The goggles are awesome. They paid for themselves when I had a power outage a few months ago and was able to successfully raid my fridge. Congrats on the nuke though. 9 to go.
So yesterday I was raping Highrise with my trusty SPAS, waiting for them to leave their spawn. This asshole gets a full blast to the face and manages to go into last stand and knife me. That sucked. So I spawn on the opposite side of the map with my sniper class on and decide to chuck a throwing knife, because you never know. +150 points, Bullseye. God, I love this game. That got me thinking. What other awesome moments have you guys had while playing MW2? Flashbang killcams across the map? Jumpshot collaterals? Another thing, someone mentioned President a while ago. Anyone want to try that out?
Just the other day I was playing Team Death match on Crash. My team was barely keeping up, and we were losing the whole round. Then, somehow I managed to get a 7 streak kill which gave me my UAV, Air Strike and Helicopter. I'm prestige 38 so I haven't messed with my kill streak rewards much. I had to activate my chopper first before I could use the air-strike, 10 seconds left in the game and I just randomly bomb the opposite side of the map and we win. I capped score by one point ahead. Last three kills in a row were mine. That was one of those "Madden Commercial" moments where I stood up and cheered with my arms in the air. The probability in this game is ridiculous. I do love the effect you can have on just one round/map, regardless if your team has double digit deaths and single digit kills. I once got the winning kill cam on Afghan for jumping off that cliff and loading a SPAS shell into some dudes face as he was standing on the tail of that plane firing a LMG at me.
This is ridiculous I had no idea how many people actually boost. I played FFA yesterday and Im not shitting you I found boosters in almost every game.
I'm three hours behind west coast time, but I'll give it a shot. I'd like to try that 'president' game that got mentioned a while back. It smells like...victory.
Would it be the new maps or not though? Private game would be better, with Skype preferably. Lots of more shittalking.
What these games need are some more women players. How many TiB chicks does it take to turn on a xbox? (just turn on, everyone knows they can't hook it up to the tv)
Or they're smart enough to sign up for GameCrush, and get PAID to play games. <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>
How do you know when you've played to much Call of duty? Answer: I figured this video was more appropriate here than in the YouTube thread.
It sounds like someone wants a new map pack. When do you sony fags get that next new one? Next month? I was just teasing any girls who might read this, starting some shit. And my point was that it wouldn't matter if it was an X-box 360, a Playstation 3 or a 1982 Atari. Women have problems hooking up electronics. Because they're slow. And before some broad opens her yap about me being insensitive or a sexist, she needs to bring her badass self to the show next Saturday. We can settle this with a video game battle of epic proportions. Unless of course all the ladies are scared. Now, I have to practice my ass off so I don't get beat too bad next Saturday. By a girl.
So you think getting dry anal raped a month earlier is a perk on XCox? Telling. Ive only played girls on two occasions in MW2. The last time was about two weeks ago and the girl was fucking mopping it up running 20 to 25-8 kill/death each game. Her boyfriend wouldn't shut his god damn yapper about it either.
Anyone got advice on survival habits? I've got the killing thing down, but I just can't seem to kill and stay alive. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Sometimes it is running into open spots, which I'm avoiding now, but I'm still messing up and not getting my KS the way I want to. Maltob heard me earlier today, I went batshit when I got a Chopper Gunner. 20-5-3. One of my best games. Maltob on the other hand had like 25... I've also had the mappack maybe 3 days after it game out, and just had that Rust level for the first time. I fucking love it. All luck and mayhem.
My roommate has the same problem. He isn't too bad at killing, but his k:d ratio is never higher than 1:1. I think his longest killstreak is 12. If you're anything like him, he makes simple mistakes. Has big problems picking people up; he'll run right by somebody without seeing them, and five seconds later that same person will kill him. He runs from one place to another without looking either way first, and so many of his deaths are from people who have been sitting somewhere for 10 seconds waiting for a guy like him to run out like a chicken with his head cut off. Be aware of your surroundings. Don't stand somewhere with your back to a window. When someone shoots at you but misses, pick up which way the shots are coming from. Learn to be able to tell which way footsteps are coming from. And for fuck sakes, when you hear the click of a claymore... JUST KEEP RUNNING. Don't stop and try to run the other way. Cuz then you dead.
Unless you're dependant on other attachments, try using a silencer. I think ill also find sometimes I'm too quick to reload, especially with shotguns. Just because you only have 1/2 bullets left doesn't mean you have to reload straight away.
Instead of running blind around corners, I had to teach myself to first pull the gun up to aim, scan around the corner and then run if it is clear. Being ready to draw is one of the biggest factors that helped me live through more shoot outs. This is usually the first thing that breaks down when I start run and gunning, leading to more hair tearing deaths.