Boosting lobbies are games where people sit there and help each other level up using the different glitches (riot shield is a big one) and/or help each other earn achievements. They'll line up in a row so someone can get their 3 headshots in a row with a sniper rifle, 5 kills with a pred missile, get the nuke achievements, etc...just the ones that most people will never earn beyond getting shit lucky.
That just sounds retarded, I actually prefer to earn the different titles/rewards/unlocks/whatever, sense of achievement something something...
I have two I use regularly; I don't use these all the time because I like to switch it up, but these are the two that always stay the same: For smaller levels (skidrow, scrapyard, etc.), I use the UMP and Magnum w/tac knife, with a throwing knife and marathon/lightweight/commando. I will go through an entire game without shooting a single bullet. Almost every kill will be melee kills, but if there is someone coming at me too far to knife, I am proficient enough with the throwing knife to kill them before dying. Then I'll just pick up my knife and go on my way. For almost all other levels, I use the UMP w/silencer and the PP2000 w/FMJ, semtex, and Marathon, Stopping Power, and Ninja. I love how the UMP slices people apart with Stopping Power. I never have the urge to use scavenger since if I'm ever running low on bullets, I'll just pick up the gun of the person I just killed and continue.
Parker (smythe24 on PSN for those who can't make the name connections between board and game) and I just played the hottest streak of games ever*. We played probably 10 TDMs in a row where the two of us accounted for over half the kills in the game. In all but a few games, we cleared 20 kills each, and we placed top 5 in the game overall pretty much every single time, typically with one of us at #1. My highlights were going 17-0 on one map, and followed by starting 0-6 on Vacant, then coming back to go 21-8, winning MVP and getting the Wargasm achievement. At one point Parker was about to finish Sub Base in the negs (that was our roughest map) then came back with some stupid kill streak that culminated with him blowing away 4 or 5 guys in the span of maybe 3 seconds. Then the lobby closed, and when we tried to keep the streak alive, we didn't have quite the same level of success. Fuck it. I love nights like tonight, even if it is a Friday. I need a night in every once in a while. *Does not apply if you are Pato. That series of games that was so great for us is how pretty much every game is for him.
**Also does not apply to Maltob. That was one hell of a fucking streak too. The only low light was me going through all my streaks then thinking "Hm, I should use my care package." And while lurking in Vacant in the warehouse, I manage to slip a Chopper Gunner through the slots which is basically a 50/50 chance of getting it roofed. Then I get killed and the fucker takes my chopper gunner. And Lahey beats me in kills. Because after the first 3 games, we just started competing with each other. Great fucking time. My primary loadout is RPD /w Grip + FMJ (RDS) M4101(sp?) Shotgun /w Grip, Claymores. Bling Pro, Stopping Pro, Commando Pro. Secondary is M4 /w Noobtube, M4101(sp?) Shotgun w/ Grip, Claymores. Scavenger, Stopping, Commando Pro
I have three main setups. 1. Assault Rifle I've been going through all of them, getting mastery on them. M16 is probably my favorite with the holographic sight. I almost never use my secondary weapons, I think I have the desert eagle in there. Claymore, Stun, Scavenger Pro, Stopping Power Pro, Ninja Pro. 2. Close in. UMP with FMJs, Striker, Semtex, Stuns, same perks as 1. 3. Air Kill RPD with silencer. Stinger. Frag, flash, Sleight of Hand Pro, Cold Blooded Pro, Ninja Pro. After I level all the ARs, I'll move through the LMGs, see if I find a new favorite. I have Final Stand as my death streak, I'm not too proud to take a reward for playing badly. And hey, every once in a while, you get a couple kills instead of dying. I've been using UAV, Harrier, Pavelow, but I unlocked the AC130 the other day and got it my first game in. It may take me some practice to get good with it, so I think I'm switching to Harrier, Pavelow, AC.
I pretty much play nothing but hardcore so... Ump (silenced) M9 (silenced) Marathon pro Cold blooded pro ninja pro On all regular games its TAR21 (silenced) / RPD (grip) Spas (extended mags) Marathon pro Stopping power pro Steady aim pro Works out just fine for me.
Can anyone explain to me why people start off the game spinning around in a circle and fire off a clip? It's fucking annoying and I really wonder the point is besides giving away our position.
It's just kids being kids. Don't worry though since your position is pretty obvious because there are specific spawns as you already know. Worry that most of the time they don't have scavenger, have limited ammo and no skill whatsoever to speak of. After two months off from the game my blood pressure has just started to go back down from all the stupid shit people do.
It annoys the shit out of me when I'm trying to flank someone and this asshole who never has Ninja Pro on keeps following me. Also, I took a small break from the game after this happened to me on Sub Base; The fucking guy was at the spot near C where people usually boost, I was on top of the roof overlooking B and C. It's almost as if the game was telling me to piss off.
Almost fully maxed out all the challenges with the famas. I predict i'll finish around level 60 im at about 57 right now. 107 more headshots... Took long enough.
