Yeah Pato, that was a rough fucking round of matches. Pretty fucking stressful. Unless you were talking about another team. I love Domination but hate most of the people that play it. I'm a big fan of holding down C on no matter what map. I haven't had a chance to play the new Vacant, it is the map of my nightmares from MW1. The only one I remember and cringe at. It finally seems like the new maps are kicking in, didn't get one for the first week. I've used the Predator missile to take out air-support mostly because I suck at hitting people with it. Oh and another fucking thing, I'm getting fucking pissed at other stupid players, When an enemy has a predator coming, and there are 2-3 people close together, they never fucking spread out. They just run around in circles until all 3 of us get killed. Every fucking time. I'm also furious at people getting in front of my fucking shot, I can't tell you how many times I've died because people don't think to get each others back. Son of a bitch.
That reminds me of another fucking thing. Ever want to snipe (or shoot, whatever) a guy from really far away, line up the shot and start firing, only to have a random teammate of his run in front of your shot, making the aim assist follow him slightly, resulting in you shooting 1 ft to the side of the damn guy. Then the fucking bastard (usually a random lvl 15 noob) who's 3 times slower when lining up a shot gets the upperhand and managed to kill me. That has got to be the fucking worst thing ever. How do I turn off this aim assist shit? Also, I just realised the above paragraph has like 15 commas. Whatever. Another thing: FUCK fuel in its sand-ridden asshole. It's like the map designers were drunk one night and decided that the map should be... *THIS* big. What will we fill that empty space with? Well, nothing, I guess. Except wait.. Put in a glitchable rock for shits and giggles. It's making Derail look awesome by comparison and that says a LOT. To not make it seem like I'm constantly whining about this game I will say this: I LOVE taking out painkiller guys with one SPAS-12 shot. Warm and fuzzy feelings all around.
I'm on PS3 right now - reeferoni. I just picked up the game again after a month or so off, and I fucking suck.
I dont get why people hate this map, it is always getting skip votes. It is my favorite map. My ps3 name is - wexton. I am normally slightly above 1:1 now, still getting used to this fucking controller aiming thing.
i never understood the hate either, I've always been a big fan of Derail, even before I got bored and starting sniping full time. Sure the middle can be a claymore fest when done right but you can pick people off through the windows.
I fucking dispise the aim assist. You don't need it. Take it the fuck out or at least give me the option to. When me and Pato go on oppiste teams for epic sniper battles we always have retards fucking up our quickscopes. Derail is a sweet map though, all you need is patience and teammates that know how to push (yes it's just like any other map but this map is fucking huge and is perfect). If you have those two things and know how to snipe well you're golden. So which of the new maps is the best for sniping? I can't wait for Crossfire from CoD4 if they ever decide to bring it back. As for Vacant, although you can use anything there, it always has been and always will be an awesome SMG/Shotgun map. Can't wait till I get to try them out.
I've been having a blast playing this game with other people in parties. It's amazing what even the slightest amount of co-operation can achieve. Dominating every single game and getting 40+ kills and less than 5 deaths each round? Yes, please. Maltob, when are you planning your triumphant return to MW2? It just doesn't feel right to say I 'raped' yesterday when there's noone to really compete with, haha. Anyways, I'm going on vacation now for a month, so I'll be playing a lot less. See you guys later.
Any word on a tourney for this weekend? I have an actual weekend off, and I'm slowly getting better...
I've got a question. I know when you prestige, your weapons go back to being level-appropriate. Do the challenges reset as well? For instance, am I going to have to re-earn Pro for all my perks? Am I going to have to redo headshots to get camos for weapons? Is it worth working for this shit on my first time through?
iczorro, prestige away. You'll just feel better about it. Also the second time around, try out some new guns. I'm loving the M4 which I played with for 2 weeks, and the RPD is now god in my hands which I probably used for 5 minutes the first time. This also could be my adjustment to the sensitivity, but who knows. Vacant + RPD + Claymores + a certain corner by the loading dock = love.
I've just started having time to play Call of Duty again. Picked up the new map packs, and the Resurgence ones seem pretty solid. Anyone who doesn't already have me and plays on PS3, my PSN ID is Lahey.
Holy fuck did I have a monster night. I couldn't be caught. I had like three games in FFA where I was above 20, and on Strike I found two good perches and didn't die at all. God bless the claymore. I don't think I'm ever gonna have a better night. Of course, I played with them for like six games, they were all retarded. Is it wrong to be proud of dominating retards? SHIT, that was fun.
Sunnova b. I played for a couple hours yesterday on some different modes, and I fucking tore it up. I almost got a nuke on a ffa game in Karachi, went 22-0 before some dude flashed and shot gunned me in the face. I didn't even win that game either, in fact I was the final kill.
Ditto I played right before I went to bed last night and I was rocking people. I think I got 28 - 0 on fuel before I got killed. I love my kill streaks 7 Harrier 9 Pave Low 11 AC-130. I was 23 - 0 before all my shit got shot down. Ended the night 29 -3, 20 - 3 and 23 -6. The only reason I know this is because my roommate and I text each other our scores after each game, it a good way for us to compete and push each other to be better. I just realized that when I play online without my roommate I get the easiest players. It doesn't make any sense but it happens for both of us. Now when we play together we still win but the games are a lot harder.
So I decided I love Trailer Park, even though no matter what I get spanked on it. I'm still 50-50 on Carnival because as soon as I get into the game we're down 20 kills, and the enemy has every single possible air support up. And for once, I agree with Pato. Fuel is complete, utter, and total shit. That corner in the desert with all the rocks is totally and completely fucking retarded.
For anyone that has dealt with someone using the rock glitch (where they get inside one of the rocks and shoot from inside), you can actually shoot them while they're inside the rock. Explosives don't work, but plain old bullets go right through. So if someone is shooting you from inside it, switch to the RPD or something and just aim toward the rock.
And here I thought finally getting my KDR back up to .90 was an achievement. Noahh (reeferoni) tried going on a streak today, had the worst teams in TDM Express, TDM and Domination. When I'm the leader with 12 kills, something is fucked up. Son of a bitch. I've also learned I can't use the UMP to save my fucking life. How anyone kills anyway further than 25 feet away surprised the fuck out of me. Could be because I have rapid fire on that kills the recoil, but who knows.
Stopping power pro and hitting the trigger in taps giving it a 3-4 round burst. Ive picked off snipers on the other side of the rooftop map doing this multiple times.
Speaking of the UMP, what's everyone's favorite SMG? Right now I use the Mini-Uzi with Rapid Fire, but I've switched between the uzi and ump and can't really decide. Also, do you guys like fmj or rapid fire? I can't count the number of times I get the draw on someone, but they have an assault or lmg and take me out while I'm emptying the clip. Maybe akimbo would help? I only use SMGs on Scrapyard and Skidrow, so I don't really see myself switching to an assault for these levels. It's my quick and mobile class - SMG, M9/tac knife, claymore, scavenger pro, lightweight pro, and commando pro. I use the claymores as alarms/doorbells. Set up shop in a little area, run around picking people off, and either get a kill with the claymore, or hear them coming and go knife their ass. Yes, you hate me.