how that goes. Oh, and I don't give a fuck how much the goddamn thing costs, get a new map-pack for this fucking game already.
I just switched from Pred Missile, Harrier, Chopper Gunner to Pred Missile, Harrier, Pavelow and so far have been pleased with the change. Two less kills to get the reward after the harrier so I have been getting the Pavelow much more often then I ever got the chopper gunner. And having both in the air during FFA is killer. Was down by about 7 kills when the person in first had 1350 points, and ended up squeezing out 10 kills in a very short period of time, thanks to the harrier and pavelow, to win it with a score of 30 and 6.
My roommate plays Harrier, Chopper Gunner, Tactical Nuke and people hate him for it. He's really good and on most maps seems to get 7 kills every damned life. I think he's up to 40 or 50 Tactical nukes now.
Yeah, thats a standard killstreak set. If you can get the harrier, you're almost guaranteed the Chopper. Then its just a matter of anyone smart enough to switch to a class with Stingers.
Every single map in this game sucks fucking balls. The only way Infinity Ward can fix it is to make only one map and have it be a completely flat, square map with no objects in it so no fuckers can hide behind shit and shoot me when I'm not expecting it. Seriously, that shit is SO old. And let's face it, nobody gets flanked in real life. There is no such thing as hiding behind cover and shooting people when they're running aimlessly across open fields. Infinity Ward is a bunch of dildos for not making this game fit my specific style of play. Which is, of course, the only proper way to play it; with a sword and fucking shield. Like a man. Fuck this unrealistic pile of shit game.
So should I throw out Left 4 Dead because me and my 3 friends aren't the survivors of a zombie apocalypse? If COD was designed like real life, you'd get fucking bored with all the "hurry up and wait, and MAYBE you'll get to shoot at somebody."
I don't know man. I base all my video games off real life. If it isn't possible in real life, I can't and won't play. That is why I play COD, it's real. REAL real. The real deal...