Not sure about PS3, but on 360 this infinite care package shit is turning me off this game in a big way. Nothing but frustration when you can't stay alive for more than 10 seconds because some assholes have 12 different air supports at all times. It seems almost every game I'm in people are trying to "spread the knowledge" to everyone else.
O1dDrake on XBL... (yeah the "L" is a "1") I'm on sporadically, and just got the game and haven't had much play time, but add me for shits and giggles.
Of the 3 games we played, he placed 1st in two of them. I placed 2nd in the 3rd and I think he placed 4th or 5th. To quote my wife "I've never seen you this obsessed with a game before". I'll be on around 9 EST tonight on PS3 network, user- drnoyes.
Just got my first tac nuke today. Fucking awesome. Used the harriers, chopper gunner, and nuke on terminal domination. That chopper is cheap as hell on that level if I may say so. Ended the game at 52-9 with a kill streak of 32 not including the nuke. Felt good to break my funk of bad games lately. Good study break indeed.
Yeah especially when you can get them backed into the covered area by flag A, the chopper is painful. Played some groundwar domination on sub base, got my longest killstreak up to 50. Pred, Harrier and C-gunner. Nasty nasty nasty. M21 FMJ TMP Akimbo Scav Pro Stop Pro Ninja Pro Claymore
So I dusted off MW1 (which I played for about 5 hours in multiplayer before MW2 came out), and totally kicked some ass, it was fun. Not knowing the maps was somewhat detrimental, but I prevailed and often took top-spot. They seem to go down much easier in that game. Unfortunately, I'm going to have to miss Sunday's MW2 showdown.
I'm B1sgust1ng on XBL. I haven't been on in a while, since my xbox was red ringed for the last 3 weeks. I got it back yesterday, so I'm going to need a couple games to work back up to snuff, but I should be on pretty regularly now.
All done with invites to be my friend. Christ that sounds gay. Can't they call it something else? Oh, and if anyone bitches loud about 'noobtubes' I'm gonna shove a semtex up your ass. Same goes for the fag in every game that runs around knifing me. As far as it goes, is anyone down for pistols only? Any rules we should have? Anything goes?
I just got Danger Close and I'm going to n00btube, claymore and be a pussy all game. Fuck that, it's in the rules.
I prefer to call it a "pro pipe" also, does Danger Close really work? I have a class with it on with all kinds of explosives and I really haven't noticed much of a difference.
I have a class with the N00b tube, thumper, claymores, and Danger Close Pro with Scavenger Pro. I call it "The Jew"
I have the same class. What should Perk3 be? Oh and yes, Danger Close does really work. Chater what's your PSN?
So I was an idiot and prestiged an hour ago, forgetting that this would lose me all my guns for tomorrow's match. Now for some serious work to get my FAL back in time for tomorrow.
Sit rep is always nice Yes it is. I usually use SitRep Pro. It makes enemy footsteps 4x louder and makes yours and your teams half as loud. I have a pair of Triton AX720 headphones which kick total ass with SitRep. You can track people all over the map with it. Stupid Ninja's alway get me though.