As always, last one arriving to the party. The map pack is installing right now and I am giddy as SHIT. Never played MW1 so these are 5 completely new maps for me. Can't fucking wait.
Same here, they are pretty fun. I don't know about just playing random game types every time but I sure as shit had a ton of fun yesterday playing sabotage and Search and Destroy on the new maps.
I fucking hate little kids. There I am minding my own business, running around like a dumb-ass shooting shit when all of a sudden, wham! Someone jumps out a window and knifes me. (It was a huge fall, watching it on kill cam was cool.) I have never seen this particular move before and I was impressed. So, I said "Holy shit! How'd you dream that up?" Then, this little kid, sounds six or seven, says; "What motherfucker? I'll do it to you all day. you're my bitch!" I'm stunned. I can live with the shit talking and the guys clearing their throats, I can take the eating and yelling in my ear. I can even tolerate the singing some of these fags do. I just mute that shit. But, what I will not fucking do is let some kid talk to me like that at all. I'm seeing fucking red, I can't even play I'm so mad. And it's not just me catching this shit-storm, it's everyone. Anytime he kills someone he's fucking screaming, and I can't mute him. The vulgarity coming out of this little shit-bags mouth is almost awe-inspiring. Of course, everyone with a mic is asking about his parents, his language, whatever. Then they start killing him. It seemed as soon as he spawned, someone was there to shove a bazooka up his ass. You can see where this is going. He starts fucking crying. And I'm glad. Fucking glad this little shit is crying. Fuck, I want to watch his ass cry. People are talking shit to him, he's crying, I'm laughing and people are still shooting each other. Then, his mom picks up the microphone. She starts yelling at everyone to "play nice". Fuck little kids.
Well, Overgrown has officially beaten both Wasteland and Estate in their tie for "The Shittiest Level" competition. I'm pretty pleased with the other Stimulus levels, though. I'm one of the small minority that never played Modern Warfare 1, so all the levels are new to me.
And that my friends is reason #51441532154 why I mute all players immediately or simply mute all incoming voice on the Xbox profile options unless I am playing with a friend. I honestly can't believe people still try to deal with that bullshit.
I don't dislike sniping maps like Estate, Wasteland or Overgrown. Here's why: - When you're geared out with a certain set-up, STICK TO IT. Don't go toe-to-toe with a sniper set-up when you know you can't quickscope people and don't go out in the open (Running across the wooden bridge in Overgrown, for example.) when you're carrying a shotgun.* Stick to what you're comfortable with and gives you the most advantage. Just don't akimbo shotgun camp. - If you're having difficulties seeing where enemies are and they're picking you off over and over, try standing completely still once in a while. I don't mean, stand in the middle of an obvious place like say, the front of the house on Estate. That way you'll catch people that are also looking for moving targets. Just pop your head out for a second and unless they're expecting you (which they shouldn't because you don't go the same way twice), you won't die. If they're just THAT good, there's not a lot you can do about it anyway so.. - Ninja pro helps a LOT. Nowadays almost everyone has a headset so you can be sure they'll hear you coming. Also, almost noone has Sitrep Pro so it's a real advantage. - I like sniping so that helps too, I guess. It has a very steep learning curve if you try to go around quickscoping / no-scoping people though. If this doesn't help, you can always put on Ninja Pro, Cold Blooded Pro and stay behind destroyed tanks on Wasteland, around the glass house on Estate or on either side of the bridge on Overgrown. Thermal is optional. *Unless you're this guy, ofcourse.
That's why I loathe all those levels so much. They're so big and encourage sniping, and hate sniping. I put cold-blooded pro on and laid down in my ghillie suit in Overgrown in the open field by that big barn, and about 10 people ran right by me/over me in about a minute because they couldn't see me, even from that close. There's nothing that drives me more nuts than having a good streak going and some douchebag who's been waiting in the same spot for four minutes straight snipes me from the other side of the map. Close-quarters combat is where the real fun is, for me.
My roommate and I played probably 30 games in free-for-all today, and there were boosters in at least 20 of them. We spent about 10 games killing the same three little assholes that were stupid enough to go to non-hidden spots in every map to boost, and actually talked about where they were going on the mic. I went 30-1 in one of the levels, and every single kill of mine was from those same three guys. I think I had four or five triple kills in that match alone. Are we the only people seeing a ridiculous amount of boosting lately? It was fun running around killing them for those few games, but it's pretty fucking annoying when it constantly happens. I just had another one on Quarry where three people were inside a wall somehow. If I didn't see their tactical insertion, I never would have known.
Almost got my first nuke today.. 21-0 in a team deathmatch using the M4, with a shotty as my backup.. Used all my bullets and was left with only a shotgun in the back of derail and had no other weapons around me so I had to improvise. Went to rush this guy on the elevated back platform and got ass fucked by some sniper chillin in the building.. What a bitch way to go out.
Dude I feel you, I've had like 6 or 7 24-kill streaks. I also went 27 twice but didn't have the nuke on. THAT shit is frustrating.
After a brief hiatus when I was sick of the game, I'm back in love with MW2. Ever since I saw the SPAS-12 video above I've had a raging hard on for that weapon, and its paying off in bucket loads. I've also finally gotten into the habit of being hard to kill and being happy if I only get 15-20 kills in a game, as opposedto running headless chicken style and getting as many deaths as kills, the KDR will thank me soon enough
There is supposed to be a new video debut soon at the NBA Finals. Im not sure, I mean Ill probably break down and get it. I kind of want to switch to Socom when that comes out. Shit they even have a new map pack coming out in a few short weeks for MW2!
My pants, I just came in them. I like how they included the Rambo, grenade crossbow, lol.;thumb;1
Happened to stumble upon this today. new map pack coming out on june third.
Well I think I have a new favorite drunk CoD class. Scavenger + claymores, and marathon + lightweight. In the same vain as the "Master Baiter" video, just run around claymoring people's ass. Pissed off so many people last night. Good clean family fun.
I still haven't memorized the new maps and we get a new map pack on Thursday. I've been playing Bad Company 2, it's a lot harder for me than MW2. I just realized that with the purchase of the new pack, I'll have spent over $100 on a videogame. So worth it.
dude I'm almost at $200 got the prestige edition when it came out for the nvg's. Now how do you feel?