Try playing on PC. 3 guys with aimbots, wall hacks and RPDs just shooting you through walls. Its so fun!!!
I'm fine with killstreaks, a player should rewarded for playing well. What they definitely need though is a game mode that is explosive free. No nades, no rockets, no claymores, and definitely no fucking noob tubes. Flashbangs and Stuns permitted.
He didn't actually see you with HBS at all. It's a visual glitch associated with the Killcam. Try it out in multiplayer with two controllers.
I was really surprised at how little customization they have for constructing your own game modes in this game.
I'd like to believe that, but the majority of the time when he would kill me, you could tell he was actively searching for the red dot. I'd like to try it out myself, but I am currently sans my extra controller, so I'll have to take your word on it. The only thing I'd really like to customize is the maps to play in. I'd love to be able to remove all the shitty maps from ever seeing the light of day on my TV again. Speaking of maps, is Derail no longer a map that comes up to play? I only play FFA and I would understand if it's not part of the FFA maps because it's so goddamn big, but it's literally the only map I haven't seen in months. I'm not complaining since I hate the map, I'm just curious.
Perhaps on FFA. On TDM, mTDM, GW, Dom. and SnD it still pops up a lot, like 3 times a day or something. I don't particularly dislike the map though. Ever since Resurgence came out, I'm finding I can't compare any of the previous 'crappy' maps to the absolute pit of despair that is Fuel. They STILL have not fixed the rock glitch, which is not hard because you can't climb on top of that rock. So just add INVISIBLE WALLS around it like you did in Karachi, Favela and Derail within 3 weeks, you assholes. /rant 1.55 K/D soon, awesome.
Wow, I've had quite the afternoon. I was lucky enough to be put into a FFA room with four people under level 30, and no one being past one prestige. Fast forward eight games and I won seven of them, coming in second in the last one before I quit. I didn't have more than five deaths in any of the games, and at least two or three of the games, second place had under 500 points. Four games in I put the nuke on and got back-to-back nukes, with the second one ending a perfect game. Nice little Wednesday.
Wow, I totally forgot about this place. And it seems like this is by far the most intelligent discussion I have come across for MW2. Bravo. Considering that MW2 is the first FPS game I've played, I love it. I am still learning a lot of the nuances of the game, but generally do relatively decent (1.08KD) and am starting to get into the actual teamwork aspect thanks to a Turtle Beach headset I picked up recently. Previously I mainly played Mercenary TDM with randoms and the occasional FFA, but lately it's been more TDM with coordinated teams. What a difference. I'm on PS3 as rectum_inspector. Feel free to send me an invite.
Teamwork takes this game to a whole new level. Sure its fun to get the occasional rampage on your own but the shit you can do with at least one other person and some coordination is unreal. Just ask Pato.
Speaking of rampage on your own, I just went 27-4-5 on Storm. I think that was my best game ever, or it was just the funnest in the world. Nothing better than dropping a harrier on an enemy emergency drop and getting the whole fucking team. God bless this game. I wouldn't have died those 5 times if people learned to shoot down UAVs.
Especially when we're doing 80% of the team's work between the two of us. There were like 4 people in the C spawn house on Skidrow, me and Maltob just closed them in and absolutely annihilated that final killcam. Awesome. Let's have another tourney. Also, try switching up with Cold Blooded classes. I did it with the UMP silenced. Put on the 7 - 9 - 11 killstreaks, the payoff is great. The best part is that it forces you to be more precise with your shots. Then when you finally do put SP back on, you'll be dropping people left and right.
I had a CODgasm yesterday. I was keeping up with Maltob. I felt like Ron Artest when Kobe Bryant hugged him and said "good job." I even did good on Scrapyard my worst map in the game period. Pato, you need to up you connection so you can play with anyone around the world, I miss you.
Honestly, I don't even give a shit anymore when I get a 2-3 bar connection. When I play with you guys the latency is worth it. The shit talking, the WTF-moments. (Like the AT-4HS shot today where I got a 4 man hit marker with Danger Close, and Maltob proceeded to mop that shit up like nobody's business. Serves me right to play a noob class. I'm not even going to mention the 5 wallbang hit markers in a single game on Overgrown.) I try to play some good games but the TiB moments are what stand out. You guys are hilarious. Also, if you haven't noticed, I'm drunk. I'll still 1vs1 you, bitch.
Thank god for the nuke killstreak. We were getting spawntrapped like all hell on Strike when I decided to go TAR-21 all over their asses. Got the 25th kill at 104-197. I just dropped my controller and started cheering, all because of a damn video game. Awesome.
I need to take a break from this game for a while. I'm so fucking sick and tired of watching stuff happen in kill cams that didn't actually happen. I had five or six deaths in one game today where I went into a room, looked everywhere, walked back out, and then died after I was about ten steps away. The kill cam in all of them showed that someone was actually in there the whole time, and they shot me before I left the room. One kill cam showed I walked about six or seven steps with a guy directly in front of me, he turned around and knifed me. I don't think I'd miss a guy right in front of me on my screen. I know I should stop watching the kill cams because they're obviously flawed, but I just can't skip them. I don't care about getting killed by someone better, or if I missed shooting them or something... but when I die because of something that didn't actually fucking happen, I get pissed. Maybe a month break will calm me down.
Fuck i hope you guys aren't done playing yet. While I've played here and there with a few of you I have yet to take part in an all out TIB party. Plus I've been able to play more as of late and have definitely stepped my game up.
I have defected from PC to 360. Live tag is Twitch1331. I'm done wasting money on upgrades. I'll miss the Steam sales though, those were a fuckin' steal. Send me a message if you want an add or whatever floats your boat. I do teamwork, parties, donkey's and the occasional corpse.
Had fun playing with Vorhees(sp?) and his crew tonight. Sorry I couldn't help out more, I was in a pretty bad funk most of the evening and it seemed like I was always a 1/2 second too late.
I played MW2 last night? I kid, I did have quite a good buzz on though, probably accounted for my crap games...
Nice. I'll probably be on again tonight around the same time. Hopefully this time around I'll actually hit my kill streaks consistently.