I'm usually on around that time every night, though the amount of real life friends with me varies from night to night. However the sum of alcohol I've consumed usually determines how badly I (we) like to fuck with people over the mics, fair warning.
Kill 20 enemies with cooked grenades. I found the easiest way was to sneak up behind someone camping/sniping, cook it for a few seconds then throw it at them. They'd be pissed off watching the killcams too. Same applies to the sticking Semtex to a victim challenges
It was awesome playing with you guys last night. I went from sober to shitfaced in like 6 games. "AW SHIT, SON! WHAT NOW, SON?!"
No doubt, I had a blast and we played pretty well overall I'd say. That kid cracked me up. I was actually going to shut down for the night until he started talking shit, then I had to stick around just for the shit talking. Apparently Mr. Colt45 didn't like the game-winning predator on Carnival too much and bailed.
I figured I'd give Domination/TDM a shot today before I quit for a while to see if any of the problems I was having during FFA would still persist, and played some Domination. I forgot how enjoyable it was to do something other than just kill people. On the flip side, it is fucking frustrating having to rely on other people to do something like capture the flag, which apparently confuses some people. I played two games that I was the ONLY person that captured a flag on my team. Really? Why not just play TDM?
Have any of you guys ran a sniper class using cold blooded? I just thought about it, but I haven't unlocked it yet. I'm wondering if you put FMJ on as well if you could still 1 shot people.
Yeah I do it constantly. Here's the breakdown: Spoiler First and foremost, FMJ adds no damage whatsoever. It's been tried over and over again and it adds zero damage. Now, on the Barrett and the Intervention cold blooded gives you a one hit kill to the head and neck and chest. Anything else and you need a follow up shot. Don't forget that people are constantly running meaning their arms are moving and therefore this increases the chance of hitting their arms instead of their chest requiring that follow-up shot. This is without a suppressor. Throw on a suppressor and you're looking at a minimum of two shots no matter where you hit them. The M14 is pretty much the same except for the fact that it must be a headshot to 1-hit-kill using CB and an unsuppressed weapon. With the sup. you need a minimum of two headshots. The Walther falls into the same category as the Intervention and the Barrett when unsuppressed and using CB, otherwise you need multiple shots. My CB sniping class is as follows: Intervention - Thermal USP - Suppressor Claymore Stun Sleight of Hand CB Ninja If you practice enough, 75%+ of the time you will get headshots and therefore instant kills. The thermal is a bitch to use though. In short, it's not as effective as a regular sniping class but like everything has its right moments where it shines.
Yes, absolutely. Cold Blooded is a great idea for snipers, especially those favoring the WA2000 due to its damage multipliers. If I recall correctly, stopping power doesn't add that much of a bonus to it for whatever reason. So, the next best choice is to go off the grid. FMJ, however, does NOT add damage. While the stats show otherwise in COD, what it's saying is that it increases the damage done penetrating objects.
I think it's becoming more and more apparent that when a group of us is on that playing our best takes a backseat to finding creative ways to provoke, insult, and piss off the opposing team, often with hilarious results, and I wouldn't change a thing.
Last night was fun as hell until we got into that ground war game and everyone kept throwing around the N word. After that I just had to log off. Best I ever did in a ground war game. So much chaos.
I couldn't do that if I tried. I'd only know how to throw piss filled watermelons at Tila Nguyen. By the way, we sucked ass tonight. I don't know what was up with you guys. I played like normal (good on boards I like, shitty on the others), but we lost way more than usual.
No doubt. I just prestiged again earlier this week and I forgot how much it sucks to start from scratch with no weapons or perks. No steady aim pro/stopping power pro/ninja pro, which apparently I depend on, and no TAR-21 for boards like scrapyard. So yeah, I have definitely been sucking ass this week. I will be probably be off-and-on all weekend trying to rank up a bit and at least get a couple of my guns back. Sorry for the shitty play last night.