Posted for PeruvianSoup With how much I play MW2, it was about time I posted on this forum. Time to nerd it up. I saw one post asking if the Attack Helicopter was a more sound choice than the Harriers. Here's a breakdown: Harrier Spoiler + 2 sets of bombs unleashed + Feels like it's more precise, if you place it in a good position. It kills quickly with a smaller delay between bursts. - Stationary, easy to hit - Will always know who it's targeting, because the nose of the plane must be facing its target in order to fire. Attack Helicopter Spoiler + It moves, making it harder to take out in places with buildings + Because it moves, it doesn't have to be positioned for maximum effectiveness, nor does it rely on having radar available (Counter-UAV jams the targeting cursor) + It doesn't need to face the target to kill it. - it doesn't seem as accurate as the Harrier That having been said, I still choose Harrier over the Attack Helicopter any day, just for the sure potential destructive power. Most people don't know about the Harrier having to face its target anyway. As far as set ups go, here are the ones I use the most: Assault M16 w/ Holographic sights SPAS-12 with Extended Mags Equipment Semtex Stun grenades Perks Scavenger Pro Stopping Power Pro Commando Pro Spoiler Let's be honest here. The M16, one the whole, is slightly inferior to the FAMAS in terms of damage at range and recoil. The recoil can be mitigated by exploiting a small bug by attaching the Holographic sight. So, if you prefer to use a French gun, go for it. We won't mock you or anything. What the SPAS-12 does is leave people with their shit ruined. When coupled with stopping power, it comes damn near close to the power of the old 1887 Akimbos. Granted, its pump action nature makes it worse against crowds over the M1401, but I'd rather end someone at twice the distance with a load of buckshot. Grip doesn't do a thing for the SPAS-12, since it is a pump action shotgun. By the time the gun has been cocked, it's back to its old position. So, do yourself a favor and slap on a bigger magazine. Your killstreaks will thank you. The perks are chosen to maximize your one-shot kill (OSK) ability. You do plan on getting large killstreaks, right? If so, keep Scavenger. Stopping Power really makes the guns shine, although you're shit out of luck if you're not at all accurate. Commando is there in case you're caught in a reload or a swap. Steady Aim doesn't seem to help me as much, even with the SPAS-12. The reticle is smaller, meaning a farther kill, but can make spastic shots run wild. Tar-21 Stealth Tar-21 with Silencer Stinger Missles Equipment Semtex Stun grenades Perks Scavenger Cold Blooded Ninja Spoiler Note: If you're looking to maximize this stealth class, just go with the UMP. Its base damage is 40-35, meaning at a certain range, it'll do 40 damage per bullet while at any further range, it does 35 damage assuming you're not shooting through cover. The silencer serves to drop the distance at which maximum damage is done in favor of not showing up on radar. You also retain 100% movement speed with submachine guns over the assault rifles' 95% movement speed. Yes, I realize if I had spent this much time learning about other things, I'd be even more awesome. Ladies, please form a line to the left. With that disclaimer, the TAR-21 is still a beast of a gun, at 40-30 damage. This class serves to maximize flanking and avoidance. You WANT enemy UAVs because people get complacent. Heartbeat sensors are now worthless to your opponents. Claim what you want about the recoil compared to other guns, but realize that using burst fire is your friend. The Stinger is used over a normal secondary because, let's face it, your teammates suck. They would rather run out into the open to die than stop the killstreaks. SCAR with Heartbeat SCAR with Heartbeat Sensor SPAS-12 Semtex Flash grenades Perks Scavenger Stopping Power Ninja It's great. Most people use Commando or Steady Aim (those that want to try that "quickscoping" bullshit), so you'll find most of the people without a UAV. If you guys ever want to play, my Xbox GT is Cap C.
Any idea what it means when I log into the game and it gets stuck at the "searching for server" screen? I have some weird country internet/router at home (Ericsson W35) so I'm thinking it might be a problem with that, but I'm able to Play Bad Company 2 online. Any idea anyone?
The HBS only worked for me in the beginning, when I was starting out. Now when I rush, it just gets annoying. It encourages people to slow down, not very practical. It helps for getting nukes, though.
I am absolutely wrecking people with this setup in FFA and barebones UMP silenced (mid-long range) PP2K silenced (close-mid range) semtex/stun Perks: Marathon pro Lightweight pro Ninja pro I am always sprinting to take advantage of the fast quickdraw from lightweight pro. Running the whole time takes advantage of the higher chances of catching someone's blindside due to covering so much distance. Also, FFA is more of a race to 30 kills rather than a kdr competition, so the run and gun style of this setup fits perfectly. Anyone know if silenced/non-silenced makes a significant power difference on the pp2k? I unlocked the extended mags but prefer to stay off the radar.
So are the stats on the gun lying? Because the M16 is roughly 2x as good at range with the same damage. Also there's the recoil bug on it with the holographic. Very slightly lower fire rate and accuracy, but overall, I like the M16 more. To be fair, you squeeze off an accurate burst with either, and stopping power, they're dropping.
I can't get the YouTube link to work but over at the gaming site they have a video of COD:black ops. multiplayer. It looks pretty badass and one of the killstreaks is a remote controlled car/bomb.
The in-game stats are unreliable. For the actual stats see: <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>
If nobody has tried this yet, a class with the AA-12 as your secondary weapon and Scavenger Pro as your first perk is a good combination. The only obvious weakness of the AA-12 is the lack of ammo and small magazines, both of which are countered by Scavenger Pro. Harrier > Daylight > Attack Helicopter IMO. I've prestiged a couple of times, and as a way of gaining points, new titles/emblems etc I've been using all the killstreaks. Just finished getting the 50 kills with the Attack Helicopter, and gets nowhere as many kills as the Harrier. Sometimes the airstrike itself from the Harrier would get more kills than the Attack Helicopter (without even getting shot down). I've found I also get minimal kills with the Precision Airstrike or Stealth Bomber, but I can say using a UAV beforehand obviously helps dramatically.