Just went 20-0-10 with my M9. I just used my pistol, and owned everyone. The other team sucked pretty bad, but, it feels good man.
Fucking care packages. I have now been killed by them by: - having one land on me a split second after I spawn; and - bounce off a fence in Skidrow and smear me across a wall. FML.
Played Rundown yesterday with Predator Missile -> Harrier -> Chopper Gunner. Got 4 kills, then a double kill. Predator took out one guy. Harrier came in, got about 7 or 8 kills for me. Then I went to town with the Chopper Gunner. By the time my Chopper Gunner left the map, the score was 6500 - 1100 for my team, still a 6 on 6 game. Ended the Game 36 - 3 - 0. Best game I've had yet. Should finally get my KDR above 1.00 sometime in the next week.
I'm down for a bit on xbl. Prob be on til 6-6:30. PhetusPhister00, I just prestiged and probably will be playing sabotage.
Yeah man, you're completely right. There is absolutely no reason to ever complain about this game (or any other) ever, and anyone who does is just a whiner. I mean shit, when I buy games I either like them or don't; I never have any conflicting opinions about a video game. People that like certain aspects but dislike others just need to shut the fuck up. And they bitch on a public forum, even! The audacity to voice their opinions about the most recent addition to the Call of Duty franchise in the "CoD Addicts Thread!" What a bunch of bitches.
We had a decent run today with five or six of us for a solid hour and a half. I got murdered when we played wasteland. I see Maltob has got the predator/harrier/pavelow combo that we talked about here. Of coarse my best game had to be the one right before the party was started. When 20+/2 in Underpass of all places, I think Supertramp was there to witness it?
So finally got my first nuke Saturday. I had a 25 kill streak twice before that too without using my first reward, so I decided to turn it on and got it the second match after that. I think out of 8 matches, I had about 5 or 6 chopper gunners. I think in that one day alone I took my K from 1.35 to 1.38. I had been using the FAL but now switched to the ACR and it seems I go at least 2:1 every match. Here's my setup for ground war. ACR w/ Sliencer Missile Launcher Scavanger Stopping Power Last Stand Harrier, Chopper Gunner, Nuke
Confession: Just n00b tubed my way to a great game. I was trying out the M16A4, unlocked grenade launcher so I put it on. These guys called in an emergency airdrop, so I n00b tubed 1, tubed 2, then semtexed 2, predatored 2, and Harriered their entire team multiple times over, they wouldn't give up trying to get those packages haha.
I've noticed I get a lot of hate mail. It cant be for my style of play because as many of you know, I don't noob tube or akimbo or tac-knife. Anyone else get these messages too? Don't get me wrong. I fucking love it. The idea that I've brought so much misery to someone, someone who just wanted to have a nice game where they did well and had fun, that they go through the trouble of letting me know over PSN makes me warm and toasty on the inside.
I got a message the other day that simply read "Prestige you pussy" which I can only assume means that someone who has only just unlocked the sentry gun killstreak on their prestige was whining that I was raping them with my mastery AK47 and harrier/pavelow combo. I want to prestige in the near future when I reach my kill death ratio goal of 1.0 (probably pad it a little by .2 or .3).
Unless you play VERY carefully until you get your preferred gun back (in your case the AK...good luck with that) then your KD is going to drop.