I've been on a fucking tear tonight. I switched the sensitivity from medium to high, but it was a little too sensitive. I changed it to level four from the custom menu and it is absolutely perfect. My last four games are 30-3, 33-4, 29-2, and 38-7.
That sucks. No more 'Are you fucking kidding me?!' Now MW2 is going to feel so empty... Iczorro, I'll help you with any questions you have, what's your PSN?
How the fuck are people shooting the FAL like it's an automatic? I've seen people do it with the M9 and USP but never with the FAL. The only way I've been able to get my single-shot guns to shoot that quick are by holding the controller different and hitting the button like I'm sending Morse code.
Step 1: Hold the controller normally. Step 2: Tense your finger up like there's no tomorrow. Step 3: Learn to separate that movement from the actual aiming, so as not to twitch around like a spastic. Step 4: Let 'er rip. Step 5: Arthritis. Never been a big fan of the FAL. Who wants to party up?
Now today was some SOLID TiB game time. I really wanted to get a nuke before I left but switching back to my usual killstreaks really helped lower my blood pressure. What I want to know is, I play with Planoptik for two or three weeks and 99.9 percent of the time he messages me between rounds as correspondence. Then the one time he's on the other team, gets an impossibly sweet jumping 180 kill on me, he hooks up the mic just to ask if I saw the fucking kill cam. Are you fucking kidding me??!?!?! It was some bullshit. Good times.
Haha yeah, it was a headshot too. Good times. I'm confident we can still get you to a nuke though. I'll babysit or something.
That was a lot of fun playing with you guys. I switched over to the UMP and my k/d ratio is improving. I should be more help in the future.
Yeah Ive been so wrapped up trying to finish the M16 that I ignored the UMP. I just switched back to it for small levels and have FMJ and stopping power pro on. Shit cuts through people like butter.
No but honestly Kubla, pack your PS3, this shit is no acceptable. That day was fun as fuck. We won some, we lost some, but it was a ton of fucking fun. I couldn't hear Pato on his mic at all. Either way, I feel like I'm actually getting better with certain maps. I've finally figured out how to fucking sniper which has made my life just bliss. I just wish that I wouldn't get killed every time I got my fucking sentry gun. I honestly don't know how I lived without Scavenger and claymores...
It was fun as hell. Found a new SMG: The MP5K. This thing has recoil like you wouldn't believe but hit every bullet and they go down like a bag of bricks. Silenced, it's like you're a one man SWAT team. Awesome.
Bad ass they brought back 2 maps from the original (Strike and Vacant) and Carnival and Trailer park both are sick in my opinion. Fuel on the other hand I don't really care for though, it seems like if you control the buildings you control the map. The worst part is its hard to take the buildings if you don't get them first, or if your team sucks.
Fuel is amazing for Ground War. Its just too large for 12 people. Trailer park is fun and domination gets nuts going for B - more intense than the B bridge on Rundown. Strike just plain sucks, game play doesn't flow and too much camping goes on - Just a bigger version of Invasion. Vacant is a lot of fun with big differences in the areas and how they play. Carnival though is awesome. Its up there with Afghan for best map in MW2.
Holy shit is Fuel ever huge. I jumped into a game with two buddies on the other team, and didn't kill/get killed by either of them for the whole game. Trailer park was OK. I'm not really a big fan of all the twists and turns, though. Strike was my least favourite level, too. I downloaded the pack about 15 minutes after it was released, and by the time I got in a game there, people were already camping waiting for me to come around corners. I went 3 - 23 on my first two combined games. I didn't mind Vacant, only because I think it was the smaller of the maps, and I prefer small maps over large ones. Didn't get to play a game in it, just went to it in my split-screen to get a feel for it. Carnival was fun, but there was so much shit going on it was hard to pick people out of the backdrop. I think once I play it more, I'll like it more though. Overall I prefer this map pack to the previous one, but that isn't really saying much since the only level I like from the other map pack is Crash. And sometimes Bailout.
Maltob, you're not even playing and you're giving advice. Holy shit. And I know he's right. Chater, no problem. Shit happens, it's just a game. You'll have to read the fine print, not sure if Sony's rule of 5 applies to the map packs. For the PS3ers since I'm honestly too lazy to get the Skype thing going, and to counter the inconvenience of messages that Pato likes to send every 5 seconds and especially when you're in the middle of an intense firefight and you're trying to keep your rare killstreak alive (not bitter, just saying) I suggest all of us jumping into one of those chat rooms. Then everyone can be in on the chat if we have quick shit to say like "brb" "lol" "I hate Pato for killing me across the map" or what not and everyone will know. Sad thing is I'm too poor to afford Resurgence right now. Also, need help. Maps I suck huge balls at: Scrapyard + Afghan + Underpass If I get .500 out of these maps I get excited like I nuked.
From what a a friend told me (Antizzle on PS3 - you can ask him Chater) there is a way to transfer the map pack onto another console. So, if you put the pack on my PS3 you should be able to put it on your new console down the road. Parker, on Afghan stick with an assault rifle unless you are very comfortable with sniping. Afghan is one of the few maps I find tricky to properly use marathon and an SMG on. Since you're a fan of claymores I'm going to guess you stay close to the bunkers after you plant. If so, plant your claymores there but instead hang out around where A is in domination. Don't camp though, you'll get massacred. On underpass try using a thermal SCAR, maybe blinged with a supressor. And for fucks sake don't just sit on the top of the buildings. Scrapyard is a clusterfuck, just check your corners...