So I just saw the Black Ops multiplayer clip on Youtube and dear GOD that game looks like it will suck. The animations feel totally off, maybe it's because I've played MW2 for too long? Oh, and remote controlled car bomb killstreak rewards? Give me a fucking break. I never played WaW, was that any good?
No and no. Treyarch sucks compared to Infinity Ward, no matter what Activision says, no matter how pretty the trailers are. WaW sucked, people buy it because it has the Call of Duty title and it is new. But the game play and anything else will always suck compared to Infinity Ward's Modern Warfare. WaW sales were no where close to the sales of Modern Warfare 1. It just doesn't happen.
What looked so bad about it? That's an honest question and not at all sarcastic, by the way. MW2 is the first Call of Duty I've ever played so I don't know what the previous ones looked like, but that video pretty much looked a newer MW2. I liked it. Oh, and I thought the remote controlled car bomb looked cool. Ridiculously preposterous, but cool nonetheless.
I'm having some serious trouble getting used to the FAL. I know it's got the best single shot of the ARs, but I just don't like it. I think once I prestige, I'm gonna be working the FAMAS or the M16 real sweetly.
Holographic sight. Pew pew. Thing rips holes in people, but you have to be accurate with your aiming.
The FAL is simply a surgical knife, but the size of a machete. It requires sick mastery. I've fallen in love with the M4. I think I'll try the M16 again since I haven't played with it since adjusting my sensitivity.
Speaking of which, I'm curious as to the sensitivity people use? I switch between 7 and 8 (and it's completely random, some days I am perfect with 8 and other days I wont be able to hit the side of a building). My room mate uses medium (which is a 2 in the custom menu), and I have no idea how he plays with it. When he turns, it's like he's in molasses or something; it's so ridiculously slow. I used to be at high (which is a 4 on the custom menu), and I notice a HUGE difference in knifing ability between then and now. It just seems like my knife comes out faster now.
Learn to quickscope and you'll do wonders with any AR really but especially the FAL. The FAMAS on the other hand is the worst fucking gun in my opinion. Why? I just hate it because I find it to be the most overpowered gun. Yes, I know all the AR's are the exact same in the end but I just want to vent about how much I hate it.
I'm at 4. I always find that when going horizontal, I over do it. I was at 5 for a little, I was doing pretty damn good, but on the PS3 controller I don't see how you could go above that.
I have 3 different sensitivities; 10 for sniper classes, 7 for assault rifle and LMG/SMG classes, 5 for a single class, using only the SPAS-12. I found that a lower sensitivity helps when you fire primarily from the hip. Will be playing a bit later tonight by the way.
Seriously?! How the hell do you guys aim with your sensitivity so high? I used to be on 2 but I've recently started playing again after 2 months or so and I'm now using 1 and wishing it could go lower. I find anything higher than 2 useless to try to get my cross hairs on anybody that is of any substantial distance away. You guys are crazy
Apparantly, but me and the girlfriend both agree (She plays too). She couldn't believe that the sensitivity wouldn't go any lower. Maybe it's because we both haven't played in a long time. Now it would be nice if I could look around faster but if my cross hairs are blowing past the guy on either side without ever actually landing on him than whats the point.
Actually, a few of my buddies' girlfriends hate watching them play because they complain that the quick jerky motion of the screen makes them nauseous... well, one of the reasons why they hate watching them play.
My room mate says he gets nauseous from watching me play when I have it at 8, so apparently he's a female like your buddies' girlfriends. And 1? Seriously? I don't understand how you can blow past people with the cross hairs when it's set above 1. I just tried 1 and it took like three and a half seconds to spin around when I held the right joystick to one side, as opposed to about a second when it's on 8.
Yeah, I hate the fact that it takes forever to turn but it's great for aiming especially now that I'm using the FAL. Maybe I should bump it up and just try going easy on the joysticks... I dunno
That's exactly why I play with a higher sensitivity, so I can take it easy on the joysticks. It's better to play on a wacky high sensitivity and have the quickness to get you out of that tight situation, than get owned and wonder if you'd have made it otherwise.. I want fall camo on the AK and the FAL. Then I think I'll buy BFBC2 or something, who knows. Opinions on BFBC2?
Here's how I went from 4 to 10 in a matter of days. Slowly but surely up your sensitivity one at a time. Only raise it again when you consistently play well... It helps if you set some kind of bar when you're sure you can move on. For me it was getting 3 10K/D games, not necessarily in a row. Remember though that going from 9 to 10 is just a ridiculous change in sensitivity. They should rename it to 11 or 12, at least. It takes a lot of getting used to. By the way, have you tried changing to tactical yet?
Tactical did nothing for me whatsoever. Enjoy crouching when we bump into each other around the corner while I stab you in the face.
No no, I mean, what are the actual mechanics of it? I don't know what I'm on right now, but it's default. I'd like to up it a notch or so...