There is a large part of me that hates MW2 for the simple fact that every single FPS that's not COD, I am a sniping professional. Here, I can't get a fucking gun going that works for me. Which one is the recommended?
For sniping? I use this class: Barret w/ FMJ Akimbo Magnums Claymore Stuns Sleight of Hand Pro Stopping Power Pro Ninja Pro Some people prefer Steady Aim in that third slot for the extra breath holding time, but I find it unnecessary. Plus I use a headset so not hearing my own footsteps is pretty crucial.
I'm really good with the Intervention but now I heard that the Barret is stronger. Should I switch over?
If by stronger you mean damage-wise, they are exactly the same. The Barrett is better for the 10 round clip, quicker time between shots, and the ability to spam it if someone gets up in your grill.
Pretty much what manihack said but instead of the Barrett I use the Intervention with Cold Blooded pro.
Fuck you fucking snipers in the ass. You make derail and wasteland utterly unplayable. There is a special ring of hell for video game snipers.
Or, take a class with Marathon, Cold Blooded and Ninja, and a silenced weapon. Circle the edge of the map and pick off the snipers.
I cannot get shit going with Pistols to unlock anything. I had the best game of my life on Sunday, 19-2. Felt fucking great. I wish I had the AC-130 unlocked. Cargo-crate, Harrier, Pavelow on Estate I believe. Lovely. Then it went all downhill from there. My biggest problem is the game is not dying, I just end up in situations where I just can't fucking get out.
I've used AC-130 maybe 5 times from emergency air drops. I was never impressed. Maybe I never got used to the timing but there are a lot of levels where they'll just hide in buildings until the shit is over with. I switched from pavelow to chopper gunner just to try it out and have had decent success with it. The usual set up would be predator missile/harrier/chopper gunner. Most of the time I am in the middle of some battle zone and get my predator and scamper off to find a safe spot. If I don't get enough then it usually becomes a camping/waiting game until I can rack up a kill or two, same shit happens between the harrier and the next killstreak.
Ac-130 is much harder than CG to use but also much better. The trick is knowing how to lead targets and how to cycle its weapons fast enough. I've never used an AC-130 without getting at least 5-6 kills and thats on the shitty maps like skidmark and karachi. Back when I was nuking the furthest it left me from 25 kills was 3-4. Here is why it's better: It can't be shot down by regular weapons. Only the Javelin and Stinger pose any threat whatsoever. Also, most people in lobbys are too fucking stupid and don't even bother. Second, in the case someone does try to shoot it down, you have 2 sets of flares instead of 1 like the chopper gunner. By the time both flares are fired and the third missile hits you, you have a couple seconds left with the thing anyways so the damage is done. This is obviously ignoring the other team being coordinated and having multiple people with launchers in which case you're fucked no matter what air support you use. Next is the fact that there are very few places people can hide from you. For example the big cave in Afghan is a deathtrap if you can aim the 105 in there (there are 3 entrances too), if you have danger close, every corner of the cave can be reached. Use the 40mm for windows and use the 20mm to mop up. A tip when a CG is called against you, switch to a class with a stinger and sleight of hand, you can take it out before it reaches the map.
If you are any good at knifing you can use the First Recon class with the Tac Knife magnum to up your magnum kills (Tac Knife kills count as melee kills and pistol kills.) Other than that, you basically just have to go pistol only and die a lot to level them up with any sort of speed.
I played hardcore to get pistol kills. Just play pistol only until you unlock akimbo for whatever. Then It gets fun.
Last stand pistol kills count also. I just used that for awhile and unlocked the M9 (or whatever it's called) attachments that way.
Anyone up for a game this weekend? Is everyone on their respected lists? <a class="postlink-local" href="http://www.theidiotboard.commemberlist.php?mode=group&g=9" onclick=";return false;">memberlist.php?mode=group&g=9</a> The new map pack is great for a big battle, all of the maps are fucking huge!
Note that only people with the map pack can play eachother I don't think people that don't have it can right?
Yeah, I forgot that. If you don't have the map pack, go fucking buy it. Right now. If you enjoy the game you have to spend the fifteen dollars. It's only fifteen dollars you cheap fuckers! Seriously, the maps are all huge and it's worth the money.
PS3 people don't have it yet anyway so we can all play no problem. I'll be the PS3 rep if you guys want to have a few games this weekend.
I'm down for some games this weekend. I'm on X-Box and I have the map pack. I'm pretty close to hitting 70 again so I'll probably be playing a bunch anyways to finish off this prestige. Just as a warning, I don't use a mic. I use a headset that plugs into my TV so I can hear footseteps and stuff, so that keeps me from being able to chat. GT: Cainam 712
Yeah, definitely want to run through some games this weekend. I play better with a Maltob becoming the main target, and I pick off people trying to kill him.