Has anyone finished the SitRep Pro challenge: 750 claymores/tac inserts/C4? I haven't played in a couple months but only had like 150 while using it on 3 of my 4 main classes non stop.
Okay, I'm definitely going to try that Cold Blooded thing. Sitrep is one of the perks I almost never use, I only had it on a class because of the 'How the ?' challenge (which I ended up getting with my sniper class in an awesome triple spray with the akimbo m9's).. don't think I'll ever equip it again, destroying 900 enemy equipment would take a ridiculously long time. On a different note, finally got a nuke with Harrier and Pave Low killstreaks with the intervention. God damn that was fun. Would have had it earlier but got kicked from the game when I was on an 18 killstreak.. That made me want to strangle kittens.
That reminds me, Pave Low gets fixed in the next patch. No more guessing if it counts towards kill streaks or not. It will 100% of the time
Really? I was told it got fixed with the patch when the new maps came out. Unless there is going to be a new patch on both systems May 4th when the PS3 maps come out, but that would be a bit odd.
Definitely wasn't fixed then. I had a CB RPD class on when a helicopter went out of control on Overgrown about 5-7 days ago and went from 42 shot down to 100something. Edit: The Pavelow is fixed though, which is awesome. I went 7-9-15 to work on my EMP challenges and that shit worked like a charm.
That explains all the Pavelows I've been seeing. I stopped using them for a while but will have to add them back in. Lately I've been using UAV/Counter UAV/Predator which helps me, and my team. I'm a good samaritan.
Guess which guy got wasted one night and woke up to find a freshly prestiged account? Finally got my beloved striker back to almost complete my sniper class - .50 cal, striker, sleight of hand pro, stopping power pro, and the 3rd changes until I get last stand back. Now I just need to get the m16a back. I guess working with the FAL for now isn't so bad though. Still pissed that I didn't even get another class with this prestige (my 2nd). What a waste... Also, I was bored last night so I busted out the riot shield. Got a ton of xp since I never use it, and while I mostly got destroyed, there is something morbidly satisfying about bashing in people's skulls with a shield.
I never understood why people use last stand. It's got to be the most worthless piece of shit perk I've ever seen. You're down which means the person that got you could have killed you by now and there is NO way to possibly avoid death at that point (except final stand but that's a different story). Why postpone death for 10 seconds? So they can get the payback instantly? God, that annoys the fuck out of me. I'm not talking to you specifically, Tuesday, as you probably have a good reason why you use it. Just don't get why you prefer it over being unseen/heard (ninja pro) or getting the sweet no-scopes/hardscopes off. (SAP) Sorry about the Last Stand rant, can't count the times I should've gotten a kill only to see a retarded teammate noobtube it into an assist.
More useless than the shotgun attachment for assault rifles? I think I may have equipped that once and never used it, nor have I ever seen anyone use it.
They actually have triple the range of the old 1887's. Problem is they have pretty shitty damage after very short range.
I use last stand to build up my pistols kill count to get the Tac. Knife. My longest last stand kill streak is 3 kills. And that was on a game winning killcam. It was glorious, and I relentlessly mocked the other team at the intermission. I think my last prestige I just never really changed it to something else, probably should have gone with Ninja Pro.
Just checked the CoD wiki and you have to get 1000 headshots to master a weapon!?!? You sure there isn't some obscure super insider trick/glitch to racking them up?
Nope, besides boosting (which is gay) there isn't a 100% waterproof scheme to rack 'em up. What I always do is when you catch an enemy off guard, be it sniping or being totally tunnelvisioned towards a choke point, go for the head instead of the easy knife kill. So much more satisfying to do. You do have to shoot twice in quick succession. Trust me on this one.
RAAAAAAGGGGGEEEEEEE!!!!! WTF! I just downloaded the stimulus package and none of the maps work! It gets to the loading screen and the game crashes. Godfuckingdammit
In search and destroy it could be the difference in winning the game if you actually manage to trade kills instead of just dying and the opposing team is now a man up.
It isn't out everywhere yet which is why it isn't working. It's not in the PS store for most people including myself. How did you get it?
Just thought I would share with you guys a gametype my "friends" and I play when there is too many of us to all be on one team. I'm pretty sure they stole the idea from another game, but its fun as shit to play. So basically you go into a private team death match room. Estate, Invasion (or whichever one with the big embassy), Terminal, and Skidrow are the best maps to play this on. It is called president. There is 1 president, 3 secret service agents and everyone else is a terrorist. At the start of the game, you pre-assign which side the president will be on (US rangers, Seals, basically the spawn side.) The president can only use a pistol, the secret agents can only use sub machine guns, and the terrorists can use whatever they want. You have no respawns, and the president and his secret serivce agents get 30 seconds to set up in the main building. The president has to stay in this building, but the secret service agents can go where ever they want. After 30 seconds, everyone can move out of their spawn and try to kill the president. Kill the president, and you become the next one and get to pick your three SS out of the people playing. You can adjust the number of SS agents based on how many people are playing. No points or anything, but its fun as shit. We get a little tired of some exploits people use, and play this after we get fed up. Its a nice little switch up.
That sounds fun as hell. I like they implemented Team tactical with the new patch. 3v3 or 4v4 TDM and in first person.